中考英语总复习 第三轮 中考题型实战 考点跟踪突破44 完成句子

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中考英语总复习 第三轮 中考题型实战 考点跟踪突破44 完成句子_第3页
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考点跟踪突破44完成句子A(2015,遂宁)1事实上,遂宁真的是一个让你休闲放松的好地方。In fact,Suining is really a good place to relax and enjoy yourself.2污染如此严重,人人都应该出一分力来制止它。The pollution is so terrible that everybody should do something to stop it.3我没有注意到他们所讨论的事情。I didnt pay attention to what they discussed.4青少年应该努力提升自我,不要让父母失望。Teenagers should try to develop themselves and never let their parents down5今日事,今日毕(不要把今天的事推迟到明天)。Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.B(2016,天津)1明天请把作业交上来。Please hand in your homework tomorrow.2他说的话不合情理。His words didnt make sense3他旁边的那位女士是我的姑姑利兹。The woman next to him is my aunt Liz.4电视开着,但是玛丽没注意看。The TV was on,but Mary wasnt paying attention to it.5我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。I think we all need to help animals live in peaceC(2015,宜宾)1我哥哥过去常常在周六去钓鱼。My brother used to go fishing on Saturdays.2每天阅读是一种好习惯。Reading every day is a good habit.3他借那本杂志多久了?How long has he kept the magazine?4他们以多彩的生活而出名。They are famous for their colorful life.5只有海伦能办好那件事。Nobody but Helen is able to deal with it well.D(2015,达州)1专家们建议,家长应该亲自和孩子交流沟通。Experts suggest that parents should communicate with their children in person2老人与海这本书值得一看。The book The Old Man and the Sea is worth reading3众所周知,钓鱼岛属于中国。As we all know,Diaoyu Island belongs to China.4凯文在母亲节给他妈妈买了一条红色的围巾。Kevin bought a red scarf for his mother on Mothers Day.5四川的人口比云南的多。The population of Sichuan is larger than that of Yunnan.E(2015,白银)1这本书你可以借阅一周。You can keep this book for a week.2这是个难题!不是所有的学生都知道如何解决它。This question is difficult!Not all the students know how to solve it.3那边出了什么事?那么多人挤在大门口。Whats happening over there?So many people are crowding around the gate.4在爱因斯坦完成学业之后,他继续在瑞士学习物理。After Einstain finished from school,he went on to study physics in Switzerland.5他老是发薪日还没到就把钱花光了。He is always running out of money before payday.F(2015,黄石)1所有宠物在生活上给予它们主人爱与安慰。All pets provide the owners with love and comfort in their lives.2我更愿意待在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友在外闲逛。Instead of hanging out with friends,I prefer to watch TV at home.3熬夜对健康不好。Staying up late is bad for your health.4我最好的朋友跟我相似,因为我们都勤奋。My best friend is similar to me because we are both hardworking.5我期待着收到你们所有人的来信。I look forward to hearing from you all.6去野营是多好的建议啊!What good advice it is to go camping!7我衷心祝愿你们能成功通过这次考试!I sincerely hope that you can succeed in passing this exam.8处于困境时尽量微笑面对生活,这样你很快就会又高兴起来。Try to smile at life when you are in trouble and soon youll be happy again.9我和我姐姐尝试了滑翔,我感觉像一只鸟。My sister and I tried paragliding.I felt like a bird.10要么你要么我将去超市买些水果。Either you or I will go to the supermarket to buy some fruit.G(2015,内江)1Mike通常在六点四十分吃早饭。Mike_often_has_breakfast_at_6:40.2你的钢笔买了多长时间了?How_long_have_you_had_your_pen?3刚才我看见张老师走进了他的办公室。I_saw_Mr.Zhang_enter_his_office_just_now.4电视是什么时候发明的?When_was_the_TV_invented?5我今天上午实在太累了以至于在上语文课时睡着了。This_morning_I_was_so_tired_that_I_fell_asleep_in_Chinese_class.H(2015,营口)1多亏了你们的帮助,我们及时完成了任务。Thanks to your help,we finished the task in time.2我们为美丽的家乡感到自豪。 We are proud of our beautiful hometown.3这种产品的价格取决于它的质量。 The price of this kind of product depends on its quality.4这本字典你买多久了?How long have you had this dictionary?5不要把我与别人相比较。Dont_compare_me_with_others.6为什么不和你的父母谈谈?Why_dont_you_talk_with_your_parents?7昨天我到家时,他正在等我。 He_was_waiting_for_me_when_I_got_home_yesterday.I(2016,丹东)1这条围巾属于Grace。This scarf belongs_to Grace.2莫言因为他的小说红高粱而闻名于世。Mo Yan is_famous_for his novel “Hong Gao Liang” in the world.3丹东是中国最美城市之一。Dandong is one of the_most_beautiful_cities in China.4你弟弟花了多长时间做家务?How long did it take your brother to_do_housework/chores?5青少年应该远离吸烟。Teenagers should keep/stay/be_away_from smoking.6你介意把音乐调小点声吗?Would you mind turning_down_the_music?7轻音乐使我放松。Soft/Light_music_can_make_me_relaxed8你能帮我洗碗吗?Could_you_help_me_do_the_dishes?9这台电脑我已经买了三年了。I_have(already)_had_the_computer_for_three_years10我将不会让我的父母失望。I_wont_let_my_parents_down11如果你努力工作,你的梦想将会实现。If_you_work_hard,your_dream_will/can_come_true


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