中考英语 第一轮 课本考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破1 七上 Starters-Unit 4试题11

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中考英语 第一轮 课本考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破1 七上 Starters-Unit 4试题11_第1页
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考点跟踪突破1七年级(上)StartersUnit 4一、完形填空。(2016,宜昌)My father was a selftaught mandolin (曼陀林琴) player.He was one of the best players in our town.He could not _1_ music,but if he heard a tune (曲子) a few times,he could play it.When he was young,he was a _2_ of a small country music band.They played at local dances and the radio station.At home Dad often got out his mandolin and played for the family.We three children sang along._3_ played the mandolin like my father.He could _4_ your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin.He seemed to shine when he was playing.You could see his _5_ in his ability to play so well for his family.But Dad had to find another _6_ in a factory later because the money he made at the band wasnt enough to _7_ the family.Unluckily he had an _8_ one day and lost one finger.He couldnt play as _9_ as before.From then on,every time we asked him to play,he would make up reasons to _10_ down our request.However,we missed his performance so much._11_,he agreed and said “Okay,but remember,I cant hold down on the strings (琴弦) the way I _12_ to”When he played the old mandolin,it carried us back to a _13_,happy time in our lives.Dad was that kind of man._14_ was what he was doing all his life.If he could give _15_ to others,he would,especially his family.He was always there,sacrificing (牺牲) his time to see that his family had enough in their life.(C )1.A.express Braise Cread Dlead(B )2.A.dancer Bmember Cdriver Dfriend(A )3.A.Nobody BSomebodyCAnybody DEverybody( B )4.A.shut Btouch Ccover Dhurt( C )5.A.doubt Btruth Cpride Dworry( A )6.A.job Bwallet Cgame Dhobby( D )7.A.start Bwork Cvalue Dsupport( B )8.A.action Baccident Cargument Dexam( C )9.A.deep Bfast Cwell Dloud( A )10.A.turn Bbreak Cclose Dlay( D )11.A.Nearly BExactly CCertainly DFinally( B )12.A.regretted Bused Ckept Dpointed( C )13.A.careful Bforgetful Ccheerful Dhelpful( A )14.A.Giving BReceiving CChanging DTaking( B )15.A.production BpleasureCpurpose Dpatience二、阅读理解。(2016,绵阳)Students who get tired of looking at the four walls of a classroom might like to take the nature course being offered by Carvel College again this summer.Groups of about a dozen students each,led by an experienced guide,will go on tenday camping trips to the mountains to study the plants and animals that grow and live there.Students carry their own things,which include sleeping bags,warm clothing,food and water,and other useful tools.And what do the students do all day?Well,as soon as the sun comes up,they eat breakfast and start climbing up the mountain trail to the next campground,which is five to ten miles away.As the students take notes,the guide points out different plants and animals alongside the trail.The climb is usually over by early afternoon,so the group spends the rest of the day resting or swimming in a mountain lake.Before dinner each night,they all come together and discuss the days activities.At the end of the course,the students write reports using the information they have collected.But they dont mind at all.What they do mind is leaving the beauty of the wilderness and the good friends theyve made to return to their normal lives in the city.16What can the course offer to the students?_C_ABetter grades in tests.BFree vacations in mountains.CA different learning experience.DBetter chance to study in Carvel College.17How far does a student have to walk throughout the course?_C_AAbout five to ten miles.BAbout two hundred miles.CAbout fifty to one hundred miles.DAbout sixty to one hundred and twenty miles.18What do the students have to do before dinner?_D_AWash themselves up in a mountain lake.BAttend classes by the experienced guide.CWrite about what they see along the trail.DReview what they learn through discussion.19What can we tell about the course?_A_AThey will change campgrounds everyday.BThe students have to learn all by themselves.CPens and books will be useless in the course.DCarvel College will provide everything for the students.20From the last paragraph we know the students are _B_ .Aserious with the final reportBunwilling to go back to the cityClooking forward to returning homeDtoo tired to stay in the course any longer三、任务型阅读。(2016,温州模拟)你们班级正在进行优美英文诗歌的收集活动。请仔细阅读以下A到F选项中六位同学收集的诗歌,在2125题中为其归类。其中一首诗为多余选项。_D_21.Pet_F_22.Mother_A_23.Birthday _B_24.Friendship_E_25.EnvironmentASweet Wishes to youCindyA wish for lots of birthday fun.To last until the day is done.Hoping that all your wishes come true.And your birthday cake is as sweet as you!BA True FriendAshley Mont gomeryA true friend never walks away,A true friend will always stay.These arms for you are open.This heart for you does care.CHappy New YearEmilie PoulssonA New Year is beginning.Be joyful one and all!And share this warm blessing:I wish a happy New Year!DPussyMother GoosePussy cat sits by the fire.How can she be fair?In walks the little dog;Says,“Pussy, are you there?”EMake It GreenAvani DesaiLives are crying because its not clean.Earth is dying because its not green.With dying trees and animals,its in sorrow (悲伤). Make green today and green tomorrow.FRock Me to SleepElizabeth Akers AllenMake me back a child, just for tonight! Mother, come back from that echoless shore:Take me back in your heartRock me to sleep,motherrock me to sleep!四、语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。每空不多于3个单词。This is my friend. 26.His_name is Jim Green. Hes 27.an_English boy. Hes thirteen 28.years_ (year) old. Hes in No.10 Middle School. He is 29.in Class Two, Grade Seven. He and I 30.are_(be) in the same class, but in different 31.rows_(row)This is 32.my_ (I) Chinese teacher. She is a woman. Her name is Gao Ling. She is thirty years old. Shes a good teacher. She is my good friend, 33.too_. She 34.teaches_(teach) us well. We love 35.her_very much.五、书面表达。(2016,无锡)假设你是某校九年级(1)班的学生,你校英文俱乐部正在举行“Young Star Award”的评选活动,请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的同学李明,以供参评。内容要点如下:1高个,擅长篮球,成绩优秀;2乐于助人,积极参加活动,热衷慈善;3去年,他;4已筹集一千多元,准备寄给贫困地区的学生;5得到高度赞扬,我们以他为荣。注意事项:1短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2第3要点的内容须围绕主题,用23句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;3词数在90个左右,短文的开头已在答题卡上给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:慈善(charity)Young Star AwardMy classmate Li Ming is very tall,and he is good at basketball.He_is_one_of_the_top_students_in_my_class.Li_Ming_is_very_helpful,and_he_often_takes_an_active_part_in_different_activities,especially_in_charities.Last_year,he_held_a_charity_programme_for_children_in_poor_areas.Since_last_year,he_has_raised_more_than_1,000_yuan.Now_he_gets_ready_to_send_the_money_to_the_children_in_poor_areas.His_action_has_won_high_praise_from_our_school.He_is_our_pride.

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