九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry综合水平测试 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 11综合水平测试听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1.The movie makes us cry.2Tom failed the math test.He is very sad.3Eat an icecream,and it will make you cool.4Rainy days make me stay at home and watch TV.5Peter felt lucky to know that he was on the basketball team.( C )1.A.B.C.( B )2.A. B. C.( B )3.A. B. C.( C )4.A. B. C.( A )5.A. B. C.二、听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:W:My favorite color is white.It makes me feel comfortable.What about you,Bill?M:Only the green color makes me happy.( B )6.What color does Bill like?AWhite. BGreen. CBlue.听力材料:M:Id rather to Blue Sky because I like listening to soft music while eating.W:But I like loud music.( A )7.Where are they going?ATo a restaurant. BTo a library. CTo a cinema.听力材料:M:What do you think of the movie you saw last night?W:Its very sad.It made me cry.( B )8.What did the woman do last night?AShe watched a match. BShe saw a movie.CShe took part in a party.听力材料:M:Neither rock music nor country music is my favorite.I like pop music.W:So do I.( C )9.What kind of music does the man like?ARock music. BCountry music. CPop music.听力材料:M:We plan to have a picnic this weekend,but I dont want to invite Julie.W:I dont think its a good idea.If so,Julie will feel left out.( A )10.What will Julie feel if she isnt invited to have the picnic?AShe will feel left out. BShe will feel amazed.CShe will feel lonely.三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听第一段较长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:M:You look unhappy.What makes you so sad?W:My mother promised to buy me a mountain bike,but she took back what she said yesterday.M:Why?W:She said it was dangerous for me to ride a bike to school.M:Sixteenyearolds are allowed to ride bikes,and you can ride a bike well.W:She also said the mountain bike was easy to lose.M:Dont worry.You can talk with her about it again.Maybe she will agree later.( A )11.How is the girl?AShe is sad. BShe is excited. CShe is nervous.( B )12.What does the girls mother think of riding a mountain bike?AIt is safe,but the bike is easy to lose.BIt is dangerous,and the bike is easy to lose.CIt is dangerous,and the bike is too expensive.听第二段较长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:M:It is really a bad day today.W:Why do you say so?M:First,it is raining the whole day.W:Dont you like rainy day?M:No,I dont.They make me feel sad.W:What else?M:I broke the glass of the window in our classroom.W:Sounds bad.How did it happen?M:Because of the rain,I played basketball in the classroom.W:So the ball hit the window,didnt it?M:Youre right.I think I have to pay for it.( C )13.How is the weather today?AIts sunny. BIts wind. CIts rainy.( C )14.How does the boy feel about this kind of weather?AHe feels happy. BHe feels relaxed. CHe feels unhappy.( A )15.What happened to the boy today?AHe broke the glass of the window.BHe broke the teachers glasses.CHe broke his bowl while eating.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)(2016,陕西)听力材料:Hello,my dear friends.Im Lin Hui.Today,Im here to share my studying experience with you.When I was in Grade 8,I worked hard but made very little progress.That made me worried.I almost gave up studying.Later,my teacher talked with me about my problem and gave me some advice.I followed it.Oh,amazing!It worked.Now,let me tell you about it.First,we should have enough sleep at night.It makes a fresh brain.We can remember things clearly and quickly.Good sleep also makes good health.And good health helps us study better.Then,we must find out our best time to study.For me,it is in the morning.But my classmate,Zhao Qiang,studies best at night.He thinks he can have a good review with longer hours at night.Finally,we should communicate with others.It makes us feel relaxed.( B )16.What was Lin Huis problem?AHe didnt sleep well. BHe made very little progress.CHe was in poor health.( A )17.Lin Hui solved his problem with his _ help.Ateachers Bclassmates Cparents( C )18.What is the first piece of advice you hear?ATo communicate with others.BTo find out the best time to study.CTo have enough sleep at night.( B )19.Zhao Qiangs best study time is _.Ain the morning Bat night Cin the day( C )20.We should communicate with others because it makes us _.Aexcited Bpatient Crelaxed笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)( B )21.My uncle is _ banker.His bank is the most popular in our city.AtheBaC/Dan( A )22.Dont be too hard _ him.He is only a 5yearold boy.Aon Bin Cat Dto( A )23.She has lost a lot of _ recently,so she looks much thinner now.Aweight Bfame Cheight Dmoney( C )24.You look _.Whats wrong?I didnt sleep well last night.Abusy Bstrong Cpale Dstrict( D )25.Mom didnt feel well.The doctor _ her but failed to find anything wrong.Asuggested Brequired Cpraised Dexamined( C )26.The challenge is so difficult that I dont even have the _ to solve it.Atime Bchance Ccourage Dreason( C )27.Ive got two tickets for tomorrows film.Do you feel like _ to the cinema with me?Sorry,Im busy.Ago Bto go Cgoing Dgone( A )28.Dad is Back is such an interesting show that it can make people _ fun.Ahave Bto have Chaving Dhad( D )29.The boy doesnt want to _ his parents _,so he