九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Language基础练习 (新版)北师大版

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九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Language基础练习 (新版)北师大版_第1页
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Unit1 Language基础练习一、单项选择 1.The reporter said that the UFO east to west when he saw it.A. travelsB. traveledC. was travelingD. has traveled 2. homework, some students do homework every day.A. As forB. AsC. AboutD. To 3.His fathers bad habits made to him.A. differentB. a differenceC. differencesD. difference 4.I will meet Jane at the station. Please what time she will arrive.A. countB. chooseC. checkD. catch 5.Michael moved to Shanghai last week and he lives here.A. not longerB. no longC. no longerD. any longer 6.Nick a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didnt take it.A. is offeredB. offeredC. was offeredD. has offered 7.A year has four seasons and it twelve different star signs.A. divided intoB. is dividing intoC. divided intoD. is divided into 8. you free next weekend?A. Will; areB. Will; beC. Do; beD. Are; be 9.- Cathy, can you answer the door? I the room. - Im coming, mum.A. cleanB. cleanedC. have cleanedD. am cleaning10.She looks very but I cant remember her name.A. similarB. familiarC. friendlyD. strange11.A popular sport, ping-pong, by many around China, for fun and exercise.A. are enjoyedB. was enjoyedC. were enjoyedD. is enjoyed12.In order for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning.A. not to be lateB. not being lateC. to be lateD. being late13.- Internet business traditional business in the past few years?- Not really.A. Does; beatB. Will; beatC. Has; beatenD. Is; beating14.- Mary, you look nice in the red dress. , how much is it?- Fifty dollars.A. On the wayB. In the wayC. From the wayD. By the way15.The teachers encourage their students to the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success.A. give upB. work outC. look through二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 16. The boy is from Japan. He speaks J .17. We think its r to stare at others.18. Chinese medicine is very popular in w countries like the USA and England.19. I think we should try using a different m again.20. I often take n in English class, and I write down important words and sentences.21. Her works were bad and below the required s .22. You should(应当) c your homework. Perhaps(或许) there are mistakes(错误) in it.23. Everything is not f to me, for I come here for the first time.24. Do you know the proverb One f cant lift a small stone.?25. Some E visitors came to our school last month.26. My sister can speak J very well. She has lived in Japan for three years.27. Dont be r when you talk to your parents and teachers.28. In w (西方) countries people play jokes on each other on April Fools Day.29. She invented a new m of teaching English.30. Tom, to take n in class is a good habit for you!三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. He talked of other cultures as if they were more (熟悉的) to him than his own.32. Helen (点头) with a smile when she met me.33. His head rested on my (肩膀).34. Never shout at your parents even if you are not in (意见一致).35. Their answers to the question were not the same, thats to say, they answered the question (不同地).36. There was nothing but (寂静) in the room.37. Its (粗鲁的) to make noises while eating in China.38. He is a volunteer and often (检查) computers for others.39. I think we can finish the work faster by this (方法).40. The book I want is right at the (底部) of the shelf.41. He looks so (熟悉的) but I cant remember his name.42. He (点头) to me in greeting when I entered the room.43. Whats wrong with your (肩膀)?44. Its almost impossible for the two sides to reach an (一致) about the issue.45. My sister hates to be like others. She always tries her best to do everything (不同地).答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D10. B11. D12. A13. C14. D15. B二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16. Japanese17. rude18. western19. method20. notes21. standard22. check23. familiar24. finger25. European26. Japanese27. rude28. western29. method30. notes三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)31. familiar32. nodded33. shoulder34. agreement35. differently36. silence37. rude38. checks39. method40. bottom41. familiar42. nodded43. shoulder44. agreement45. differently


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