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山西省山阴县2017高考英语一轮阅读理解学生自选题二阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 【2016高考训练】Thirteen can be a challenging age. Not only did I have to adapt to my changing body, I also had to deal with my parents bitter divorce, a new family and the upsetting move from my country home to a crowded town. When we moved, my beloved companion, a small brown pony had to be sold. I was heartbroken and terribly lonely. I couldnt eat or sleep and cried all the time. Finally, realizing how much I missed my pony, my father bought me another horse, Cowboy.Cowboy was without doubt the ugliest horse in the world. But I didnt care. I loved him beyond all reasons. I joined a riding club. When Cowboy and I entered the events where the horse was judged by appearance, we were quickly ”shown the gate”. I knew nothing could turn Cowboy into a beauty. My only chance to compete would be in the timed speed events. I chose the jumping race.For the whole next month we practiced running and jumping for hours in the hot sun and then I would walk Cowboy home, totally exhausted.All of our hard work didnt make me feel confident by the time the show came. One girl named Becky rode a big brown horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons. I sat at the gate and sweated all out while I watched Becky and her horse charge through the court and finish in first place.My turn finally came. At the signal, we dashed toward the first fence, jumped over it without trouble and raced on to the next one. Cowboy then flew over the second, third and fourth fences like a bird and I turned him toward the finish line.No cheers filled the air. The end of our run was met with surprised silence. Cowboy and I had beaten Becky and her fancy horse by two seconds.I gained much more than a blue ribbon that day. At thirteen, I realized that no matter what the odds, Id always come out a winner if I wanted something badly enough to work for it. I can be the owner of my fate.1. Why did the author like Cowboy so much in spite of its ugliness?A. Because she loved horses more than anything else.B. Because Cowboy was a strong and smart young horse.C. Because Cowboy had a lot in common with her pony.D. Because she was sad and lonely and needed a companion.2. The audience fell into silence at the end of the run probably because_.A. they didnt expect Cowboy would win the eventB. they were unhappy that Becky was beaten in the eventC. they didnt like cowboy, for it was too uglyD. they never saw a horse running as fast as Cowboy3. After the competition, the author came to realize that _.A. she ought to gather the courage to solve all the problemsB. it was time to forget her pony and treat Cowboy betterC. she needed to work harder to win more blue ribbonsD. she could be the god of her own fate if she tried hard enough4. It can be inferred from the story that _.A. all of their hard training was totally in vainB. a blue ribbon must be the second highest prizeC. Cowboy lost in the event of being judged by appearanceD. both Becky and the author won in the jumping event参考答案14、DADC 2014高考英语阅读理解(社会生活、说理议论) 2014江苏卷 BHowever wealthy we may be, we can never find enough hours in the day to do everything we want. Economics deals with this problem through the concept of opportunity cost, which simply refers to whether someones time or money could be better spent on something else.Every hour of our time has a value. For every hour we work at one job we could quite easily be doing another, or be sleeping or watching a film. Each of these options has a different opportunity costnamely, whattheycostusinmissedopportunities.Say you intend to watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium. Why not, you might reason, watch the game from home and use the leftover money and time to have dinner with friends?Thisthe alternative use of your cash and timeis the opportunity cost.For economists, every decision is made by knowledge of what one must forgoin terms of money and enjoymentin order to take it up. By knowing precisely what you are receiving and what you are missing out on, you ought to be able to make betterinformed, more reasonable decisions. Consider that most famous economic rule of all:theres no such thing as a free lunch. Even if someone offers to take you out to lunch for free, the time you will spend in the restaurant still costs you something in terms of forgone opportunities.Some people find the idea of opportunity cost extremely discouraging: imagine spending your entire life calculating whether your time would be better spent elsewhere doing something more profitable or enjoyable. Yet, in a sense its human nature to do precisely thatwe assess the advantages and disadvantages of decisions all the time.In the business world, a popular phrase is “value for money”People want their cash to go as far as possible. However, another is fast obtaining an advantage:“value for time”. The biggest restriction on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something, so we look to maximize the return we get on our investment of time. By reading this passage you are giving over a bit of your time which could be spent doing other activities, such as sleeping and eating. In return, however, this passage will help you to think like an economist, closely considering the opportunity cost of each of your decisions.58According to the passage, the concept of “opportunity cost” is applied to _Amaking more moneyBtaking more opportunitiesCreducing missed opportunitiesDweighing the choice of opportunities59The “leftovertime” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to the time _Aspared for watching the match at homeBtaken to have dinner with friendsCspent on the way to and from the matchDsaved from not going to watch the match60What are forgone opportunities?AOpportunities you forget in decisionmaking.BOpportunities you give up for better ones.COpportunities you miss accidentally.DOpportunities you make up for.2014高考英语阅读理解(社会生活、说理议论) 2014江西卷 C Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you had a hundred dollars less. Also imagine what it would be like spending the rest of your life with your eyes closed. