九年级英语全册 Unit 5 Look into Science Lesson 25 Let's Do an Experiment教案 (新版)冀教版

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Lesson 25: Lets Do an Experiment!课题Lesson 25 Lets Do an Experiment!课型New课时One教学目标知识目标:Words and expressions能力目标:Do and express the experiment德育目标:Love science教学重点一、重点词汇Science, experiment, theory, fill, jar, upside, probe, observe二、重点句型1)A theory predicts what will happen.2)Im not sure.3)Maybe you should do this experiment outside, Brian!教学难点Write a composition to describe an interesting experiment.教法Talk ,listen , read, practice学法Talk ,listen , read, practice教具tape slides板书设计Lesson 251. fillwithbe filled with/be full of2. turnupside down/turnover3. be sure of sth./doing sth. be sure to do sth.be sure that教 学 教 程教 师 活 动学生活动Step 1.Greetings.设计意图:让学生做好上课的准备。Step 2. Think about it.Do you like doing experiments in science class? 设计意图:与学生进行一个简短的对话,进入本课主题。Step 3. Read and recite the new words.Read the new words for several times and learn by heart.设计意图:牢记新单词,为课文学习扫清障碍。Step4. Listen and answer.Listen to the lesson and answer the questions.设计意图:听课文,了解实验内容及步骤,便于下个实验环节。Step5 Lets Do ItDo this experiment and observe.Step 6. Read and answerRead the text and answer the following questions:设计意图:让学生带着任务读课文。Step 7.Group work1) fill.with2) turnupside down3) be sure of sth/doing sthbe sure to do sth be sure that4) Write down the steps of doing the experiment and report in class.设计意图:让学生通过小组合作对本节课语言点、实验的步骤及结果更加明确。Step 8. ExercisesLet the students do some exercises about the key points.设计意图:通过练习让学生巩固本课的重点知识。Step9. SummarySum up the key points of this class and train the students love towards science.Step 10. Homework请根据课文内容, 以 “An Interesting Experiment”为题写一篇小作文。Try to answer the two questions.Read and recite the new words.Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Do the experiments and get conclusions.Read the text in groups.Have a discussion with your group mates.Students do some exercises.Let the students write the important language down.教 学 教 程课堂测试题一、英汉互译及词形转变1.用把装满 _ 2.用把盖住 _3.我(不)确信 _4.正面朝上 _5.把翻转_6. get wet _ 7. do an experiment _8. a piece of cardboard _9. inside(反义词) _ 10. theory(复数) _11. careful (副词)_ 11. science(形容词)_二、词语运用。Many people do 1. (实验) to check their ideas. Its a good 2.m and its very 3. (科学的). After doing that, we can 4. (断定) which theory is 5. c .三、选择。1. The mountain with snow all year round, so its hard to climb it.A. covered B. was covered C. is covered D. covers2. Please the bottle milk. A. fill; of B. filled; with C. fill; with D. full; of3. I am the weather will be fine tomorrow.A. think B. sure C. hope D. see4. Lets an experiment.A. do B. does C. did D. doing5.-Its so hot today. -Why dont you your jacket?A. take away B. take off 教学反思本课内容为一节物理实验,旨在让学生通过学习实验,亲自动手实验培养学生对科学的兴趣和热爱。设计的实验环节充分调动了学生的积极性,在“玩”中学,达到了预期的目标。语言点的设计教简单,使学生能够通过小组合作轻松掌握,不会对学习产生抵触情绪。整堂课的气氛轻松活跃又不失认真,以后的教学中可以多多借鉴。


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