九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes A2练习题(新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes A2练习题(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes A2练习题(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes A2练习题(新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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Unit 7I. 单项选择1. -May we leave the classroom now? -No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell ringsA. must; are allowed B. cant; arent supposing C. neednt ;arent allowed D. cant; arent allowed2. You have to be 18 years old before you are _to drive a car.A. allow B. be allowed C. allowed D. allowing3. I _ some beautiful pictures by the old man. A. gave B. give C. was giving D. was given4. The children are _ the field happily.A. run through B. running on C. running through D. run down5. If you go out with your friends, youd better be back_ ten oclock.6.Ther is a lot of wind in North China.-well, more trees _every year to stop the wind. A. must plant B. must be planted C. can planted D. should plant7.Attention,please.All the mobile phones must _before the meeting starts. A,. turn off B.be turning off C. be turned off D. turned off 8.Food and drink should _ to bring into the reading room. A. not be allowed B. be not allowed C. not be allowing D. be not allowing9.Things should _ here before you enter the Great Museum. A. keep B. keeps C. are kept D. be kept10.Youd better get your hair _.It is too long. A. cut B. cuts C. cutting D. to cut11.-I have seen the film on TV, what about you? -_ A. so did I B. so I did C. so I have D. so have I 12.When Jenny finished her first book, she was just a _ girl. A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five year old D. five-year-old13.You shouldnt _ until 12:00 pm. Its bad for your healthy. A. come up B. stay up C. stand up D. put up14.Children should _ get on well with others. A. teach how to B. be taught how C. be taught how to D. taught how to 15.The little boy is not _ to go to school. A. old too B. too old C. enough old D. old enough 16. I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening. A.I agree B. I think so C. I dont know D. I disagree17.When Miss Green began to _ something ,the two boys stopped _ and became quiet. A. speak ; speaking B. talk; speaking C. say; talking D. tell, to say18.Our teacher dont allow us _ late. A. arrive B. arriving C. arrived D. to arrive19._ should not be allowed to go out at night. A Twelve-years-old .B. Twelve-year-olds C. Twelve year old D. Twelve years old20.-When are you going to have your hair _?-This afternoon. A. cut B. to cut C. cutting词汇1. My bike is broken on my way to school. So I will have it _(repair) after school.2. Please stop _(wear )that silly earring.3. He _(choose) the lucky number “8”,and it really brought him good luck.4. He doesnt seem _(have)many friends. 5. He is too young _(drive) the car.连词1. do a have you ruler _?2. About, do you know, it, how much_?3. pens those her pass black_4. match a now be TV football there on _.5. Should, I, not, what, told, to, do, be _.完形填空Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almost everyone 1 their own dreams in their life. The dreams are very important 2 them. The dreams can make them 3 harder.I am studying in a school now. My dream is 4 a teacher in West China. Many Children there want to go to school 5 they cant. Their families are very poor and the parents have 6 enough money to send their children to school. But going to school and studying is the only 7 to change their life. Teachers are greatly needed there, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I 8 kind to my students and make friends with themI will give them love and teach 9 how to be a useful person. I think it is a great 10 in the world.1. A. has B. have C. isD. are 2. A. atB. to C. in D. with3. A. to work B. to studyC. workD. working 4. A. be B. to make C. to do D. to be5. A. and B. butC. or D. so 6. A. notB. muchC. many D. any7. A. way B. greater C. the greater D. the greatest 8. A. amB. will be C. wasD. am going to9. A. they B. theirC. themD. theirs 10. A. roomB. bookC. school D. job阅读理解Man invented a lot of sports equipments(器材). The first true piece was the ball.Thousands of years ago, in Egypt(埃及), throwing stones was childrens favorite game. But a badly thrown stone could hurt a child. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the people in Egypt madethe first balls. At first, they used tree leaves to make balls. They used vines(藤) to keep the leaves together. Laterthey began to use pieces of animal skin and fill them with some light things. These balls were much better than the old ones. Before long they invented a lot of ball games, each had its own rules. They began to play these ball games according to the rules. They thought that ball playing was one of the best ways to teach the young men to be brave(勇敢) and strong.1. _, so the Egyptians invented balls instead. AThrowing stones was a popular game for children B. Stones were too heavy to throw C. Stones might hurt children D. They hadnt so many stones1. They preferred playing balls than throwing stones because _. A. balls were lighter than stones B. they were looking for somethingC. balls were easy to make D. throwing stones was more dangerous2. They made the first balls with _.A. leaves and vines B. animal skinC. something light D. something better3. The Egyptians invented _ very long ago. A. many different kinds of games B. many different games with balls C. throwing stonesD. dangerous games4. Ball playing _.A. would teach the young men how to play games B. would make the young people healthierC. could be more interesting D. could be the best way to study well

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