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your fingertips.With existing medical knowledge and skills, two thirds of the worlds 42 million blind should not have to suffer. Unfortunately, rich countries possess most of this knowledge, while developing countries do not. ORBIS is an international nonprofit organization which operates the worlds only flying teaching eye hospital. ORBIS intends to help fight blindness worldwide. Inside a DC8 aircraft, there is a fullyequipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest techniques of bringing sight back to people there. Project ORBIS also aims at promoting peaceful cooperation(合作) among countries. ORBIS tries to help developing countries by providing training during threeweek medical programmes. ORBIS has taught sightsaving techniques to over 35,000 doctors and nurses, who continue to cure tens of thousands of blind people every year. ORBIS has conducted 17 plane programmes in China so far. For the seven to ten million blind in China, ORBIS is planning to do more for them. At the moment an ORBIS team is working on a longterm plan to develop a training centre and to provide eye care services to Shanxi Province.ORBIS needs your help to continue their work and free people from blindness.For just US$38, you can help one person see; for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps teach a doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training programme for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again.Your money can open their eyes to the world.Please help ORBIS improve the quality of life for so many people less fortunate than ourselves.65. The first paragraph is intended to _A. introduce a new way of readingB. advise the public to lead a simple lifeC. direct the publics attention to the blindD. encourage the public to use imagination66. What do we learn about existing medical knowledge and skills in the world?A. They are adequate.B. They have not been updated.C. They are not equally distributed.D. They have benefited most of the blind.67. ORBIS aims to help the blind by _A. teaching medical studentsB. training doctors and nursesC. running flying hospitals globallyD. setting up nonprofit organizations68. What does the author try to do in the last paragraph?A. Appeal for donations.B. Make an advertisement.C. Promote training programmes.D. Show sympathy for the blind.69. What can be the best title for the passage?A. ORBIS in China B. Fighting blindnessC. ORBIS flying hospital D. Sightsaving techniques 67.B细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句“Doctors are taught the latest techniques of bringing sight back to people there.”以及第四段第二句“ORBIS has taught sightsaving techniques to over 35,000 doctors and nurses”可知,ORBIS的目的是通过培训医生和护士来帮助盲人。 68. A推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容,尤其是倒数第二句“Your money can open their eyes to the world.”可知,作者的目的是呼吁捐款。 69. C主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文主要介绍了ORBIS飞行医院项目。故选C项。科普知识(阅读理解)由 (2012青岛高三统一质量检测) 改编Going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of us.But now a pair of social X-Ray glasses promises to tell you exactly what the other person is thinking-and when you should stop talking.The glasses have a built-in camera which monitors the other persons facial expressions and matches them up with 24 known features which convey emotions.It will then tell the individual via an earpiece and lights on the glasses what their date is thinking.In a traffic light-style system,a red light means negative,yellow means they are a bit interested and green means your date is happy.The glasses are under development at present by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Media Lab.They say that wearing them during a conversation with another person is like having an extra sensethat they are bored or losing interest.The eyewear was developed for people suffering from autism (孤独症) who have much difficulty interacting with others,but now the team behind it has seen wider applications.It works thanks to a camera the size of a grain of rice which is put into the glasses frame and connected via a wire to a small computer which can be attached to the users body.The camera monitors how long and how often 24 feature pointsappear on the subjects face which are then analyzed by software developed by the MIT team.This data is then compared with a bank of expressions and the computer tells the wearer what is going on via the earpiece and the traffic light system.So far the glasses are still a job in progress and have been accurate just 64 percent of the time,a figure which is expected to improve with further tests.1.The passage mainly tells us that .A.going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of usB.scientists are showing more and more concern to people suffering from autismC.the glasses will be more and more popularD.the scientists are working on a new type of glasses to help people going on a date2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?()A.The glasses were initially intended for helping people going on a date.B.The glasses are widely used and have achieved great success.C.The built-in camera in the glasses is of great importance.D.People wearing the glasses are sure to have a good date.3.The underlined word “interacting” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by .A.communicatingB.reactingC.affectingD.acting4.Which is right according to Paragraph 2?()A.Red=negativeyellow=neutralgreen=positiveB.Red=positiveyellow=neutralgreen=negativeC.Red=neutralyellow=positivegreen=negativeD.Red=negativeyellow=positivegreen=neutral5.The passage is probably from .A.a guide bookB.an autobiography bookC.a leafletD.a scientific report语篇解读:约会对我们来说有可能如一场噩梦,但是,现在美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室正在研发一种X光眼镜,它将能够准确窥寻对方的心思,让你在约会时有额外的“感官”,知道该怎样去做。答案及剖析:1.D主旨大意题。由全文可知,美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室正在研发一种X光眼镜,在约会时它将能够准确窥寻对方的心思,知道该怎样交谈。选项D全面概括此意。2.C推理判断题。由第四段的It works thanks to a camera the size of a grain of rice which is put into the glasses frame and connected via a wire to a small computer which can be attached to the users body可知,该眼镜工作原理主要在于其内置的微型摄像机,因此可推断其重要性所在。3.A词义猜测题。由The eyewear was developed for people suffering from autism (孤独症) who have much difficulty interacting with others,可知孤独症患者通常为与他人交流沟通有困难者,结合句意可知interacting是“沟通、交流”之意,故选A项。4.A细节理解题。由文章第二段的.a red light means negative,yellow means they are a bit interested and green means your date is happy可知A正确。5.D推理判断题。本文讲述的是美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室正在研发一种X光眼镜,属科技方面的知识,因此本文应出自科技报告类,故选D项。【疑难词汇解读】1.application n.申请,应用Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.学生们学会了将课堂上学到的理论付诸实际应用。2.in progress 进行中The construction of a new teaching building is in progress.一座新的教学楼正在建造中。【长难句子分析】 它是由嵌入眼镜架中如米粒大小的摄像机,通过导线与一台依附到使用者身体上的小型电脑连接而工作的。


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