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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式Module 6 Animals in DangerI. 教学内容分析本模块的话题是处境危险的动物,介绍了许多珍稀动物正濒临灭绝的严峻现实,并分析了珍稀动物濒临灭绝的主要原因。同时展示了目前政府和志愿者们所采取的措施和做法,号召人们要保护环境。通过本模块的学习,要培养学生保护动物和大自然的意识。本模块复习了一些关于动物的词汇,要求学生学会描述正濒临灭绝珍稀动物,探讨一些拯救野生动物的办法和措施。Introduction 通过介绍西伯利亚虎的现状,复习和学习一些与野生动物有关的词汇,简要列出珍稀动物濒临灭绝的原因。Reading是一篇关于拯救藏羚羊的文章,文中介绍目前藏羚羊濒临灭绝的严峻现实以及我国政府及世界野生动物保护组织为拯救藏羚羊所做出的巨大贡献。通过学习,培养学生保护动物、保护大自然的意识。Grammar部分主要复习定语从句这一语法项目。Vocabulary and Listening部分主要分为两部分。第一部分通过阅读关于稀有动物的描述学习关于动物种类的单词bird, insect, mammal and reptile和通过练习复习动物名称。第二部分听力是关于南非Tamble 自然保护区的一名志愿者工作经历的介绍。Function介绍一些表达“忧虑”和“担心”的功能用语。Speaking 探讨寻求一些拯救野生动物的办法和措施Everyday English通过学习Vocabulary and Listening中的句子学会一些非常有用的日常生活用语:keep an eye on, a terrible din, go for someone和Its a pity。Learning to learn 是介绍时间状语的位置既可放句首又可放句末的现象,建议学生发现更多的例句,对于提高学习策略水平有很大的帮助。Reading and Writing 第一部分利用表格的形式对西伯利亚虎,蓝鲸,非洲象和秃鹳 四种珍稀动物进行介绍;第二部分通过示范对西伯利亚虎的简介要求学生仿写另外一种动物的描述。Cultural Corner 通过阅读WWF这篇文章,了解对世界自然基金会及其与中国政府的合作情况,从而进一步号召人们要保护环境,保护野生动物。Task要求学生通过英特网查询有关中国濒临灭种动物的情况,并对它们的一些诸如栖息地、为什么濒于灭绝的原因做一个说明。Module File 归纳了本单元的重点词汇,语法知识,功能用语和日常用语,有利于学生的复习总结,自我检验和自学的能力。II. 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 本模块的生词和短语(2) 让学生学会描述正濒临灭绝珍稀动物,并且通过探讨寻求一些拯救野生动物的办法和措施(3) 调查有关中国濒临灭种动物的情况,并对它们的一些诸如栖息地、为什么濒于灭绝的原因做一个说明(4) 复习语法项目定语从句2. 教学难点(1)帮助学生怎样描述珍稀动物(2)让学生了解一些表达忧虑和担心的功能用语(3)培养学生保护动物,保护大自然的意识III教学计划经过对教材内容的分析和重组,本模块可以分六课时教授:第一课时 Introduction, Function, Speaking, Task 第二课时 Reading 第三课时 Grammar 第四课时 Task, Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English第五课时 Learning to learn, Reading and Writing, Cultural Corner第六课时 Reading (Workbook P99 ), Workbook, Module FileIV教学步骤:Period 1 Introduction, Speaking, Function, Task Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about Animals in Danger.2. To develop Ss speaking ability.3. Enable the Ss to earn how to talk about endangered animals and express their concern.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about animals.Give Ss a competition by listing names of animals and use spider to list more wordsrelated to animals.zebra 斑马 antipope 羚羊 deer 鹿 giraffe 长颈鹿 camel 骆驼 elephant 象 lion 狮leopard 豹 tiger 虎 fox 狐 wolf 狼monkey 猴子squirrel 松鼠, bear 熊 duckbill鸭嘴兽 kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉, 树袋熊seal 海豹 eagle 鹰 peacock 孔雀 swan 天鹅 swallow 燕子 sparrow 麻雀 crocodile 鳄鱼turtle 龟 frog 青蛙 toad 蟾蜍rhinoceros 犀牛duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽hippopotamus 河马Step 2 IntroductionPurpose: Get Ss to talk about tigers and the reasons why animals are endangered.1.Get Ss to talk about the tigers in pairs. Ask them:Do you know anything about tigers? Can you tell the species of tigers?2. Read the passage on our textbook to get more information about tiger. 3.Recall the students answer and then look up the new words by themselves.Suggested answers:(1) species (2) habitat (3) conservation (4) endangered (5) struggle (6) reserve(7) extinct (8) survival (9) wild (10) wildlife4. DiscussionAsk Ss to work in groups to discuss the reason why animals are in danger. Then ask them to discuss what is the most important reasons listed in Activity 3 on P51.Step 3 SpeakingPurpose: Enable Ss to talk about the endangered animals and how to save them.Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss how to solve the problems and how to save the endangered animals. The Activity 1 on P57 in Speaking will help them.After that, collect Ss answers.Step 4 FunctionPurpose: Enable Ss to show their concern.1. Ask Ss to finish Activity 1 on P57 to learn how to express concern.Suggested answers: c1). Im concerned about2). Im very worried about3). We really should do more forThey are all more formal than “Its really upsetting.”2. Finish Activity 2 individually.Suggested answers: 1). Im concerned about the way that rain forest are being cut down everywhere.2). I think we should do more to stop people buying and selling rare animals.3). Im very worried about the effect of global warming on ocean levels.Step 5 Homework1. Turn to P60 and finish Task in this week. 2. Preview Reading.Period 2 Reading Teaching Goals: 1. To learn about saving the antelopes.2. To develop some basic reading skillsSkimming, and Scanning. 