九年级英语全册 Unit 9 Lesson 53 Working in Groups学案(新版)冀教版 (2)

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九年级英语全册 Unit 9 Lesson 53 Working in Groups学案(新版)冀教版 (2)_第1页
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Lesson 53 Working in GroupsNew words:1.absent (1) adj. 缺席的,不在的-(反)_n. absence 缺席,不在 缺勤者,缺席者 absentee Eg. -Morning,class. Is everything here today? -No, sir. Tom is absent .He is at home. (2)be absent from缺席,不参加 He was absent from the meeting. (2)v. 缺席,不参加 常与介词from 连用 Eg. He absented himself from the meeting .2.trouble n. 麻烦,困难-(近义词)_.v._ Eg. Whenever I am in trouble ,my classmates will help me out. 制造麻烦,捣乱_ 自找麻烦_处于困境中_ 做某事有麻烦_遇到麻烦,陷入困境 get into trouble in need 急需,需求 in fact 事实上 in surprise 惊讶地 in silence 沉默地 有的疾病,有.苦恼 have trouble with Eg. I often have trouble with my teeth . 我常常牙疼。3.secret n. /adj. 秘密(的) 保守秘密 _秘密地,暗中地_ =secretly keep sth. a secret 将某事保密 make a secret of 隐瞒 Eg.I will keep the secret between you and me.You cant fool me . I know about your secret plan.They made a secret of going to the island. 他们隐瞒了去哪个岛那件事。They walked into the factory _ _.(秘密地)Language points:1. look forward to 期盼,期待=_ Eg.They are looking forward to your visit. I am looking forward to working with you again.2 .拒绝做某事_ 拒绝某事_3.小组合作学习_开始工作_遵守规则_ 减慢整个小组的工作进度_加速_ Slow down 使慢下来,使减速, 使放松,延误 Eg. The growth of population has slowed down. Slow your car down as you approach the school gate. 4. so far = up to now, /until now目前为止, 迄今 常与_时态连用。 Eg. So far about 40 people _(die) in the earthquake. How many songs _ you _(learn) so far?5.from now on 从现在开始 常用于一般将来时 Eg. From now on, Ill be more careful.Excercises 按要求完成下列各题。1. She is _(缺席的) from work.2.Im sorry to _(麻烦) you, but could you tell me where the city hall is ?3.The _(秘诀) of happiness lies in contentment.4. We cant make everything _.(公平的)5. He didnt _(意识到) his mistakes until his mother told him.6.I dont think you are right. You shouldnt refuse _(help) the people in trouble. 7. Im looking forward to _(hear) from you.8. The police were delayed by the _(absent) of information about the crime.9. The girl has trouble in _(learn) English.10. You must be more confident . Everything _(go) well from now on.11. Tommy , you can never let other know what I have told you today. -Dont worry. I will keep the _ A. secret B. money C.address D. grade12. Girl: Im _the trip to the mountains next weekend. Boy: Me too. A. taking pride in B. taking care of C. looking back at D. looking forward to13. The man often has trouble _ his wife. A. with B. in C. for D. on14. Before turning , you should _ your car. A. pull over B. slow down C. knock down D. think over15. Mary has _ trouble _ math , so she often asks me for help. A. much ; understanding B. no ; with C. many ; in understanding D. not ; to understand 16. My grandfather likes the small village very much . So far he _ there for 50 year. A. had lived B. lived C. lives D. has lived17. My brother _ to move the heavy box, but I didnt give up. A. reminded B. refused C. agreed D. considered 3

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