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阜阳九中2017届九年级英语第一次月考 (150分)第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分30分)I.关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。( )1. A. page B. paper C pencil( )2. A. clean B. clever C. close( )3. A. raise B. read C. receive( )4. A. gate B. garden C. ground( )5. A. set off B. put off C. cut off.短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( )6. How will the woman get to the museum?A. bus B. car C. bike ( )7. What is the film about? A. tigers B. elephants C. lions( )8. How is the weather today? A. rainy B. sunny C. windy( )9. What time is it? A. 8:45 B: 9:00 C: 9:15( )10. What does Li Ming do? A. A doctor. B. A teacher C. A policeman( )11. What are they doing? A. Theyre watching TV at home. B. Theyre taking photos in the park. C. Theyre making a telephone call.( )12. Where do they decide to have dinner tonight? A. At home. B. At a coffee shop. C. In a restaurant.( )13. How much is the beef? A. $5. B. $10. C. $15.( )14. Why is the woman going out? , A. To go to work. B. To repair her car. C. To see a doctor.( )15. What does the man mean? A. He wants his daughter to stay at home. B. He will offer any help to his daughter. C. He will give the talk instead of his daughter.III. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第16、17两个小题。( )16. What exercise does Mike take? A. Riding a bike. B. Going swimming. C. Playing basketball.( )17. How often does Lucy take exercise? A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20三个小题。( )18. What does Ben want to buy? A. A cotton T-shirt. B. Cotton jeans. C. A silk T-shirt.( )19. What colour does Ben like best? A. Red. B. Blue. C. White.( )20. Who will Ann buy a gift for?A. Herself. B. Her brother. C. Her friend.短文理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。( )21. Where do we usually play after class? A. On the grass. B. In the classroom. C. On the sports field.( )22. What does Mr Green always say to us? A. “Enjoy singing. B. Learn by reading. C. Have fun playing( )23. What does Ms Allen do to help us learn new English words? A. She asks us to watch English films. B. She uses songs and stories in class. C. She tells us to read them many times.( )24. Who is sitting in the tree in the photo? A. Mr Green. B. Mr King. C. Ms Allen.( )25. What in the passage about? A. My school. B. My lessons. C. My family.V.信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,填写下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。 Spring BreakHow longSpring break lasts(持续) one 26._WhatStudents watch TV, do27._ or travel with family.WhomOn the first day, we helped some28._ with their work.WhereOn the second day, we went to a 29._ for old people.WhatI learned how to 30._ and I ve got happiness back. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分)VI. 单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)( )31. He didnt pay attention to_ the news. A. listen to B. listening C. listen D. listening to( )32. You can improve your English_ practicing more.A. by B. with C. of D. in( )33. - Do you know how to pronounce this word? - Yes. I _ in the dictionary yesterday.A. looked it up B. worked it out C. gave it away D. picked it up( )35. It is dangerous for you _ that tall tree. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( )36. - How do you like the program The Voice of China? - _amazing program it is! Many people like to watch it. A. How B. What an C. How a D. What( )37. - Could you tell me _ there is a hospital near here? - Yes, its next to our school.A.that B. what C. if D. how( )38. People often play a trick_ others on April 1st. A. at B. of C. on D. with( )39. You are too thin and you should_ weight. A. put off B. put up C. put away D. put on( )40. If we want to be a _ visitor in foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help_.A. politely; polite B. polite; politely C. politely; politely D. polite; polite( )41. - Could you tell me_ the Space Museum? - Sure, next Monday. A.when we visited B. when did we visit C.when we will visit D. when will we visit( )42. The movie is _wonderful _I want to see it again.A.too; to B. so; that C. as; as D. so; as( )43. Could you please tell me_ the hospital? A. to find B. how can I find C. how to find D. find( )44. This photo reminded the old man _ the days when he was young.A. with B. for C. by D. of( )45. -Iwant to join the school sports meeting next week. -_. A. Have a good time! B. Glad to see you again C. Best wishes! D. Good luck!VII. 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项众选出一个最佳选项。 AThanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher asked 46 students to draw a picture of something that they were thankful for. People celebrated the holiday 47 turkeys and other traditional foods of the season. So most of her students pictures were about them. 48 , Peter drew a different kind of picture. Peter was a different kind of boy. He always looked sad. When asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a 49 Other students were all very interested in the picture.Whose hand could it be?One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers feed 50Another thought it was the hand of a policeman. Because the police 51 and care for people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God. The discussion went on until the teacher almost 52 the young artist.During the break, all children ran out of the classroom except Peter. The teacher came to Peters 53 , bent(俯身) down and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy 54 and said in a low voice, “Its yours, teacher.”She remembered the times she took his hand and walked with him here or there. She 55 said, “Take my hand, Peter. Lets go outside” or “Let me show you how to use your pencil.” Peter was very thankful for his teacher.