studies harder than before.Aturn;down Btake;down Ccut;down Dlet;down( B )30.What do you think of the movie,Jack?I dont like it at all.Its _ interesting _ educational.Aeither;or Bneither;norCboth;and Dnot only;but also( D )31.Why does Mr. Black look so upset?Because his boss _ yesterday.He has to find a new job.Atook up him Btook him upCkicked off him Dkicked him off( A )32.She would rather _ at home than _ shopping with her friends.Astay;go Bstay;goingCstaying;go Dstaying;going( A )33. exercise you do, successful you will be in the exam.AThe more;the more BThe better;the betterCMost;most DThe most;the most( C )34.Bert will spend his holiday in London _ in New York,because he just returned from New York last month.Asuch as Bbecause of Crather than Dmore than( D )35.I heard that you went to Chongqing for a holiday.Did you enjoy yourself?Well,_.The food was delicious but the weather was awful.Aa piece of cake Bno problemCof course Dyes and no六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计15分)Brittany is not only my sister but my best friend.She is _36_ thirteen months younger than I am,but she is the person who _37_ me most.Having Brittany as my best friend has made me into the person I am today.She has _38_ me how to trust people,how to solve my _39_,and how to let out and express my feelings.I have _40_ had a hard time learning how to trust people.The only person that I could trust with everything was my sister Brittany.I could always go to her and let her know _41_ I had done something wrong.She would _42_ that she would not tell anyone if I didnt want her to.I knew all my _43_ would be safe with her and that nobody would _44_ unless I told them.This was very important to me because I havent been _45_ in finding people whom I can trust.Brittany has never told _46_ a secret that I told her,so I could trust her with anything.That helped make our relationship _47_Problem solving was another thing that Brittany could help me _48_Whenever I had a problem that I couldnt work out myself,I went to _49_Whether it had to do with my classmates,school work or sports,Brittany could give me some _50_ advice.I feel lucky to have such a sister.( D )36.A.hardly Bever Cstill Donly( C )37.A.refuses Bavoids Cinfluences Dpunishes( A )38.A.taught Bgiven Cbought Dbelieved( C )39.A.accidents Bhobbies Cproblems Ddifferences( B )40.A.never Balways Cseldom Calmost( C )41.A.although Bbecause Cif Duntil( B )42.A.understand Bpromise Cwonder Dadvise( A )43.A.secrets Bplans Chobbies Ddreams( D )44.A.look out Bspeak out Cwork out Dfind out( B )45.A.sad Blucky Cshy Ddifficult( D )46.A.someone Bno one Ceveryone Danyone( A )47.A.stronger Bweaker Cbigger Dfatter( C )48.A.of Bat Cwith Dto( B )49.A.him Bher Cit Dthem( C )50.A.difficult Bstrange Cuseful Dterrible七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计30分)AWhat will you do to make yourself feel better when you feel bad?Caroline,28I look after the patients in hospital.Im sure you can guess what I am.I usually write a blog when I meet something that makes me feel bad.Its like keeping a diary,giving me a way to express my feelings.Besides that,many people often write some positive words to me,which make me feel even better.John,40Im the father of a beautiful girl Lily.Im a program manager and Im very busy at work.Sometimes if I feel upset,Ill put myself into movies.Ill imagine myself as the main character.It always gives me positive energy.Susan,21Im a college student.I have a special way to cheer myself up when I feel badhelping other people.I often call a local nursing home or church and ask how I can help.Those few minutes on the phone can cheer me up.Knowing that Ill soon help other people makes me feel good about myself.( C )51.Caroline is most probably a _ according to the material.Ateacher Bmanager Cnurse Dstudent( D )52.Why does John imagine himself as the main character of a film?ABecause he wants to be an actor.BBecause he likes watching films.CBecause its good for his work.DBecause it can cheer him up.( C )53.If Susan feels upset,she will probably _.Akeep a diary Bsee a movieCgo to help someone Dvisit her friends( B )54.Which person is the oldest according to the material?ACaroline. BJohn. CLily. DSusan.( A )55.What does the above material mainly talk about?AWays to cheer up. BWays to be healthy.CHow to help others. DHow to find a job.BThere are many kinds of colors.They make the world colorful.Different people like different colors.What is your favorite color?Do you like yellow,orange or red?If you do,you must be an active person who enjoys life.Do you like blue?Then you are probably quiet,shy,and would rather follow than lead.Colors do influence our moods.A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one;and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand,black is depressing.There was a black bridge over the Thames River near London.The number of people who killed themselves on that bridge used to be larger than on any other bridge in the areauntil it was repainted green.Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active.In the factory,the workers will work better,harder,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black.( A )56.What colors may an active person like?AYellow,orange or red. BYellow,black or red.COrange,blue or black. DWhite,green or purple.