中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第三节 情态动词试题1

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中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第三节 情态动词试题1_第1页
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中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第三节 情态动词试题1_第2页
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中考英语命题研究 第二部分 语法专题突破篇 专题八 动词 第三节 情态动词试题1_第3页
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第三节 情态动词,河北中考五年命题规律及趋势 考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值情态动词基本用法201528cant的用法may/cant/must/neednt1分201434cant表示不能cant/mustnt/shouldnt/neednt1分201334may表请求的用法may/must/should/need1分情态动词表推测201235must表肯定推测can/may/must/need1分 情态动词为河北历年的必考点,主要为其基本用法和词义辨析,如:may在疑问句中表请求,neednt表示没必要,cant表否定推测和不能。特别是must的各种用法,如:must表肯定推测和强制命令。尤其注意在have to和must的问句中,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt或dont have to。同时,也涉及情态动词在被动语态中的运用。设题形式多为单句或对话形式,且词数为1016。预测2017年河北中考的单项选择题会出现一道考查情态动词基本用法的题,且偏向考查must的用法及其问句的答语。,河北中考重难点突破【满分点拨】情态动词有一定的词义,本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅表达说话人的态度。它在句中须和实义动词一起构成谓语。常见情态动词的用法 情态动词用法例句can表示能力,意为“能、会”。Sam can speak English well.Sam英语讲得很好。表示推测,意为“可能”,常用于否定句和疑问句。She cant be at home now because I saw her out.她现在不可能在家,因为我看见她出去了。表示请求、允许,意为“可以”。Can I borrow your bike?我能借你的自行车吗?couldcan的过去式,意为“能、会”,表示过去的能力。Lang Lang could play the piano well when he was young.郎朗很小的时候钢琴就弹得非常好。在疑问句中表示委婉的请求Could I have one cup of tea?我可以要一杯茶吗?续表 情态动词用法例句must表示主观看法,意为“必须、应该”。You must finish your homework first!你首先必须完成你的家庭作业!表示有把握的推测,用于肯定句,表示“一定”。The coat must be Marys because her name was on it.这个大衣肯定是玛丽的,大衣上面有她的名字。should/ought to意为“应该”,表示要求和命令,也可以表示劝告或建议。We should protect the air fresh.我们应该保持空气清新。You ought to teach them carefully.你应该耐心地教导他们。may表示请求、许可,意为“可以”。You may sit here if you want.如果你想的话,你可以坐在这儿。表示推测,常用于肯定句中,意为“可能,也许”。She may come back tomorrow,but I am not sure.她可能明天回来,但是我不确定。续表 情态动词用法例句mightmay的过去式。He asked if he might go home.他问他是否可以回家了。表示请求、许可,语气比may更委婉。Might I smoke here?我可以在这里吸烟吗?表示推测,常用于肯定句,意为“可能、也许”(可能性比may小)。It might rain tomorrow.明天可能有雨。need表示需要、必须,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。You neednt say sorry to him.你不需要对他说对不起。情态动词的其他用法一、must和have tomust表示主观上感到“有必要”;have to表示因外部因素而使得某人“不得不”。此外,must只有一般现在时,表示“过去”通常用had to,表示将来要用will have to。have/has/had to动词原形,在改否定句或疑问句时要外加助动词do/does/did。如:She has to stay at home and look after her sick mother.她得待在家里照顾生病的妈妈。Does she have to stay at home and look after her sick mother?她得待在家里照顾她生病的妈妈吗?Must I go there with you?我必须和你去那儿吗?二、can和be able to两者表“能力”时用法相同,但can只有现在式can和过去式could两种形式,其他时态要用be able to来表示。另外,be able to常常有“做成了某事”的意味。如:Jim cant speak Chinese.吉姆不会说中文。We will be able to see him next week.下个星期,我们将会看到他。三、can和may1can和may均可用来表示请求或许可,意为“可以”,一般可互换使用。如:Can/May I help you?我能帮助你吗?2can与may表示可能性时的区别(1)在肯定句中表推测时,may表示具体事情实际发生的可能性,can表示客观的(理论上的)可能性。(2)在疑问句中表推测时用can(可能),不用may。(3)在否定句中表推测时用cant(不可能),may not(可能不)。如:She may be in the classroom.她可能在教室里。Where can they be now?他们现在可能在哪儿?四、maybe和may be前者是副词,意为“大概,或许”,与perhaps/probably同义;后者属于情态动词,may与be动词用,意为“或许是”。如:Maybe she is in the office.或许她在办公室。She may be in the office.她或许是在办公室。五、cant和mustnt表否定推测时应用cant。mustnt意为“禁止,不允许”,不用来表推测,在肯定句中可用must表推测,意为“一定”。六、情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为“情态动词bedone(过去分词)”。做题时要兼顾情态动词和语态这两个方面的用法。如:More and more trees must be planted in China.在中国,越来越多的树必须被种植。注意:(1)由need引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定回答常用neednt。如:Need I answer the question?需要我回答这个问题吗?Yes,you must/have to./No,you neednt.是的,你必须回答。/不,你不需要。