八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Seasons翻译训练题(新版)牛津版

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八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Seasons翻译训练题(新版)牛津版_第1页
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Seasons 班级_ 姓名_43.秋天是户外踢球的极好时间,因为总是阳光明媚。 Autumn is the _ time _ because its always _.44.当你今天早上醒来时,妈妈在为你做早餐吗?Was Mum _ breakfast for you when you _ this morning? 45.我感冒了,咳嗽的厉害。幸运的是我没有高烧。 I _ a bad cold and _ a lot. _, I didnt have a _. 46. 北方来的暴风雪明下午要到达东海吗?Will _ from the north _ Donghai in the late afternoon?47. 风将会更大,温度将会下降至零到零下10度。The wind will be _ and the temperature will _, to -10. 48. 白天温度在4度左右,夜晚甚至更冷。The_ will be _ 4 _ the day and even colder at night. 49. 纽约冬天温度在0度以上吗? Does the temperature in New York _ in winter?50. 风大,你能大点声说吗?Can you speak _ please? The wind is _ hard. 51. 此外,那场突发的暴风雪引发很多问题。_, the _ a lot of problems. 52. 厚厚的白雪覆盖了一切。Everything _deep white snow. 53. 打雪仗令人兴奋吗?Is it_? 54. 他们彼此对着扔雪球,尖叫着,欢笑着。They _ snowballs at each other, _.

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