3. To deal with the new words, phrases and the language points. 5. To develop a basic reading skillanalyzing the text. 6. To cultivate Ss to love nature and wild animals. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead inPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about saving the endangered animals.Show some pictures about the endangered animals and lead to the content of reading.Step 2 ScanningPurpose: To get the general idea of the passage.Scan the passage and get what the passage is about. (The passage is about saving the Tibetan antelope from poaching.)After that, ask Ss to work in pairs and try to analyze the main idea of each paragraph. Several minutes later, ask some students to show their opinions.Suggested answers:Paragraph 1: Jiesang Suonandajie gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope.Paragraph 2: A large number of antelopes have been killed for their wool.Paragraph 3: The business of antelope wool is illegal but it is not easy to be stopped.Paragraph 4: The Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes.Paragraph 5: Progress has been made in protecting the antelopes.Step 3 SkimmingPurpose: To get some details in the passage.Ask Ss to read the passage again, and finish Activity 2&3.Suggested answers of Activity 2:1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(a) Suggested answers of Activity 3:1 The number of antelopes left by the 1990s.2 The price of a shawl made from “shatoosh”.3 The year when the trade ban on “shatoosh”.4 The number of “shatoosh” shawls found in a London shop.5 The percentage of the antelope population those shawls represented.6 The number of poachers caught in ten years.7 The height of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.8 The year when the antelope population started to grow again.Step 4 New words studyingPurpose: To deal with the new words and phrases in the passage.Ask the Ss to finish Activity 4.Suggested answers: 1 plateau 2 shawl 3 profit 4 herd 5 skin 6 ban 7 raid 8 confiscated 9 tough 10 co-operationStep 5 Careful readingPurpose: To train Ss listening ability and to deal with the language points in the text. Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice. Then the students are divided into five groups. Each group is supposed to read through each paragraph, and then share the points.Paragraph 11. On a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie found what he was looking for a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.1994年1月一个滴水成冰的寒冷日子,杰桑索南达杰发现了他一直在寻找的目标正在猎杀濒临灭绝的藏羚羊的一群偷猎者。freezing 与frozen, icy 的区别:freezing adj.(1)冰冻的, 极冷的 (2)凝固的; 致冷的 (3)冷淡的E.g. a freezing machine chamber冷冻机室freezing point【物】冰点, 凝冻点a freezing glance冷淡的一瞥frozen adj. (1)冰冻的, 冻僵的, 冻伤的 (2)寒冷的, 严寒的 (3)冻结的; 冰镇的E.g. frozen food冷冻食品a frozen sucker棒冰, 冰棍frozen fruit salad冰镇水果色拉frozen assets冻结资产icy adj. (1)(多)冰的; 冰覆盖的; 冰构成的 (2)冰一般的, 极冷的 (3)冷淡的, 不热烈的E.g. an icy wind冷风an icy welcome冷淡的欢迎2. In the battle which followed Jiesang was shot and killed.本句的中心是Jiesang was shot and killed, 前面的In the battle 做地点状语, 由which followed 这一定语从句引导。译为:在随后的一场战争中,杰桑牺牲了。3He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope.他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。give ones life to do sth. 献身于相关词组:devote oneself to doing sth. 献身于;专心于Paragraph 21. By the 1990s the number had fallen to about 50,000 . 