八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater重难点题组训练 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater重难点题组训练 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater重难点题组训练 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater重难点题组训练 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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单元重难点题组训练题组训练一_choose的用法.单项选择。()1.Wow!There are so many nice gifts in the shop. I dont know which one I should _.Achoose BgiveCclean Dopen()2.Why did you _ me for the job?Because you are more excellent.Areach BchooseCshare Ddream()3.All the skirts are beautiful. Its difficult for me to _ my favorite one _ them.Aask;for Bbring;toCchoose;from Dshare;with.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。4They have made a _(choose) to build a big factory here.5There are two books on the desk. Which one would you like _(choose)?题组训练二_carefully的用法.单项选择。()1.Mr.Li has something important to say. Please listen to him _.Acarefully BcomfortablyCloudly Dbeautifully()2.Steve isnt as _ as Kelly. He often makes mistakes (错误) in his writing.Ainteresting BtidyCcareful Ddifficult()3.She worked the _ of all the students.Amore careful Bmost carefulCmost carefully Dmore carefully.根据所给首字母或单词提示完成句子。4I do my homework _(careful) every day.5You should drive c_ on the busy street.题组训练三_be_up_to的用法.单项选择。()1.Mom,can I go to play soccer with Jim?Its up _ you.Awith Bfor Cto Dof()2.Alex,its up to you _ when we will start. Any time is OK to me.Ato decide BdecideCto describe Ddescribe()3.Its up to you _ them what they should do.Atell Bto tellCtells Dtelling.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4这次花多长时间,取决于他们。How long it takes this time _ _ _ them.5我们今晚吃些什么呢?你来决定,妈妈。What shall we eat tonight?It _ _ _ you,Mom.6我们将到哪儿去由我的父亲来决定。It _ _ _ my father to decide where we will go.题组训练四_give的用法.单项选择。()1.Millie,where is Miss Li?She is _ a speech on Chinese art to the firstyear students in the hall.Agiving BlisteningCtalking Dmaking()2.Could you help me _ this book _ Linda?Sure.Agive;for Bgiving;forCgive;to Dgiving;to()3.Mary helped me buy a ticket.She _ an hour ago.Agave it to me Bgives me itCgives it me Dgave me to it.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。4. _ _ _ _(给我打个电话) tomorrow.5The math teacher _ _ _ _(给我们提供了一种方法) to work out the math problem.单元重难点题组训练一、.13ABC.4.choice5.to choose二、.13ACC.4.carefully5.arefully三、.13CAB.4.is up to5.is up to6.is up to四、.13ACA.4.Give me a call5.gave us a way

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