九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Role Models同步练习 (新版)北师大版

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Unit6 Role Models一、单项选择 1.Goldilocks decided for a walk in the forest.A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes 2.- Who is your favorite teacher?- My English teacher, of course. She often encourages me and helps me a lot with my English.A. to study hardB. studying hardC. studies hardD. study hard 3.Paul made a nice cage the little sick bird till it could fly.A. keepB. keptC. keepingD. to keep 4.I have good friends here and they often help me when I am in trouble.A. the number ofB. the numberC. a number ofD. a number 5.The little boys family couldnt afford a computer for him at that time.A. workB. get no moneyC. wantD. get enough money 6.- Whats the news about?- entertainment stars gathered to attract donations for Yushu.A. A member ofB. A kind ofC. A packet ofD. A number of 7.He decides to New York City next summer vacation.A. to goB. goingC. goD. to going 8.Teenagers shouldnt be allowed late at night.A. to stay upB. stayed upC. staying upD. stay up 9.- Do you climb mountains every day?- Yes, a little exercise. Im so out of shape.A. gettingB. getC. gotD. to get10.It is important these words.A. rememberB. to rememberC. rememberingD. remembers11.I from Beijing University in 2010 and now I am working in Mianyang.A. graduateB. graduatedC. was graduatingD. has graduated12.A lot of trees around here every year and we can enjoy fresher hair now.A. plantB. is plantedC. were plantedD. are planted13.I expected your friend, but my car broke down on the way.A. meetB. meetingC. to meetingD. to meet14.Girl students in some schools are not allowed long hair.A. havingB. haveC. hadD. to have15.We go to the old peoples home their rooms once a month.A. to cleanB. cleanC. cleanedD. cleans二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 16. The camera costs too much. I cant a it.17. Many children are under too much p .They are busy all day.18. Some advertising can tell you the q of the product.19. The dictionary that my father bought for me many years ago is still of great v .20. He gets angry easily. We often tell him not to be so i .21. This gold ring is too expensive. I cant a it at all.22. Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldnt stand the p .23. If they dont improve the q of TV sets, nobody will buy them.24. They all v the meeting, because they will choose their leader at the meeting.25. Ken doesnt like Victor. Every time Victor speaks, Ken listens to him i .三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 26. Jack is so (急躁的) that he is always angry with others easily.27. How did you go to Tsim Sha Tsui, the (文化的) center of Hong Kong?28. Thanks for offering me some suggestions. They will be of great (价值) to me.29. Her mother couldnt (负担得起) to pay for her childs education.30. Yuan Longping is called Father of Hybrid rice, and his achievements go (超过) China.31. Too much (压力) makes most students tired.32. The beautiful lady is a (女警官).33. The fire victims received food and clothes from several (慈善机构).34. The nurse was told not to be (急躁) with the sick child.35. There is a large (文化) centre in our century.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 36. 他经常给我们讲笑话,逗得我们哈哈大笑。He often and .37. 这位老人喜欢看猴子到处爬。The old man loves to watch the monkeys .38. 我们需要马上完成这个工作。We the work at once.39. 我想去埃及骑骆驼。(词数不限)I want Egypt .40. 我们希望你不要轻视这种工作。We hope you wont this kind of work.41. 老师经常告诉我们不要在河里游泳。Our teacher often us in the river.42. I often watch him (游泳) in the river.43. 他迫不及待地要看他最喜欢的电影。He his favourite film.44. 为了做好研究,你需要提出好的问题。(仅限2词) good research, you need to ask good questions.45. 我认为他们瞧不起穷人是不对的。I its right for them to the poor.五、完形填空 Shirley Temple was born in 1928 in California. She was a very lovely little girl 46 blonds curly hair (金色卷发). She was also a good actress. At the age of three, Shirley was 47 films and soon became a famous film star. When she was six years old, she made some successful films. 48 the time she was eight years old, she was making $500,000 a year. The people who made the films 49 her “Little Miss Miracle”. In the 1930s, life was 50 in the USA. Many people didnt have jobs, but 51 of poor people paid money to go to the cinemas to 52 Shirley Temple. People felt happy 53 she sang and danced. Mothers wanted their daughters to have curly hair like Shirley Temple. Little girls played with Shirley Temple dolls. 54 loved little Shirley. People sent her presents. On her eighth birthday, she got 1,000 cakes. Her fans sent her 5,000 55 a week. But her mother didnt spoil(溺爱) her. Little Shirley only got $4.25 a week and had to eat the spinach(菠菜).46.A. likeB. withC. ofD. about47.A. teachingB. studyingC. makingD. watching48.A. ByB. WithC. BeforeD. Since49.A. saidB. calledC. toldD. spoke50.A. difficultB. happyC. easyD. popular51.A. millionB. hundredC. billionD. thousands52.A. visitB. learnC. watchD. call53.A. whenB. thoughC. becauseD. so that54.A. AnybodyB. SomebodyC. EverybodyD. Nobody55.A. lettersB. e-mailsC. messagesD. phones六、阅读理解A Tomorrow is Garfields birthday. He first appeared in a comic strip on June 19, 1978. Garfield is well known all over the world. Lots of Garfield books have been turned into 26 languages. Garfield products are sold in 69 countries. Jim Davis is Garfields creator. Jim was born on July 28, 1945 in Indiana. He grew up on a farm where his dad raised cows. Jim and his brother Dave helped with the farm work. They had 25 cats. Their room always made sure there was plenty of food for the cats. As a boy, Jim was in poor health. When he had to spend time resting, he drew pictures. He added words to his pictures to make them funny. After college Jim worked a few years at an advertising company. In 1969, he got a job to help a cartoonist. Jim noticed that there were many comic strips about dogs but few about cats. He thought that was strange since the world is full of cat lovers. He remembered the 25 farm cats he grew up with. They gave him ideas for a cat comic strip. In the comic strip, Garfield became the central character in daily difficult experiences with Jon, his owner, and other characters. He is lazy, funny and hungry. Jim Davis has received many awards for his work. Twice he was given the Best Humor Strip Cartoonist of the Year Award. He has won four Emmys(艾美奖) and other honors.56. How old was Jim when Garfield first appeared in a comic strip?A. 33.B. 26.C. 25.D. 24.57. Who does the underlined word He refer to in the fifth paragraph?A. Jim.B. Jon.C. Dave.D. Garfield.58. