中考英语 第三轮 中考题型实战 考点跟踪突破40 词汇运用试题 人教新目标版

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中考英语 第三轮 中考题型实战 考点跟踪突破40 词汇运用试题 人教新目标版_第1页
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考点跟踪突破40词汇运用一、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。1In the USA,people eat with knives (刀) and forks.2I left my book at home.May I borrow yours (你的)?3You must look at the traffic lights before you go across (穿过) the road.4It rained heavily (大) on my way home yesterday afternoon.5The earlier (越早) kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.6The basketball match is worth (值得) watching.7We are supposed to encourage (鼓励) the young to read more books.8Today is Marys twelfth (十二岁) birthday.We will go to her birthday party.9Its good to have a healthy (健康的) eating habit.10We shouldnt waste water.Instead,we should save (节约) it.11The students are having a chemistry (化学) class in the lab.12Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional (传统的) art.13Parents always try to provide (提供) a comfortable environment for their children.14Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real (真实的)15All my classmates went to the old peoples home except (除了) Eric because he was ill.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。1Take off your shoes before you go into the house.2I really like/love my English teacher because she is friendly and fair.3If the weather is fine on Sunday,we will plant trees at the old peoples home.4During the summer holiday,I will take part in a twoweek work experience activity.5The book is too expensive.I think I will borrow one from the library.6Without your help,I couldnt have passed the exam.7Tom was old enough to work and make money.8Linda stayed up late and prepared herself for the math exam last night.9A menu is a list of food that you can eat in a restaurant.10As the old saying goes,“Old habits die hard.” So start exercising before its too late!11She was so nervous about her first speech that she couldnt sleep.12My father isnt tall or short.Hes of medium height13I have already got my passport,but she hasnt got hers yet.14It is said that the moon circles the earth every 28 days.15Tea is one of the most popular drinks in China.Many people like it.三、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1His office is on the ninth (nine) floor of the tall building.2What about practicing (practice) swimming this summer vacation?3With the development (develop) of science and technology,life is becoming much easier.4It often rains heavily (heavy) in this season every year.5Have you ever read the books translated (translate) by Yang Jiang?6John is not good at singing (sing),but he would like to have a try.7Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize winners (win) in 2015.Were proud of her.8Helping others is helping ourselves (we),so we should try our best to help those in need.9Mr. Green is so serious that he always thinks carefully (careful) before making a decision.10The police warn the drivers to drive slowly on snowy (snow) days because it is dangerous.11Hainan Province is in the southern (south) part of China.12Trust him!He has no difficulty working (work) out this problem.13The math problem isnt difficult,and I can work it out easily (easy)14Please promise not_to_tell (not tell) lies any more,will you?15Gorge treats everyone with kindness and warmth (warm),spreading positive energy.四、根据句意,选择方框中的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空。A(2016,福州)1She took lots of beautiful photos during her stay in Europe.2Tom,believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success.3Tomorrow will be sunnyHow about going to Mount Gu for a picnic?4The teacher kept explaining the use of the idiom to me until I understood it.5He was facing a difficult choice between staying with his family or working in Tibet.B(2016,青岛)1The hotel always provides good service for tourists.2Tea was_brought to Western countries in the 19th century.3All of us passed the exam.How happy we are!4Mike will_celebrate his grandpas birthday next Sunday.5Could you please turn down the TV?Your brother is_reviewing his lessons.C(2016,十堰)safe,wet,true,nine,give away,put away,dry1The writer wrote his ninth book when he was fifty.2It has rained much this year,so the south of China is wetter than usual.3Children should be taught road safety to avoid road accidents.4Even though we are busy studying,we are supposed to put_away our things in our bedrooms.5We cant understand our teachers truly took care of us until we graduate.D(2016,武汉)made up,worried,spend,grew up,compare,nervous1I used to be nervous about tests all the time.2Wait before you buy that watch.Lets compare the prices in another store.3On Chinese New Year,people like to spend time with their families.4She grew_up in a small town,although she lives in a big city now.5I havent seen my cat for two days.Im very worried about her.五、阅读短文,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。