( )46. A. his B. her C. our D. my( )47. A. at B. in C. for D. with( )48. A. Anyway B. Then C. However D. Instead( )49. A. head B. farmer C. hand D. policeman( )50. A. sheep B. cows C. pigs D. turkeys( )51. A. punish B. protect C. catch D. call( )52. A. admired B . noticed C . forgot D. found( )53. A. desk B. classroom C. house D. school( )54. A. gave up B. dressed up C. looked up D. stayed up( )55. A. still B. even C. often D. never BThere was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day while she was walking in the forest, she found two dying birds. She took them to her home and put them in a small 56 She was happy to have two “friends”. She 57 them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl happened to leave the door of the cage open. The larger and the 58 of the two flew out of the cage. The girl was afraid that it would fly away. She caught it quickly. She felt glad that she caught the bird before it could fly away. Suddenly she couldnt 59 a sound from the bird. When she opened her hand, the bird was already dead. Her 60 killed the bird! Then she noticed 61 bird jumping up and down 62 the cage. She could feel its great need for freedom(自由) . It wanted to fly into the clear, blue 63 .So she lifted it from the cage and let it fly away highly. The bird circled once, twice, and three times. The girl 64 as the bird flew. She didnt care about losing the bird any more. She wanted it to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the 65 song she had ever heard.Thefastestwaytoloseloveistoholdonittootightly( 紧紧地), and the best way to keep love is to give it wings(翅膀).( )56. A.box B.basket C.cage D.bag( )57. A.lookedfor B.lookedat C.lookedafter D.lookedover( )58. A.stronger B.lazier C.weaker D.smaller( )59. A.listen B.make C.describe D.hear( )60. A.love B.joke C.luck D.wish( )61. A.one B.theother C.another D.other( )62. A.outs ide B.inside C.beside D.behind( )63. A.sea B.hill C.forest D.sky( )64. A.watched B.listened C.looked D.heard( )65. A.worst B.oldest C.newest D.sweetest 第三部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)VIII. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A:Excuseme,sir.66B:Certainly.Goalongthisstreet.Turnlefton XingfuStreet andthemuseumisonyourright.A:67B:Itsaboutthirtyminutes.A:Isee.68B:Yes,youcan.ANo.103buswilltakeyouthere.A:69B:Overthere.Look!Thebusiscoming.A:Thankyouverymuch.B:70A.IwillgototheHistoryMuseum.B.Yourewelcome,C.CanItakeabus?D.Howlongwillittakemetowalkthere?E.Thatsapity!F.Whereisthebusstop?G.CouldyoutellmethewaytotheHistoryMuseum?IX. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) ANote-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident(自信的) when you are studying. But unluckily most students dont know how to take notes.Write down key facts. If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, thats great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. Different teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may focus on (关注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may say something important again and again.Ask. Dont be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat(重复) what you miss. If your teacher speaks too fast and you cant follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class.Compare. Comparing your notes with your classmates can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.Organize. Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject(主题) in one notebook so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy(重抄写) your notes every evening, youll surely have less time to watch TV. But youll save time in the coming test.( )71. There are main points about note-taking in this passage. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7( )72. What should you write down in your notebook in class? A. Every word. B. Lots of dates. C. The most important facts. D. Your complaints about the teacher. ( )73. If you cant follow your teachers in class, what should you do? A. Ask them after class. B. Ask them before class. C. Stop listening in class. D. Complain to them about the class.( )74. Which way can help you correct mistakes in your notes? A. Organizing the notes. B. Recopying your notes after class. C. Asking your teachers for help. D. Comparing your notes with others( )75. Which can be the BEST title for this passage? A. How to take notes B. What to do in class C. How to study for a test D. What to do with problems BFathers Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a Mothers Day, and just because some Americans thought that if we had a Mothers Day, we should also have a Fathers Day. Fathers Day has become important in North America. And shopkeepers (店主) found it was a good way to get people to buy presents for their fathers from their shops.By the way, very few countries have a Fathers Day, though some have Childrens Day, or a special day for boys and another for girls. More and more countries are having Mothers Day, so maybe Fathers Day will also become popular before too long. Now what do people in North America do on Fathers Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV tell children what they should do-buy a Fathers Day present for your father. They even tell a wife to buy a Fathers Day present-not for her father but for her husband, even if he is a not yet a father. And they tell grandchildren to buy a Fathers Day present for their grandfathers.The important thing to remember about Fathers Day is that American children can show their love to their fathers in a more open way.