(2)need作为实义动词有人称和数的变化,后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带to的动词不定式;可用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句中。如:She doesnt need to see the doctor.She just needs a rest.她不需要看医生,她只需要休息一下。【考点抢测】( A )1.(2016石家庄新华区中考模拟)The seats are for the old.Young people _ sit here.Amustnt BneedntCmay Dcan( B )2.(2016张家口升学二模)Jenny _ be in the class.The classroom is dark now.Acan BcantCmust Dmustnt( B )3.(2016石家庄28中模拟)What about going to the cinema by taxi?We _ take a taxi.Its only ten minutes walk.Acant BneedntCmustnt Dcouldnt( D )4.(2016石家庄18县市联考)It _ be Mr.Green.He has gone to Beijing.Ashouldnt BmustntCneednt Dcant( D )5.(2016石家庄42中模拟)Is that man in a red Tshirt Mr.Smith?It _ be Mr.Smith.He is on the way to London now.Amust BmustntCcan Dcant( C )6.(2016海港区升学一模)_ I park my car here?Sure.AMust BNeedCCan DShould( C )7.Theres only one day to go.You _ finish your schoolwork by tomorrow.Acan Bwill Cmust Dmay( A )8.(2015保定17中模拟)Excuse me,sir.You _ open the door before the train stops.Amustnt BneedntCmay not Ddont have to( C )9.Honey,stay home before I return.I _,Mom.Amust Bcan Cwill Dshould( C )10.It _ be my book.My book has a signature of mine.Aneednt BmustntCcant Dwont,河北中考考点精练( A )1.(2016绵阳中考)Is Mr. Brown driving here?Im not sure.He_come by train.Amay BshallCneed Dmust( C )2.(2016黔南州中考)All passengers_go through safety check before they take a plane.Acan BmayCmust Dought( D )3.(2016福州中考)Look at the young lady in red.Is it Mrs.King?No,it_be her.She is wearing a white dress today.Acan BmayCmust Dcant( B )4.(2016株洲中考改编)The passengers_show their ID cards before getting on the plane.Amight BmustCcould Dneed( C )5.(2016十堰中考)All the students_know cheating in the exam is not allowed.Aneed BmayCmust Dcan( C )6.(2016郴州中考改编)Mom,Im going climbing.Must I clean the room now?No,you_You can do it this evening.Acant BmustntCneednt Dshouldnt( B )7.(2016长沙中考改编)Finally,they came back.They_be hungry after such a long walk.Acant BmustCneednt Dcan( C )8.(2016安徽中考)Please dont make so much noise.I_hear the speaker very well.Aneednt BmustntCcant Dshouldnt( D )9.(2016包头中考)Ladies and gentlemen,let me,if I_,introduce you my manager,Bill Wealth.Awill BshouldCmust Dmay( A )10.(2016随州中考)Lets go climbing,shall we?You_be joking!Dont you know Im afraid of high places?Amust BcanCmay Dshould( D )11.(2016宁夏中考)Can I go swimming,mom?Certainly.But you_be back by four.Acan BmayCmight Dmust( B )12.(2016绥化中考改编)Mom,must I clean my room?No,you_Amustnt BneedntCcant Dmay not( B )13.(2016河南中考)You look very pretty,if I_say so.Thanks a lot for saying that.Amust BmayCwill Dhave to( B )14.(2016山西中考)Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.Thats too bad.Everyone_be a book lover.Reading is more enjoyable.Amay BshouldCwould Dmust( B )15.(2016天津中考)Mom,_I play football this afternoon?Sure,but you_finish your homework first.Amay;could Bcan;mustCcan;mustnt Dmay;cant( A )16.(2016咸宁中考)Do you think that Kobe will be elected as the MVP this year?It_him.He has retired(退役) since April 13.Acant be Bmustnt beCmust be Dcan be( D )17.(2016路南区九年级二模)To everyones surprise,Alex_play chess very well when he was only four.Amight BshouldCwould Dcould( D )18.(2016路北区九年级三模)Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.Who_it be?It_be John.He phoned to visit me a moment ago.Amay;may Bmay;shouldnt Cmust;can Dcan;must( B )19.(2016河北升学四模)The two young soldier saved many lives from the accident.It_be a big luck to these people.Amay BmustCcan Dmight( A )20.(2016河北升学三模)The notebook_Lin Taos.It has his name on it.Amust be Bcant beCmight be Dmustnt be


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