高中英语 2 Cultural Corner练习4 外研版必修2

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Cultural Corner姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.句型转换1Due to the bad weather, the flight couldnt take off on time. _ _ _ _ the bad weather, the flight couldnt take off on time. 2. Tourists were banned from traveling to the region because of conflicts and fights there.Tourists were forbidden _ _ _ the region because of conflicts and fights there. 3John had changed very much and I couldnt recognize him at first sight.John had changed _ much _ I could not recognize him at first. John had changed _ much_ _ _ _ him at first. 4She is very crazy about smoking and she cant stop it.She is _ crazy about smoking _ _ it _.5Whatever youll say,I believe that he died because of having eaten poisonous food._ _ _ youll say,I believe that he _ _ poisonous food.6He stayed up late into the night and prepared for an important examination the following day.He stayed up late into the night,_ for an important examination the following day.答案:1. As a result of2. to travel to3. so; that/ so ; for me to recognize 4too;to give;up5No matter what;died of6preparing语篇提能.完形填空“Yes, Ill be ready at nine.Goodbye, dear, and thanks again.”Mrs Robson_1_the receiver and crossed the hall into the_2_.It had not been an easy telephone call for her to make.Her daughter had been very kind.She_3_had immediately agreed to pick her up, but Mrs Robson_4_to admit that she needed help.Since her_5_died ten years ago, she had_6_herself on her independence.She had_7_to live in the house alone and_8_to go and live with her daughter.But this evening, she was_9_at the living room window, staring out at the“SOLD”_10_in the small front garden.Her feelings were_11_.Naturally she was sad at the thought of_12_the house, as it was full of so many_13_.But at the_14_time she was looking forward to_15_her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born.With the money from the sale of the house, she had bought a little_16_there.Her husband had always been very fond of this house.She hadnt been_17_here, but it didnt_18_as much to her as it had to him.Recently_19_of the people who lived in the street had moved away, and it was this that made her decide to sell.The next morning Mrs Robson would_20_the house for the station in her daughters car.1A.repliedBreplacedCrecorded Drepaired2A.dining room BofficeCliving room Dbedroom3A.therefore Bof courseCby the way Dhowever4A.wanted B hatedCpromised Dfailed5A.husband BsonCmother Dfather6A.controlled BhelpedCenjoyed Dprided7A.wished BcontinuedChoped Dagreed8A.thought BmanagedCrefused Dplanned9A.standing BrushingCknocking Dlooking10A.space BcornerCgate Dnotice11A.excited BmixedCpainful Dangry12A.keeping BsellingCleaving Dbuying13A.affairs BmemoriesCchange Dstory14A.same BpresentCright Dimportant15A.spare BspendCspending Dsparing16A.storey BflatCfloor Dpalace17A.dishonest BdisappointedCunfriendly Dunhappy18A.like BthinkCmean Dsee19A.hundred BnumberCrest Dmost20A.leave BexchangeCsell Dbuy答案:本文是记叙文,叙述了Mrs Robson即将离开自己的故土搬迁到海边的那种既向往又伤感的复杂的心理活动。1解析:Mrs Robson放下话筒。replace意为“放回”。答案:B2解析:第二段“But this evening,she was _9_(standing) at the living room,.”可提示此答案。答案:C3解析:“Her daughter had been very kind”与“She _ had immediately agreed to pick her up”为顺接关系,因此用therefore。答案:A4解析:从后文可以得知Mrs Robson自从丈夫死后一直一个人生活,并且以自己完全能够独立而自豪,因此说她不愿意承认她需要帮助。答案:B5解析:从后句her independence可得此答案提示。答案:A6解析:Mrs Robson以自己的独立而自豪。答案:D7解析:她一直一个人独自住在这里。答案:B8解析:and表示顺接。refuse to do sth.“拒绝做某事”。答案:C9解析:从空后的“at the living room window,staring out at the SOLD notice”,可以知道她站在起居室的窗前。答案:A10解析:她站在living room,盯着前面花园的“售出”牌子。答案:D11解析:在此A有较大干扰性,从后文可知,“Mrs Robson was sad at the thought of 12(leaving) the house”,同时“she was looking forward to15(spending) her last years near the sea,”即她既想卖掉现在的房子,利用这笔钱到海边买一幢房子,但同时又一时舍不得,因此她的感情是复杂的(mixed)。答案:B12解析:从前文得知Mrs Robson即将离开这所房子。答案:C13解析:as在此表示sad的原因。这所房子(it)有如此多的回忆(memories)。答案:B14解析:作者在此用but进行叙述上的转折。Mrs Robson卖房子既有伤感的一面又有内心期望的一面。at the same time“同时,然而”。答案:A15解析:她希望在海边度过她的晚年。答案:C16解析:用卖房子的钱,她已经在那里买了一套小公寓(a little flat)。答案:B17解析:她住在这里也不是不幸福。not与unhappy为双重否定。答案:D18解析:整句的意思是“她在这里也不是不幸福,但这所房子对她不像对她丈夫那么重要”。答案:C19解析:近来,大多数住在这条街上的人已搬走了。答案:D20解析:从上下文知道,明天她就坐女儿的车离开。答案:A.