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. Jim Davis created Garfield with the help of his brother.B. Garfield products are available in all countries of the world.C. The cats his family raised made no contributions to his creation.D. There were few comic strips about cats until Jim crated Garfield.59. The writers main purpose of writing the passage is .A. to tell us to watch more comic stripsB. to show us how to become a cartoonistC. to introduce some information about Jim DavisD. to prove Garfield the most popular cartoon characterB Three apples have changed the world. One is for Eve, one is for Newton. The third is in the hands of Steve Jobs. said someone. Steve Jobs was the former CEO of the Apple computer company in his parents garage(车库) on April Fools Day, 1976. Through many years hard work, Jobs and his Apple products were a great success. People believe he has made the world a better place. Many young people also think of Apple products as a fashion icon. Because of his great achievements in this area, he was honoured with a number of awards, including the National Medal of Technology in 1985, the Times cover character (封面人物) and the Most Successful Manager in 1997. Jobs road to success wasnt an easy one. He experienced several ups and downs, but he was still standing. Just as Hemingway in The Old Man and the Sea said, A man can be destroyed, but not be defeated(打败). So he was considered as an American hero. What did Jobs workers and family members think of him? On one hand, some workers described him as a strange, bad-tempered(坏脾气的) boss. They said he was impatient with those who disagreed with him or didnt understand his ideas. On the other hand, his family members thought of him as a home-loving dad with each of his four children. He worried about all the things of them, such as their boyfriends, travel, safety and even skirt length. Though he was quite busy, he still attended his daughters graduation party.60. Where did Steve Jobs set up the Apple computer company?A. In his own house.B. In his friends house.C. In his friends garage.D. In his parents garage.61. What do you think of Steve Jobs according to (根据) the passage?A. Home-loving.B. Honest.C. Jealous.D. Humorous.62. What award did Steve Jobs achieve in 1985?A. The Most Successful Manager.B. The Top Richest Man.C. The National Medal of Technology.D. The Times cover character.63. Why was he considered as an American hero according to the passage?A. Because he developed lots of Apple products.B. Because he set up the Apple computer company.C. Because he devoted himself to the area of computer.D. Because he wasnt defeated after several ups and downs.64. From the passage, we know that .A. Steve Jobs was very famous only in the USAB. Steve Jobs was too busy to care about his childrenC. Steve Jobs changed the world a lot with his Apple productsD. Steve Jobs never got into any trouble on his way to successC For the first time, Zhang Shengyu, a student from Laiyang Middle School in Shandong, didnt ask her mother to buy her a new schoolbag or any new pens for the beginning of the school term. My old schoolbag can still be used, so there is no need to buy a new one, Zhang said, Ive decided to be thrifty from now on. As the center of the familys attention, many of the one-child generation (一代人) do not know about the hardships of life. They sometimes have no idea of the value of things. Many students would throw away pens and erasers that havent been used up and buy new ones. Some like to compete with each other to see whose clothes and school things are more expensive. On its website in January, the Ministry of Education called on students to form good habits such as working hard, being helpful and thrifty, to avoid wasting food and to pay more attention to study and others. Many schools consider teaching the value of money to be an important lesson and encourage their students to be thrifty. Students at No. 44 Middle School of Shijiazhuang, Hebei planted many fruit trees in their school. Through taking care of the trees, the students learned how to value things. At Tie Yi Middle School in Xian, students organized a group to collect waste and reuse them. What we students do are small things, but I think with everyones work, we can make a difference, said Li Dongdong, 16, a student from the group.65. The underlined word thrifty in Paragraph 1 means .A. giving money to the poorB. spending lots of moneyC. spending no money at allD. using money carefully and wisely66. Many of the one-child generation usually .A. waste thingsB. know about the hardships of lifeC. dont know the prices of many thingsD. like competition with each other in study67. In January, the Ministry of Education called on students to do the followings EXCEPT .A. working hardB. being thriftyC. helping othersD. protecting environment68. We can conclude that Li Dongdong .A. took care of treesB. planted fruit treesC. collected wasteD. didnt ask his mother for a new school bag69. What is the best title of the passage?A. School ActivitiesB. Waste Not, Want NotC. Make A DifferenceD. The Problems of One-child GenerationD All the wisdom of the times, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us in books, but we must know how to make use of this treasure. The unluckiest people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books. Im very interested in people and finding out about them. Some of the most amazing people Ive met could only be found in a writers imagination, then in his book, and then, again, in my imagination. Ive found in books new friends and new worlds. