九年级英语全册 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life学案(新版)冀教版

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Lesson Five Janes Lucky LifeNew words:1.damage v. 损害,损坏 e.g. The fire has badly damaged the house.2. unable adj. 不能的-反义词_(1)be unable to do sth. 不能做某事=_/_ e.g. Tom is unable to do such a difficult job now. =_. (2)能做某事 _/_ e.g.我会说日语 I _/_ speak English. (3)be able to 与can 的区别 e.g. He _drive his plane to travel someday. She _speak French when she was at age five.3.dare v. 敢,敢于,挑战, 激某人做某事 (1)dare to do sth 敢于做某事 e.g He didnt dare to say what he thought. How did you dare _(tell) her? (2) dare sb. to do sth 激某人做某事 e.g. Some children dared him to jump into the swimming pool. (3)dare可作情态动词,主要用于否定句和一般疑问句中 e.g. Dare you tell her the truth ? I darent go out at night alone.4.control v -P._ PP._V-ing _ n. _ (1)管理,控制,支配 e.g.The policeman is controlling the traffic. (2) n. in control 控制,管理./ out of control 失去控制 e.g.Dont worry, everything is in control. The car has been out of control. (3) under control 被控制住5.telephone . (1) Phone _ _ _ telephone. (是的简称) e.g. You are wanted on the phone. 有你的电话。 a mobile phone 移动电话 (2)telephone sb. =_/_/_/_6. hers 形容词性物主代词_/人称代词主格_/宾格_ The book on the desk is _.=_ book is on the desk.7.cheer. v.欢呼,喝彩,加油 n. 欢呼声,喝彩声 (!)cheer up sb.使变得更高兴,振奋起来 e.g. You should _ _ _.(使自己振奋起来) (2)cheer for 为喝彩叫好;为鼓励加油 e.g. I also cheer for myself sonetimes. (3) cheer on 类似于cheer for ,但on是副词,for是介词 eg. We all _ _ _/_ _ _ (为他加油) (4)n. 作名词时,是可数名词,cheers 干杯 adj. _高兴的,愉快的8.kick the ball away / 踢足球_9.disabled adj. 肢体有残疾的-肢体健全的_ eg. honest - (反)_ appear-_ eg. The disabled _(be) always helping others.They are happy.10.focus (1) focus .on 聚焦于致力于. eg. The boy focused his mind on his lessons. (2)n. 焦点 He was the focus of everyones attention. 11.pity (1)It is /was a pity (for sb.) to do / not to do sth. 很遗憾(某人)做/不做某事 eg. Its a pity for you not to go to Pair with us. (2) It is /was a pity that从句 很遗憾 eg. Its a pity that he cant come. (3)Its /Thats a pity. Whats a pity! 多遗憾呀!Language points:1. She has a special telephone that is hers alone.=_/_Ex. Mr. Brown lives _ but he doesnt feel _.2 People who doesnt know how lucky they are._3.Jane is married and has two children. marry v. -adj. _ (!) 与某人结婚 marry sb. =_ Ex. She _ a doctor ten years ago.=She _a doctor for ten years. (2) be married =get married Jack and Jill _ last week.4.If you only focus on your problems ,youll have a life full of them. 含有条件状语从句的复合句,当主句是_/_/_时,从句要用_来代替一般将来时。 Ex. I dont know if Mike _back tomorrow,if he _ back, please tell me. (come) 引导条件状语从句的连词:除非,如果不_/ 只要_.3

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