中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 九全 Units 3-4试题1

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中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 九全 Units 3-4试题1_第1页
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九年级(全) Units 34,中考基础知识梳理 类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.suggest(名词)_suggestion_2center(形容词)_central_3humor(形容词)_humorous_4silent(名词)_silence_5help(形容词)_helpful_6proud(名词)_pride_7.introduce(名词)_introduction_8absent(名词)_absence_9polite(副词)_politely_(反义词)_impolite_10speak(名词)发言者_speaker_(名词)演说_speech_短语归纳1.路过;经过_pass_by_2抱歉,请再说一遍_pardon_me_3一双_a_pair_of_4去的路上_on_ones_way_to_5寻求帮助_ask_for_help_6导入_lead_in_to_7和闲逛_hang_out_with_8对付;应付_deal_with_9公开地_in_public_10为骄傲;感到自豪_be_proud_of/take_pride_in_11.亲身;亲自_in_person_12担心_worry_about_13开始从事;占据_take_up_14在前面_in_front_of_15总是_all_the_time_16放弃_give_up_17缺席_be_absent_from_18决定_make_a_decision_19不再_no_longer/notany_more_20给某人讲笑话_tell_sb._a_joke_句型再现1.打扰一下,你能够告诉我如何到书店吗?Excuse me,could you please tell me _how_to_get_to_ the bookstore?2超市在花店和书店之间。The supermarket is _between_ the flower store _and_ the bookstore.3打扰一下,你知道这周围有没有饭店吗?Pardon me,do you know _if_theres_a_restaurant_ around here?4你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗?Can you tell me _where_theres_ a good place _to_eat_?5当你去参观外国时,知道怎样有礼貌地求助非常重要。When you visit a foreign country, _it_is_important_to_ know _how_to_ask_for_help_ politely.6这个派对是多好的一个主意呀!This party is _such_a_great_idea_!7.我过去常看见他每天都在图书馆读书。I _used_to_see_ him _reading_ in the library every day.8现在对我来说和朋友一起闲逛几乎是不可能的,因为总是有警卫围着我。_Hanging_out_ with friends _is_ almost impossible for me now _because_ there are always guards around me.9只有极少数的人能成为顶尖人士。Only _a_very_small_number_of_ people _make_it_ to the top.10最后,李文的父母决定把他送到寄宿式学校。Finally,Li Wens parents _made_the_decision_to_send_ him to a boarding school.11他的老师建议他的父母亲自和他们的儿子谈谈。His teacher _advised_ his parents _to_talk_with_ their son _in_person_.语法结构1.what,when,where,why,which等引导的宾语从句。2used to表示“过去常常”的用法。 ,五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2014河北83题)We should always speak_politely_ (polite)to our parents.2(2012河北83题)The father was _proud_(pride)of his sons efforts at school.宾语从句( C )3.(2014河北45题)I have some tickets for the basketball match. I wonder _Awhere you buy the ticketsBwhy you like to go thereCif youd like to come alongDwhen you watch the match( C )4.(2013河北44题)If you cant find the place,I will show you _Awhat it is Bwhat it wasCwhere it is Dwhere it was( A )5.(2012河北45题)Our teachers always give us good advice. We should follow _Awhat they say Bwhat they saidCwhich they say Dwhich they said( A )6.(2011河北45题)Jenny is on holiday now. I wonder _.Awhen she will come backBwhen she came backCwhen will she come backDwhen did she come back( B )7.(2015河北40题)Could you tell me _?Talking about festivals.Ahow they are playingBwhat they are doingCwhere they are goingDwhy they are practicing( B )8.(2016河北40题)Im planning a trip to the beach tomorrow,but still cant decide _Awhere Im goingBhow Im goingCwhy Im planningDwhen Im planning,河北中考重难点突破 suggest的用法【满分点拨】suggest v建议;提议suggestion n建议suggest sth.(to sb.)(向某人)建议某事。如:Ill suggest a new plan to my manager.我要向经理建议一个新计划。suggest doing sth.建议做某事。如:He suggested going fishing this afternoon.他建议今天下午去钓鱼。suggest sb./ones doing sth.建议某人做某事。如:You should suggest him/his giving up smoking.你应该建议他戒烟。suggest vt.暗示;表明。suggestthat从句(表示此意思的时候,一般只考查这一个用法)。其宾语从句不能使用虚拟语气,而是使用陈述语气,即该用什么时态就用什么时态,只是要注意和主句suggest的时态对应即可。如:His words suggested(that)he was unhappy.他的话暗示出他不开心。【归纳拓展】suggestthat从句,表示建议某人去做某事。此时要求that从句使用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语由“(should)动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。如:He suggested(that)she(should)go to Beijing right away.他建议她应该立刻去北京。【考点抢测】( C )1.(2016张家口升学一模)What about having a picnic tomorrow morning?Well done,I dont think its good _ because the radio says itll be rainy tomorrow.Anews BsuggestionCadvice Dinformation2May I _suggest_(推荐) a white wine with this dish to you,Sir? 辨析deal with与do with【满分点拨】 deal with常与how连用,强调处理问题的方式、方法。do with一般与what连用,意为“处置;处理;对待;利用”,侧重于对事物的利用。 I want to know how they will deal with the problem.I want to know what they will do with the problem.