截止到20世纪90年代,藏羚羊的数目下降了大约5万头。 (1)by到为止,截止到,多与完成时态连用 (2)the number和a number 的区别:the number of 译为“的数量是”,谓语动词为单数a number of 译为“一些,很多”,谓语动词根据名词决定2. the ideal coat for animal which has to survive at a high altitude.at a high altitude 在海拔很高的地方要注意 altitude(海拔), latitude(纬度)和 longitude(经度)的区别另外,注意区分ideal(理想的)与idea(想法,注意)Paragraph 3 1. Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelope at a time, leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much.那些偷猎者常常是夜里出动,一次就捕杀掉整群的藏羚羊,只留下那些毛不那么值钱的幼崽。 at a time 一次 相关at all times 不论什么时候;老是。 at no time 在任何时候都不,从来没有,决不。 at one and the same time 在同时,一面一面又。 at one time 同时;曾经。at the same time 同时;但还是。 at this time of (the) day 这个时候,到这个时候,这样早迟。 at this time of the year 在这个时节。 at times 时时。 for a time 暂时 for the time being 暂时,在目前。 worth 值钱相关 “值得做某事”的表达方式:be worth dong 主动的形式表示被动的意义be worthy of being done 需被动形式be worthy to be dong需被动形式2. But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people.但到了20世纪90年代,这种藏羚羊毛披肩在有钱人中间流行开来,成为时间。 come into fashion 成为时尚Paragraph 4 In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes In the 1990s 在二十世纪九十年代 (需要定冠词)In 1990 在1990年(不需要定冠词)take an active part in 积极地参与、参加相关play an important part in 起着重要的作用Paragraph 5 1.利用第二句再次讲 the number和a number 的区别:the number of 译为“的数量是”,谓语动词为单数a number of 译为“一些,很多”,谓语动词根据名词决定2. Meanwhile, in those countries where the shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers.同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,警方开始严厉打击藏羚羊毛披肩的贩卖者。 get tough with 对采取坚决态度;对采取强硬措施be/ get tough with sb. 与某人较劲;对某人毫不妥协;对某人采取强硬措施Step6 Homework1. Use the new words and expressions to make some sentences.2. Finish the exercises on P98-100 of the workbook.Period 3 Grammar Teaching Goals: To get Ss to review attributive clauses.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 PresentationPurpose: To get Ss to know the teaching content of GrammarShow the following contents on blackboard or PowerPoint.Attributive clauses 一、定语从句要点简述 概念: He is the boy who often goes to school late. 先行词 关系词 定语从句 原则:a.定语从句必须紧紧地跟在先行词后面,限制修饰先行词。 b.定语从句必须用关系词来引导。 c.关系词在定语从句中作一个句子成分. 扩大. She is the old woman whom I saw this morning. Mary is the girl whose parents work in Japan. Is this the key which you are looking for? October 1, 1949 is the day when New China was founded. This is the house where the great man was born. I dont know the reason why she looks unhappy today. 下列定语从句只能用that来引导: 1.先行词为形容词最高级所修饰 This is the longest bridge that I have ever seen. 2.先行词为序数词所修饰I happened to be the thousandth guest that visited the great hotel.This is the first composition that he has ever written in English. 3.先行词既包括人又包括物They talked of things and persons that happened in the school.He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. 4.主句是who或which开头的特殊疑问句中的定语从句 Who is the man that came this morning? Which is the bag that you lost? 5.先行词为the only, the very, the last, the same所修饰的定语从句 He is the very person that the police are looking for. This is the only thing that I can remember. 6.先行词是everything, nothing, something, all, little, much, everybody等不定代词 Tell us everything that you know, please. Is there anything that you dont understand? 7.先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much修饰时All that glitters is not gold.Ive read all the books that you gave me.“介词+ 关系词” 及关系副词when, where, why1). The box is full of bottles. He is standing on the box. - The box on which he is standing is full of bottles.The box where he is standing is full of bottles.2). This is the train. We work on the train.-This is the train on which we work.This is the train where we work.3). I know the reason. She did it for the reason.