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第一部分选修6Unit 4.单句改错1I dont know how it came about whether he was late for the meeting._2As far as I know, carelessness resulted from his failure._3It is strange that his father should have been opposed the plan._4The student kept on make the same mistake._5There are many big cities in China, one of that Beijing is an example._【答案】1.whetherthat2.fromin3.去掉been或在opposed后加to4.makemaking5.thatwhich.语境填空trend,consequence,state,range,glance,steady,widespread,average,exist,advocate,circumstance,contribution1The group does not _ the use of violence.2Dont touch it under any _.Its dangerous.3Relax as much as possible and keep breathing_.4I regret to inform you he died as a _ of his injuries.5He was a good student and scored above _ in most subjects.6Today, sustainable(可持续的) development is a proper _ in many countries.7Shops offer a wide _ of souvenirs, including postcards, china and childrens toys.8The school rules _ that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless accompanied by an adult.9The development of industry has been a gradual process throughout human _, from stone tools to modern technology.10Proudly reading my words, I _ around the room, only to find my classmates bearing big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.【答案】1.advocate2.circumstances3.steadily4consequence5.average6.trend7.range8.state9existence10.glanced.短语活用subscribe to,build up,result in,keep on,compare to,be opposed to,and so on,quantities of,result from1They tried to _ friendship with the neighbors.2The police found _ drugs under the bed in the hotel.3All the people _ earning money by cutting the trees on the hill.4In order to improve my English, I _ an English magazine last year.5The hazy weather can easily _ traffic accidents if you dont drive carefully.6Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting.7The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will _ getting better both for humans and for nature.8When the school day ends, I would enjoy hearing from you.I enjoy reading, singing, traveling _.【答案】1.build up2.quantities of3.are opposed to4subscribed to5.result in6.compared to7.keep on8.and so on .完成句子1除了传统的活动之外,我们有更广泛的选择,例如旅游或拜访亲戚朋友。(2013辽宁)In addition to these traditional activities, we _ such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.【答案】have a wider range of choices2虽然我们知道那是对的,我们中的大多数人还是忽视了那条忠告。Most of us ignore this good advice,_ it to be true.【答案】even if we know3到目前为止,没有人知道那次交通事故是如何发生的。No one has known _.【答案】how that traffic accident came about/happened 4这次考试对我来说非常重要,因此,我别无选择只好集中全部精力学习。The exam was of vital importance for me; _, I had no choice but to completely focus on my study.【答案】in consequence/as a result/thus/therefore/consequently 5我父母对我从事什么工作无所谓,只要我开心就好。 My parents dont care what job I do _.【答案】as long as Im happy3


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