我想知道他们要如何处理这个问题。【考点抢测】( A )3.(2015河南中考)Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to _.Adeal with Bkeep up withCagree with Dcome up with4As a middle school student,you should know what to _do_with_ the problems between study and relaxation. 辨析used to do sth.,be/get used to doing sth.与be used to do sth.【满分点拨】 used to do sth.意为“过去常做某事”,只用于过去时态。be/get used to(doing) sth.意为“习惯于(做)某事”,可用于现在、过去、将来等多种时态。be used to do sth.意为“被用于做某事”,是被动语态,不定式表示目的,用于多种时态。【一言辨异】My father used to watch TV after dinner,but now he is/gets used to taking a walk.我父亲以前晚饭后常常看电视,但是现在他习惯于去散步。【考点抢测】( C )5.(2016黑龙江中考改编)My grandfather _ live in the countryside,but now he _ living in the city.Aused to;used toBgot used to;gets used toCused to;gets used toDused to;get used to polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的【满分点拨】辨析polite,impolite和politely polite形容词,意为“有礼貌的;客气的”。impolite形容词,意为“不礼貌的;粗鲁的”,由“否定前缀impolite”构成。其同义词为rude。politely副词,意为“有礼貌地;客气地”,在句中修饰动词。【考点抢测】6(2016路北区中考模拟)Its polite_ to greet our teachers when we meet them.7(2016烟台中考)The little girl is very kind and she always talks to people _politely_(polite) proud adj.自豪的;骄傲的【满分点拨】辨析proud与pride proud(1)形容词,意为“自豪的;骄傲的”;(2)短语be proud of“为骄傲;为感到自豪”。pride(1)名词,意为“自豪;骄傲”,the pride of“的骄傲/自豪”;(2)短语take pride in“为感到自豪”。【一言辨异】Tom is the pride of his parents and they are always proud of him.汤姆是父母的骄傲,他们总是为他感到自豪。【考点抢测】( D )8.(2015保定13中模拟)Lily won first prize in yesterdays dancing competition.Really?Then her mother must be _ her.Amad at Bworried aboutCinterested in Dproud of( B )9.(2016石家庄42中模拟)Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize.We all take _ in her.Aproud Bpride Cpraise Dcare 【重点句型】I wonder when_the_park_closes_today我想知道这个公园今天什么时候关门。【满分点拨】此句是一个含有when引导的宾语从句的复合句。wonder后常接if/whether引导的宾语从句,也可接who,what,why,when等引导的宾语从句,表示委婉地询问信息或提出请求。如何变宾语从句从句形式引导词陈述句that(在口语或非正式问题中常省略)一般疑问句whether,if(在口语中常用if)特殊疑问句who,what,which,when,where,how,why等【巧学助记】巧记宾语从句的用法宾语从句最易考,三个考点需记牢。一点常考引导词,不同句子词相异。陈述句子用that,一般疑问是否(if/whether)替;特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词。二点时态常变化,主句不同从句异。主句若为现在时,从句时态应看意;主句若为过去时,从句时态向前移。三点语序要牢记,陈述语序从句中。【温馨提示】当宾语从句表达的内容是客观事实或科学真理时,无论主句是何种时态,从句的时态都用一般现在时。The teacher told us the light travels faster than the sound.老师告诉我们光比声音传播的速度快。【考点抢测】( A )10.(2016海港区升学一模)Could you tell me _?Reading newspapers.Awhat you are doingBwhere you are goingChow you are doingDwhy you are answering( D )11.(2016石家庄9年级质检一)I want to write to my aunt,but I dont know _Awhat she looks likeBwhat her telephone number isCwhat she likes readingDwhat her email address is,河北中考考点精练.单项选择。( B )1.Ive shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.Thank you for _ so much time.Ataking BspendingCcosting Dhaving( B )2.Jenny,what do you think of my opinion?Oh,sorry,Mike.I havent considered it yet,so I cant give you a _ answer now.Asimilar BdirectCdifferent Dsecret( B )3.What fruit would you like?Some _,please.They are my favorite.Adessert BgrapesCjuice Dbiscuits( D )4.What did you say just now?I asked her _Awhere is the hotelBwhere the hotel isCwhere was the hotelDwhere the hotel was( A )5.We all know the learning a foreign language _ time and effort.Arequires BreducesCremoves Drepeats( B )6.Liu Huan,a famous male singer,has long hair,because he _ long hair.Aused to haveBis used to havingCis used for havingDis used to have( C )7.The game is too hard for me.I will certainly lose._You never say no before you try.AForget it! BIm sorry.CCome on! DPardon me?( B )8.I dont know when _ tomorrow.I will call you as soon as he _Awill he come;arrivesBhe will come;arrivesChe will come;will arriveDwill he come;will arrive( B )9.I dont know if we will have a sports meeting,because it _ the weather.Astands for Bdepends onClives on Dagrees with( C )10.My grandmother _ live in the countryside,but now she _ living in the city.Aused to;used toBgot used to;gets used toCused to;gets used toDused to;get used to.(2015滦平二模)完形填空。Nagori was unhappy because of his son,Varyu,who drank most of the time.He did everything he could to change his sons bad habit,but _1_Nagori went to ask a sage for help and the sage told him to bring his son _2_ him the next day.The next morning.Nagori and his son came to the sages home.