-I know the reason for which she did it.I know the reason why she did it.4). The man is our school master. You shook hands with the man just now. - The man with whom you shook hands is our schoolmaster.5). The pen is made in Shanghai. She is writing with the pen. - The pen with which she is writing is made in Shanghai. 不能拆开的词组: look for / look after / catch hold of /take care of / put on / take off.非限制性定语从句只对先行词起补充,说明的作用,常用逗号分开。关系代词用who(m), which,关系副词用where ,when. 非限制性定语从句不能用that来引导.This was the American Civil War, which lasted 4 years before the North won in the end.He was taken to another room, where he found a wounded boy, who was dying.as 作为关系代词, 习惯上用于下列词组:the same.as such .as as . as, soas1. Take as many books as you want.2. Here is so big a stone as no man can lift.3. He read such books as will make him wiser.4. The town is about the same distance from Nanjing as Yangzhou is. As 用于非限制性定语从句,常见以下句型:as you know, as we have seen, as is known to all, as anybody can see, as was expected, as we can imagine, as has been pointed out as与which的用法区别:as与 which在非限制性定语从句中,都可指代整个主句,但as引导的从句可放在主句的句首, 句中或句尾, 而 which引导的从句只可放在主句的句尾As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.Oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth, as we have seen.She was awarded a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honour. the sameas, the same that 的区别 This is the same bag as I lost yesterday. (相似的事物) I am wearing the same coat that I wore yesterday. (同一事物) 定语从句和同位语从句的区别: 定语从句相当于形容词作定语, 对先行词加以限制或修饰,同位语从句相当于名词,对先行词加以补充或说明,连接词that在定语从句中充当某个成分,而that在同位语从句不充当句子成分.The promise that my uncle gave me made us happy. (定语从句)The promise that my uncle would give me a new bike made us happy. (同位语从句)The news that they had won came. 关系代词what和that, which的区别: 先比较下列句子中的what和that:He told us the things that he had seen. - He told us what he had seen.This is the words which I said. - This is what I said.可以看出what 实际上等于是 “the thing that(which)”, 即 “先行词+关系词”. 因此在句中如果已有先行词,则不能用what,而只能用that(which),如没有先行词,则用what。what是 一个没有先行词的关系词。2、Examples1. Is this museum _ you visited a few days age?A. whereB. that C. on which D. the one2. Is this the museum _ the exhibition was held.A. whereB. that C. on whichD. the one答案:1 D,2 A例1变为肯定句: This museum is _ you visited a few days ago.例2变为肯定句: This is the museum _ the exhibition was held. 在句1中,所缺部分为宾语,而where, that, on which都不能起到宾语的作用,只有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,可以省略关系代词,所以应选D。 而句2中, 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A。Step 2 Practice Purpose: To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar through exercises. Activity 1 Ask Ss to read the five sentences and answer the following questions.Suggested answers:a 5;b 3;c 4;d 1;e 2Activity 2 Complete the sentences with who, which, or whose.Suggested answers:1 whose 2 who 3 which 4 whose 5 which 6 whoActivity 3 Complete the sentences with where, when or why.Suggested answers:1 why 2 where 3 when 4 when 5 whereActivity 4 Complete the sentences with of whom ,to whom, for which or in which.Suggested answers:1 in which 2 to whom 3 of whom 4for whichStep 3 ConclusionPurpose: To give brief Instructions of verb forms Give brief instructions of attributive clauses.(On P114of Grammar in our textbook)Step 4 PracticePurpose: To check whether the Ss have knowledge of the grammar or not through exercises. Ask the students to finish Activity 5 on P55.Suggested answers:1 where 2 whose 3 which 4 whose 5 which 6 which 7 who 8 which 9 when 10 why Step 5 Homework 1. Grammar on Workbook P97.2. Get prepared for the presentation of task.3. Review the grammar that we have learnt.Period 4 Task, Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday EnglishTeaching Goals: 1. To develop Ss listening ability.2. To review some useful everyday English.3. To learn more words about the animals.