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the writers or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his. Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate(分开的), in some way they are connected with each other. The same ideas, or related(相关的) ones, appear in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in books, but with different solutions(解决方法) according to different writings at different times. Books influence each other. They connect the past, the present and the future and have their own generations(age groups), like families. Wherever you start reading, you connect yourself with one of the families of ideas, and in the end, you not only find out about the world and the people in it, you find out about yourself, too. Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on (专注于) books somebody tells you “ought” to read, you probably won t have fun. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good timeand if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont suffer during the process.70. Which of the following ideas may the writer of this article agree with?A. You will never meet amazing people in your life unless you read.B. You think actively instead of getting facts passively(被动地) when reading.C. You will get much delight from any book that you are told to read.D. You can relax yourself by reading because it involves little thinking.71. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A. We can often find something connected with ourselves in books.B. Different writings at different times share the same characteristics.C. The same problems will appear in different books with similar solutions.D. Reading books which are written for your generation is more helpful to you.72. Whats the writers purpose of writing this article?A. To advise us to enjoy ourselves by reading.B. To encourage us to make full use of libraries.C. To encourage us to find out solutions in books.D. To advise us to discuss books with other people.七、短文7选5(5选5等) If you have a brother or sister, you already know you are different from each other. You live together in the same house and have the same parents. 73. Why is this? One possible reason is the way your parents treat you. Firstborn children receive all the attention from their parents. Most families have twice as many photos of a firstborn than any other child. Parents tend to give them more responsibility. 74. As a result, firstborns are often responsible, hardworking and serious. They often want to do well at school and work. 75. For example, George W. Bush, George Washington, and Lyndon Baines Johnson are all firstborn. When a second child arrives, parents are more relaxed. The second child is allowed to be more independent. But he also has to compete with the firstborn for the parents attention and love. These children often choose different sports and hobbies to show independence. 76. They are often adventurous, fun-loving, and outgoing, but can be jealous and get angry easily. The youngest child tends to be the happiest. He has fewer responsibilities and more freedom. These children do not feel pressure to do well at school and work, but have to be creative to get their familys attention. 77. So, many famous talk-show hosts and comedians were born last.A. There are more firstborn American Presidents than second or last born children.B. They are often friendly, humorous and calm.C. But you have different personalities.D. Their parents may probably love them more.E. And they develop different personalities.F. They depend on the firstborns to take care of younger brothers and sisters.八、阅读与表达(问答式) Ma Hua graduated from Fudan University. He had a good career in IT and a great life in Shanghai, but he felt there was something missing from his life. He wanted to help others to improve their lives, so in March 2003 he gave up his job. Then he moved to south-west China to do voluntary work in a village primary school. He soon became an important member of the local people. In his class, he painted pictures on the walls to help students remember English words. He also spent his money building a playground for the children. Ma Hua quickly got used to his new life. He got great satisfaction from his work and felt very happy, even though life there was hardhe had to melt(融化) ice for water and grow vegetables for food. When he was free, he wrote poems describing the peace and beauty around him. Sometimes he would go walking in the mountains and enjoy the beautiful view. Sadly Ma Hua was killed in a car accident in July 2004 at the age of 31. His death was a great loss to all those who knew him, but it is a comfort to know that he lived happily, doing what he loved and enriching the lives of others.78. When did Ma Hua give up his job in Shanghai? 79. What did Ma Hua build for the primary school children? 80. Did Ma Hua enjoy his life in the village? 81. What did Ma Hua do in his free time? Give ONE example. 82. What can we learn from Ma H


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