“Lets go for a _3_”said the sage.Then the sage and Varyu went to a forest on foot.“Give me that twig(嫩枝)”said the sage.Varyu broke it easily and handed it to the sage. _4_ the sage asked Varyu to pull out a small plant.After some time,the plant was in Varyus hand.“_5_ out that small tree,”said the sage.Varyu smiled,thinking _6_ would be a piece of cake.But however hard he tried,he could not pull it out.Finally Varyu had to _7_The sage smiled and said,“Bad _8_ are just like that tree.Once they are deeply rooted(扎根),its almost _9_ to give them up.In the beginning,you control your body._10_,when bad babits become stronger,they control your body.”Touched by the wise words of the sage,Varyu returned home and began to make small changes every day,and at last he got rid of the bad habit.( C )1.A.agreed BforgotCfailed Dtried( B )2.A.from BtoCwith Dinto( A )3.A.walk BswimCride Ddrive( C )4.A.Because BButCThen DSo( C )5.A.Take BGetCPull DCarry( B )6.A.those BitChe Dthey( A )7.A.give up Bwake upCthink up Dget up( D )8.A.ideas BwordsCactions Dhabits( B )9.A.easy BimpossibleCnecessary Ddangerous( D )10.A.Anyway BInsteadCAlso DHowever.(2015石家庄28中三模)阅读理解。“BANG!”the door caused a reverberation(回声)It was just standing there,with father standing on one side,and I on the other side.We were both in great anger.“Never set foot in this house again!”shouted father.With tears in my eyes,I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.The street lights were shining,causing rather sad feelings.A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me.I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space:happy and carefree(无忧无虑的)But nowI dont know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old.We disagree in our ways of thinking.He always puts his opinions on me.We are just like two people coming from two different worlds.It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.I wandered(漫游) the streets,without a destination in mind.When I finally reached the apartment block in which I lived,I saw that the light was still on.I thought to myself,“Is father waiting for me,or is he still angry with me?”In fact,it was nothing.Perhaps,dad was throwing away some of his old stamps.Perhaps he thought they were useless.I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.I couldnt stand his outrageous(蛮横的)words,“I cant throw you away,let alone these old papers!”All the lights were off except fathers.Dad was always like this.Maybe he didnt know how to express himself.After shouting at me,he never showed any moments of regret.After an argument he has the habit of creeping up in my sleep and then tucks me underneath the covers.This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.The light was still on.“Am I wrong?”I whispered,maybeWith the key in hand,I was as nervous as I had never been.At last,I decided to open the door.As soon as I opened the door,tears ran down my cheeks.I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had thought between us did not exist at all.Loveits second to none.( C )1.What made the writer think of his childhood?AThe sight of the street lights.BThe sight of the empty street.CThe sight of a father with a child in his arms.DThe sight of light in his own house.( C )2.Why did the son cry when he opened the door at last?ABecause his father shouted at him again.BBecause he found his father was sleeping.CBecause he found his father was waiting for him.DBecause he found his father was throwing away some of his old stamps.( D )3.Which of the following is NOT true?AThe father is getting older and older.BThe son has already grown up.CThey often disagree with each other.DThe son often tells his father that he likes collecting stamps.( A )4.According to the passage what does “Loveits second to none” may mean?ALove is the best.BLove is the second.CLove is not enough.DLove is nothing.( B )5.What conclusion(结论) can you come to after reading the passage?AThe father treats his son in a polite way.BThe father is actually kind to his son.CThe father is never angry with his son.DThe father is always keeping his son outside.(2014路南区二模)任务型阅读。