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inPurpose: To check the homework of the first period of this module.Get Ss to represent the findings of the survey of endangered species in China. The describe the animals and its habitat. Sample: Chinese pandasGiant pandas are black and white bears that live in temperate-zone bamboo forests in Central China. Among the best recognized but rarest animals in the world, they have come to symbolize endangered species and conservation efforts. As few as 1,600 giant pandas survive in the mountain forests of Central China. Another 120 are in Chinese breeding facilities and zoos, and about 20 live in zoos outside China.Step 2 Vocabulary and readingPurpose: To learn the four types of animals in the world.1. Ask the students to use dictionary or wordlist to finish Activity 1 on P55. Suggested answers: 1 insect 2 mammal 3 reptile 4 bird2. Then ask them to read the descriptions and match the description with the photos.Suggested answers: 1 Bald Eagle 2 Checkerspot butterfly 3 Broadheaded Snake 4 Red Wolf3. Get more examples of each type of the animal.Suggested answers:BirdInsectMammalReptileeagle, hawk, swan, duck, sparrow, swallow, kingfisher, thrush, gullbutterfly, fly, wasp, bee, moth, beetlewolf, lion, tiger, panda, deer, fox, mouse, ratsnake, lizard, gecko, crocodileStep 3 ListeningPurpose: To develop Ss listening ability and study some useful everyday English.1. Pre-listeningAsk Ss to read through the questions, make sure they understand the questions and then ask them to guess what the listening material is about.Suggested answers:Maybe its about a volunteers life on a reserve.2. While-listening(1)Ask Ss to listen to the interview and answer the question in Activity 4. Suggested answers:He was a volunteer on the Tembe Nature Reserve. And 1,2,3,4 and 5 are mentioned.(2) Ask Ss to answer any questions they can in Activity 5 and 6. Listen to the tape again, and check the answers.Suggested answers (Activity 5): 1) On the Tembe Nature Reserve in South Africa.2) Three months. 3) About 250.4) Lions. 5) Almost every night.6) Yes, he does.Suggested answers (Activity 6):(1) two (2) wild pig (3) pig (4) fight (5) went away (6)camera3. Post-listeningAsk the students to finish the Everyday English individually and then check the answers and give some explanation.Suggested answers:(1)a (2)a (3)b (4) b Explanation1. keep an eye on 注视,注意,注目。 keep ones eyes on the picture 盯着图画看。 相关:keep ones both eyes open 提防,当心。2. go for 攻击,袭击相关:go in for 选择,喜欢Step 4 Homework1. Use Everyday English to make a conversation with your partner.2. Finish the rest exercise about module 6 in workbook.Period 5 Learning to learn, Reading and Writing, Cultural CornerTeaching Goals: 1. Enable Ss to know adverbial phrases of time may occur at the beginning as well as the end of a sentence, without very much difference in meaning.2. To develop Ss speaking and writing ability.3. To get some information about WWF (World Wildlife Fund)Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-inPurpose: To get Ss to know adverbial phrases of time may occur at the beginning as well as the end of a sentence, without very much difference in meaning.Ask Ss to read Learning to learn and discuss what is provided for their learning strategies. Have they tried the method? Is it good? Ask them to give two examples of the method.Step 2 Reading and WritingPurpose: To develop Ss writing ability and enable Ss to know how to write a description of an animal.1. Read the table and say which animal the sentences refer to.Suggested answer:1) African Elephant 2) Siberian Tiger3) Northern Bald Ibis 4) Blue Whale2. Read the description of the Siberian tiger, and analyze how to describe an animal.3. Write a similar description of another animal in the table.Sample:Blue WhaleWhale is the bigg


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