语法填空What are the reasons why people still continue to smoke? _1_ number of teenagers smoking today has increased tremendously. Their parents do _2_ best to stop them from starting the habit, however, most of them are _3_(success). Teenagers experience a feeling of isolation. It is the time that they are _4_(confuse) which role to take in society. Most of them usually have identity crisis _5_ this age and smoking makes them feel better.Peer pressure is also a great factor to this. Those who are nonsmokers are often convinced by smokers to engage in this activity. Teenagers feel that if they wont join the group, they would lose their friends and will _6_(leave) alone.There are also some people who smoke because of the nature of their jobs. Call center agents and those who work at night love smoking _7_ waiting for their shift at work. This is to keep them awake and attentive to answering their clients and _8_(finish) their assigned task.Smokers are also those who are experiencing feelings of depression. They feel that _9_ can make them feel better is by smoking and drinking. Yes, it is true that smoking could make them feel better _10_ it is just a temporary feeling of relief.答案:1解析:the number of .“的数量”,是固定短语。答案:The2解析:do ones best是固定短语,ones的指代与their parents一致,故填their。答案:their3解析:根据上文的转折副词however从逻辑关系上可以推知,此处用success的反义形容词形式。答案:unsuccessful4解析:主语they和confuse之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作表语,说明主语的感受。答案:confused5解析:at this age“在这个年纪”,固定搭配。答案:at6解析:根据句意,主语they和谓语leave alone是被动关系,故用被动语态。答案:be left7解析:句意为“客服人员和那些上夜班的人们在等待换班的时候喜欢抽烟”。表示“时候”,故用while或when。答案:while/when8解析:and连接的两个部分在语法形式上是一致的,故此处同上文的answering形式一致,用动名词形式。答案:finishing9解析:所填词引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语,故用what。答案:what10解析:此处表示“吸烟能使他们感觉更好,但这只是暂时的解脱”,故连词用but。答案:but.短文改错My uncle was once a worker in a factory. Though business was bad, the factory was close and he lost his job. For a time he felt sadly and didnt know what do. Luckily, he recovered for his trouble soon. He went to a training class and become a salesman. Now he is having his second career. I met him a few day ago. And I found he was very happy. He told I that the key to solving difficulties is that we must get more knowledge. When we face the trouble,we should believe in ourselves but make every effort to meet the needs of the society. I think what he said it is right. His experience is also a lesson for me. I must study hard and become an able man.答案:My uncle was once a worker in a factory. business was bad, the factory was and he lost his job. For a time he felt and didnt know what do. Luckily, he recovered his trouble soon. He went to a training class and a salesman. Now he is having his second career. I met him a few ago. And I found he was very happy. He told that the key to solving difficulties is that we must get more knowledge. When we face the trouble,we should believe in ourselves make every effort to meet the needs of the society. I think what he said is right. His experience is also a lesson for me. I must study hard and become an able man.书面表达每位同学都希望自己具有良好的人际关系,成为班级中受欢迎的人。请你根据下表所提供的消息,写一篇题为“Being a Popular Student”的英语短文。受人欢迎的个性品质对待班级1.视班级为大家庭2.参与班级活动对待他人1.尊重师长,听从教诲2.关心他人,乐于助人对待自己1. 努力学习,乐观诚信2.3.要求:1.行文应连贯流畅,内容要充实完整,并可适当发挥。2词数:100词左右。开头已经给出,不计入词数。Being a Popular StudentWe all hope to be popular with our classmates and teachers. To enjoy popularity, we _答案:One possible version:Being a Popular StudentWe_all_hope_to_be_popular_with_our_classmates_and_teachers._To_enjoy_popularity,_we are supposed to regard the class as our big family. While taking an active part in all our class activities, we should work responsibly to build up a good reputation as a team.To be students with high popularity, we are to show respect for our parents and teachers and follow their valuable advice. Besides, we should care about others and be ready to lend a hand to those in need.To be a popular student, we ought to be strict with ourselves in everything and make every effort to achieve allround development. Whats more, we should be optimistic, honest and humorous. All in all, popularity among classmates and teachers comes naturally to those who keep improving their personal qualities.


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