( ) 76. Fathers Day was started just because _.A. there was a Mothers DayB. there was a Childrens DayC. people liked their fathers very muchD. shopkeepers found it was a good way to earn money( ) 77. On Fathers Day, businesses always want _. A. people to buy as many as presentsB. children to buy presents only for their fathersC. women to buy presents only for their husbandsD. only the men with children to have presents( ) 78. In America, people have a Fathers Day to _. A. go shopping with their fathersB. help their fathers do somethingC. buy presents for their fathersD. show their love to their fathers( ) 79. It can be learned from the article that _.A. the writer is against Fathers DayB. many countries have a Fathers DayC. shopkeepers can get more money on Fathers Day than usualD. people only buy presents for their father on Fathers Day CMake-A-Wish” is one of the worlds most well-known charities(慈善机构) . It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses. It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun. It all started in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Christopher was a 7-year-old boy who was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a police officer. Tommy Austin and Ron Cox, two police officers, made his wish come true. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机)and made a real police uniform(制服) for him. There are four kinds of wishes children usually have: I wish to go. Children usually want to travel or go to a concert, a game or a park. I wish to meet. Children sometimes want to meet their favourite actors, singers or players. I wish to be. Some children wish to become actors, singers or police officers. I wish to have. They often want to have a computer, a game, a bike or many other things. Lets hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Almost 25 ,000 Volunteers (志愿者) help, work or give money. Will you be one of them?( )80. Make-A-Wish is a charity to help _. A. sick children B. serious officers C. famous actors D. popular singers( )81. What did the two police officers do for Christopher? A. They gave him a computer. B. They gave him a tour of the city. C. They look him to a concert. D. They took him to the hospital.( )82. Which kind of wishes does Christopher have? A. I wish to go. B. I wish to meet. C. I wish to be. D. I wish to have.( )83. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Sick children just wish to get well. B. Christopher and Tommy are two officers. C. A few people are working for Make-A-Wish. D. Make-A-Wish has a history of over 30 years. DLong long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit, but much of it was expensive because they couldnt grow much because there was little water. Finally he saw a big basket of some very red and long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop. So he went up and asked,“How much each kilo?”and the shop keeper said,“Two rupees(卢比).”Two rupees in India was nothing. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it“ oh, my god!” His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burnt, and his face became red. He jumped up and down, saying, “Ah! Ah! Ah!” But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, “Youre crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)!You cant eat so many! People use them as acondiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You cant just eat them like that.”But the silly man said, “No, I cant stop! I paid money for them, and now Ill eat them up. Its my money!” And you think that man was silly, right? We sometimes do a lot of things like that. We spend money, time or effort doing something. And even though its been a long time, hard experience tells us it wont work, and we know theres no more hope, we still continue just because weve put money, time, effort(努力) and love in to it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldnt stop because he didnt want to waste the money hed paid.So even if youve lost something, let it go and move on. Thats better than continuing to lose.( )84. The man chose to buy the red and long fruit only because_. A. He hadnt eaten it before B. He was hungry C. It was cheap D. He hadnt seen it before( )85. The underlinedword “condiment” in Paragraph3 probably means_. A.零食 B.水果 C.调料 D.蔬菜( )86. Which of the following sentence is TRUE?A. The man went toIndiato buy fruit.B. The man didnt want to waste money.C. The man bought the fruit because it was expensive.D. India can grow a lot of fruit.( )87. From the passage, we can learn that_.A.We shouldnt waste money. B.We shouldnt eat chilies.C.We shouldnt buy something cheap. D. Letting something go is better than keeping on losing. E2011 is the Year of the Rabbit in China. It began on February 3. The rabbit is a symbol of kindness anda love of beauty in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are quick-minded(思维敏捷). Although theyare sometimes shy, they have a strong mind and will try their best to make their dreams come true all theirlives. Rabbit people are talented (有才干的) and are interested in artistic activities, such as music and painting. They are so friendly and well organized that they can be great teachers. There are some famous people whowe


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