Vicky Zhao is from the mainland working in Hong Kong now.For her,one thing she cant stand is people standing on the wrong side of the escalator(自动扶梯) in subway station.“Escalators help us move faster and save time.It isnt a place to rest,”the 24yearold says,“I often see tourists blocking(挡住) the way with their heavy suitcases or chatting on the escalators during rush hour.It makes me very angry.”Agreeing that she isnt the patient type,Vicky Zhao says things are much better in Hong Kong than in cities on the mainland where people often pay no attention to “stand right,walk left” signs.The rule encourages people to stand on the right so others can walk _The reason behind the rule “stand right,walk left” seems clear.Even though you may want to have a rest and just wait while youre transported up or down,you should still consider others and leave enough space for people in a hurry,so that they can run and take the train.But_the_people_who_stand_on_escalators_will_tell_the_walkers_not_to_be_so_impatientIn a recent story about the escalator rule,one stander says,“If the person is in such a rush,why not just take the stairs?”Many cities escalators,including Londons and Beijings,use the “stand right,walk left” rule to speed up the movement of people.(In Australian cities like Sydney you should stand on the left side instead.)But some cities discourage people from moving on escalators out of safety reasons.In Hong Kongs subway stations people are asked to “stand still” on escalators.Even so,most people keep the “stand right,walk left” rule.Whatever the escalator rule is in the place you live in or visit,do what most people are doing and always be mindful of others:leave enough space between each other,dont stay at the end of the escalator,and if_someone_is_blocking_your_way,a_simple_“excuse_me”_is_enough.1题完成句子;23题简略回答问题;4题完成画线句子的同义句(每空一词);5题将画线句子译成汉语。1The rule encourages people to stand on the right so others can walk _on_the_left_2Where does Vicky Zhao live now?_She_lives_in_Hong_Kong_3Why is the escalator rule “stand right,walk left” widely used in many places?_Because_it_can_speed_up_the_movement_of_people4It is _enough_to_say_a_ _simple_ _“excuse_ _me”_if someone is blocking your way.5_但站在自动扶梯上的人会告诉行人不要那么不耐烦_。.词语运用。I have a good friend.His name is Tom.When Tom was about 13 years old,he 1._really_(real) wanted a new bike!He 2.told_ his parents his birthday wish,but he knew there was little hope because his family could never have that money.On his birthday his 3._parents_(parent) told him they had his gift outside in the back yard.At once he 4._ran_(run) out to the yard.There was his bike,5.but_ it wasnt the bike that he thought it would be.This one was pink,old and worn with age.Though it was old,Tom was still happy to have it.Because he knew his parents would do everything for him.连词成句。1wonder,you,I,can,help,I,if_I_wonder_if_you_can_help_me_2at,I,going,am,night,of,afraid,out_I_am_afraid_of_going_out_at_night_3did,milk,you,deal,how,the,with_How_did_you_deal_with_the_milk_?4am,to,I,swimming,go,excited_I_am_excited_to_go_swimming_5the,you,door,mind,would,opening_Would_you_mind_opening_the_door_?.书面表达。对于“中学生在校是否可以使用手机”,不同学生有不同的看法,请你根据下面表格中的提示写一篇短文,向某英语报社投稿。 观点赞成反对理由1.便于联系:2.获取信息:1.浪费时间:2.危害身心健康:你的观点及理由 要求:1.包含所有要点,不要逐字翻译,围绕要点适当发挥;2书写规范、工整,条理清晰;3文中不得出现真实人名、地名、校名等;4词数:80词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。Can middle school students use mobile phones at school?Nowadays,more and more teenagers use mobile phones.Can middle school students use mobile phones at school?Different students have different opinions about it.Some students think they can use mobile phones at school.First,its convenient for them to call their parents,teachers or friends.Second,they can search what they need on mobile phones.For example,they can look up new words and look through news.However,some students disagree.They think using mobile phones at school is a waste of time.Many students spend too much time on games and QQ.Besides,its unhealthy for the body and the mind,such as hurting eyes and making some bad friends.In my opinion,students cant use mobile phones at school.Its bad for their health and study.


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