( D )57.Most people feel more _ in a yellow room than in a dark green one.Atired Bbored Cscared Drelaxed( C )58.Why did many people kill themselves on the black bridge?ABecause the bridge was too crowded.BBecause they didnt like the bridge.CBecause its color was depressing.DBecause the bridge was too high.( B )59.In the factory,when the machines are painted orange,the workers will work _.Aworse BharderCmore slowly Dmore carelessly( B )60.Whats the best title for this passage?AYour Favorite Color BThe Secret of ColorsCThe Color of a Bridge DAll Kinds of ColorsCEveryone feels lonely sometimes.Maybe we have to go somewhere different or come home to an empty house.Maybe your best friend is sick or on holiday,or you find yourself in a group who all know each other well and they leave you out.Feeling lonely for a long time can make you feel very sad.Here is some advice from kids on how to deal with lonelinessTake something to school and if someone asks to play with you,say yes.He might ask you to play with him next time.CalebStart a collection or a hobby where you are making something.You will not feel so lonely and you will be able to talk about it with other people who do the same things.If you get a magazine about collections,you can find other people who want to swap (交换) and you could be friends or pen friends.IvyGo on the Internet and look for chat rooms on kids sites,but remember not to give any personal details,like your name and where you live,because some people who are not safe may pretend (假装) to be kids on the Internet.Ask mom or dad first.SeanHelp mom or dad to do jobs.Youll have someone to talk to and youll learn how to do things when you grow up.Natalia( A )61.What does the underlined word “loneliness” mean in Chinese?A孤独 B失眠 C焦虑 D难过( C )62.Who thinks a hobby can avoid loneliness?ACaleb. BNatalia. CIvy. DSean.( B )63.From the passage we can learn that _.Aits easy for lonely people to keep healthyBgoing somewhere different can make us feel lonelyCto chat online is not a good way to keep away from lonelinessDwe should visit our friends when they are ill( D )64.To keep away from loneliness,Natalia advises us to _.Atake something to school Bstart a hobbyCchat on the Internet Dhelp parents do jobs( A )65.The writer mainly wants to tell us _.Ahow to avoid loneliness Bhow to be a healthy kidChow to go online safely Dhow to deal with our feelings八、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共计5分)66Lang Ping is a famous coach of China national volleyball team.67We are good friends.Our friendship started ten years ago.68Nodding ones head means agreement in China.69There is no doubt that health is more important than wealth70Look at the grey sky.I think its going to rain.九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(每小题2分,共计10分)71起初我很紧张,过了一会儿就不紧张了。To_start_with,I was pretty nervous,but after a while I was fine.72汤姆没有被邀请参加尼克的聚会,他感到被冷落了。Tom wasnt asked to Nicks party and felt left_out73昨晚维克托最喜欢的足球队输了决赛。这个消息让他发疯。Victors favorite soccer team lost the final last night.The news drove_him_mad/crazy74当他看见那起事故时,他立即叫来了警察。When he saw the accident,he called_in the police at once.75如果我们能齐心协力,我们就一定能成功。If all of us can pull_together,we can be successful.十、根据短文内容,在空缺处填入一个适当的单词,使短文完整、通顺。(每小题1分,共计10分)Peter was the best table tennis player in his school and hardly ever lost a match.He hated losing anything.When he 76.won,he would feel really good.If he lost,he would feel terrible.It seemed to Peter that losing was the 77.worst thing in the world.A new kid,Albert,came to Peters school.He was good at table tennis,too.Soon there would be a match 78.between Peter and Albert.Peter worked hard to get ready for the match,but Albert didnt seem to think 79.much of it.When the match began,Albert was a real player.There was always a 80.smile on his face,while Peter looked serious all the time.Peter thought it was so important to win the match 81.that he even wanted to cheat (舞弊),but he lost in the end.“You played very well,Peter.I think we can play again sometime,”said Albert.But Peter didnt 82.feel happy and couldnt fall asleep that night.One day,Peter saw Albert playing basketball.83.Though he lost again and again,the happy smile never left his face.Peter found Albert was great at table tennis,but bad at basketball.However,he enjoyed 84.both of them.Whether he won or lost the game,Albert enjoyed it.Peter came to realize that enjoying a game was much more important than 85.winning or losing it.He felt happier than ever before.十一、书面表达。(共计15分)假如你叫王若琪,今天上午你带着宠物狗Coco散步时遇到一位外国人,他看上去很着急,你上前询问后,得知他找不到去火车站的路,于是你帮助了他请你根据以上内容用英语写一篇日记,记叙所发生的事情并描述你的心理感受。词数90左右,日记和格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。One possible version:Thursday,October 1stToday was the first day of the National Day holiday.In the morning when I was taking a walk with my pet dog Coco along the street,I met a foreigner.He was looking around and looed worried.I went over to him and asked him what I could do for him.He told me he couldnt find the way to the train station.I showed him the right way.He thanked me and went away happily.I was very proud of myself because I could speak English and I could help a foreigner in trouble.This made me feel very happy.

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