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Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious.单项选择()1.The food on the plate smells _.You cant eat it.AdeliciousBbadCwell()2.Mum,this dress is _ too small.Amore Blittle Ca bit()3.Tom,were playing football.Do you want to join us?Yes,let me have_.Atry Ba try Cto try()4.The cake_ good.I cant wait to eat it.Afeels Bsounds Csmells()5.This silk dress _ soft and comfortable.I like it very much.Afeels Bsounds Clooks()6.Daming is working hard.I am _ he can pass the exam this time.Asure Bafraid Cthinking()7.She doesnt put _ in tea because she doesnt like sweet tea.Asalt Bsugar Cvinegar()8.Would you like to try some pizza?_ I am a little hungry.AYes,please. BNo,thanks. CYou are welcome.完成句子1你知道的,我喜欢甜食。You know,I _.2这个苹果尝起来有点酸。The apple tastes _.3我来给你洗衣服吧?_ do some washing for you?4嗯我的奶酪蛋糕做好了。试试看。Well,my cheese cake _ now.Just have _.5你正在做许多不同的食物吗?Are you cooking _ different food?.综合填空Swimming is very popular in summer because water makes people feel cool.If you like 1.s_ but swim in a 2.w_ place,it may not be safe.These years more than ten thousand people 3.d_ when they were enjoying themselves in the water and 4.m_ of them were students.But some people are 5.s_ not careful in swimming.They often think they swim so 6.w_ that nothing can happen to them in water.If you go swimming in summer,dont forget 7.t_ better swimmers have died in water.They died because they were not careful,not because they 8.c_ swim.So dont get into water when you are alone.9.I_ there is a “No Swimming”sign,dont get into water,10.e_.If you remember these,swimming will be safe.参考答案.15 BCBCA68 ABA.1.have a sweet tooth2.a bit sour3Shall I4.is done;a try5.lots of.1.swimming2.wrong3.died4.most5.still6.well7.that8.couldnt9.If10.either3


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