A(导学号:38122275)(2016,兰州)as,be,dangerous,between,other,stop,just,when,something,differenceSharks have been around for a very long time.It means they have been on earth for thousands of years,and have changed little.A shark is a fish,but it has many 1.differences from a fish.For example,if a shark 2.stops swimming,it will sink (下沉)There are 3.between 200 and 250 kinds of sharks in different size.The largest can be 4.as long as 15 meters.Sharks feed on fish,5.other sea animals,or smaller sharks.It is said that one of the most 6.dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark.They have attacked (攻击) a number of people off the beaches of America.Australia,New Zealand and South Africa also have shark attacks.In some places there 7.are watchtowers on the beach to warn people about sharks in the water.8.When a shark appears,a bell rings to tell people to get out of the water.Sharks attack about 100 people a year in America.Perhaps the shark 9.just thinks that the person is a kind of sea animal,or 10.something good to eat!B(导学号:38122276)(2016,资阳)quick,email,before,she,wife,first,a,fall,into,sendA couple decided to go on a holiday.The wife was on 1.her business trip so the husband went to the destination (目的地) 2.first and his wife would meet him the next day.When he reached his hotel,he decided to send his wife a 3.quick email.But when he typed 4.the address,he typed a wrong letter and his note was 5.sent to an elderly woman.Her husband had died only the day 6.before and she had just come back from the funeral (葬礼)When the sad woman checked her 7.email,she let out a shout,and 8.fell to the floor in a dead faint (昏厥)At the sound,her family rushed 9.into the room and saw this note on the screen:Dearest 10.wife,Just got checked in.Everything prepared for you to arrive tomorrow.C(导学号:38122277)(2016,绵阳)find,book,big,how,mind,clever,swim,school,always,nameMany years ago,there was a family named Franklin.They lived in Boston.There were five girls and six boys in the family.On a January day in 1706 another baby was born.The boys mother and her husband gave the boy a 1.nameBenjamin.Benjamin was the 2.cleverest of all the children.He could read when he was five and he could write when he was seven.The next year his parents sent him to 3.schoolAt school Benjamin was good at reading and writing,but not good at maths.He read all of his fathers 4.booksAnd when he had money,he 5.always went to buy books.He liked books.They told him 6.how to do something.The boy liked to use his head and tried to 7.find ways to help people enjoy life more.For example,he tried to know if there was some way to 8.swim farther,maybe with something on his hands or feet.Slowly a picture of swimming shoes,or paddles,grew in his 9.mindThe paddles must be neither too 10.big nor too small.And they must be neither too heavy nor too light.At last he invented the paddle for swimming.D(导学号:38122278)(2016,成都)around,beauty,color,disappear,down,go,hold,I,keep,luck,paint,workA boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world.In his opinion,he was 1.unlucky because almost everything bad always happened to him.So he wanted to find the secret to happiness.He walked a long way and finally came to a 2.beautiful palace.There,he met the king.After learning why the boy had come,the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours.“At the same time,I want you 3.to_hold this spoon with milk,” said the king.“As you walk around my palace,carry this spoon without spilling (溢出) the milk.”The boy 4.kept his eyes fixed on the spoon and began to walk around the golden palace.After two hours,he came back to the king.“Well,” asked the king.“Did you see the wonderful 5.paintings in my dining hall?Did you see the 6.colorful flowers in the garden?” The boy felt sorry because he saw nothing.He only paid attention to the milk.“Then go back and see the beauty of 7.my world,” said the king.This time the boy saw all of the 8.works of art on the walls.He saw the great gardens and mountains all around.When he came back,he described everything he saw.“But where is the milk?” asked the king.Looking 9.down at the spoon he held,the boy saw the milk was 10.gone“Well,there is only one piece of advice I can give you,” said the king.“The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world and also keep an eye on the milk on the spoon.”E(导学号:38122279)(2016,河南)always,talk,count,I,below,friend,or,people,send,free,around,andNext time youre in a public place,take a look around you.And 1.count how many people are using their phones.I can tell you now that it is probably more than half,whether youre on a bus,in a caf 2.or simply walking down the street.Im not saying that I am not an example of this,but it 3.always amazes (使惊愕) me how people can spend so much time on their phones without 4.talking to others.Has it gone too far?Recently,my smart phone broke and had to be 5.sent off for repair for a week or so.I had to use a really old,basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and 6.friendsAll I could do on this phone was to send text messages,make calls and play one game.And I love it.I loved being 7.free from the Internet,and I really didnt mind not having updates (更新) about what my friends were doing.It allowed 8.me to spend more time enjoying my time in London and watching the people 9.around me and really see what was going on.However,I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of those 10.people once again.Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and forget I ever got my smart phone back.六、阅读短文,根据首字母提示填入所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。A(导学号:38122280)(2016,天津)If you pay a visit to Liu Hashengs restaurant in Harbin,you will find 18 robots there.They are ready to serve you and make sure that your dining 1.experience is perfect.After the visit,you can tell others that the robots serving customers isnt dream any more.Its wonderful to see 2.how the 18 robots work in the restaurant.The wonder 3.starts when you walk in.Youll see a robot come up and say,“Earth person,hello!Welcome to the Robot Restaurant.” When you have ordered your 4.meal,the robots in the kitchen begin to do the cooking.After the food is 5.prepared,a robot waiter will glide (滑行) out of the kitchen to serve you with the meal youve ordered.And as customers enjoy their 6.delicious food,a robot sings lovely songs for them.You may ask,“Where did all these robots come from?” Liu said they were designed (设计) and 7.made by the Harbin Haohai Robot Company.Liu said he invested (投资) 5 million yuan in the restaurant,with each robot costing 200,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.And the 8.whole/wonderful robot team is managed by the workers in the computer room.After a busy day,all the robots will go for a “meal”,which is 9.electricityAfter 5 hours,the robots can continue their work for a day.The restaurant now provides a menu with more than 30 dishes (菜肴),and the average (平均) cost for a dinner is 10.about 40 to 50 yuan.Do you want to go and have a try in this restaurant?B(导学号:38122281)(2016,咸宁)There was a boy who was forced to a boarding (寄宿的) school by his parents.Before being sent away,this boy used to be the 1.best/brightest student in his class.He was at the top in every competition.But things changed after he went to the new school.His grades started 2.droppingHe hated being in a group.He was 3.lonely all the time.He felt he was worthless and that no one loved him.His parents began to worry 4.about him.But even they did not know what was wrong with him.So his dad decide to visit the school and have a 5.talk with him by himself.They sat on the beach near the school.The father started asking him 6.questions about his classes,teachers and sports with a smile on his face.After some time his dad said kindly,“Do you know 7.why I am here today,my dear son?”The boy answered back 8.quickly/quietly,“To check my grades.”“No,no.”his dad replied calmly,“I am here to make you 9.understand that you are the most important person for me.I want to see you happy.I dont care about grades.I care about you.Nothing could be more valuable than your 10.happiness/healthYou are my life!”These words made the boys eyes filled with 11.tearsHe hugged his dad happily.They didnt say 12.anything to each other for a long time.Now the boy knew there was someone in the world who cared about him deeply.He meant the world to someone.From then on,the boy felt confident in his life again.C(导学号:38122282)(2016,武汉)Henry was a kind,good boy.His father was dead,and his mother was very poor.He had a little sister about 2 years old.He wanted to help his mother because she could not 1.always earn (挣) enough money to buy food for his little family.One day a man gave him a dollar for 2.returning the pocketbook which he had lost.Henry could have kept the pocketbook because no one saw him when he found it.But his mother had taught him to be 3.honest,and never to keep what did not belong to him.So he gave the pocketbook back to the man.With the dollar he bought a box,three 4.brushes,and some shoe polish (鞋油)He then went to the 5.corner of the street,and said to everyone whose boots did not look 6.nice“Polish your boots,please?”He was so 7.polite that gentlemen soon began to notice him,and to let him polish their boots.The first day he 8.collected over 50 cents,which he gave to his mother to buy food with.When he gave her the money,she cried with joy and said,“You are a 9.dear,good boy,Henry.I didnt know how I could earn enough to buy bread,but now I think we can 10.manage to get along quite well.”Henry worked after school every day.He earned almost enough to support his mother and his little sister.D(导学号:38122283)Almost every day,we discuss the topic of health.But what is health? “Health” means eating well,getting 1.enough exercise and having a healthy lifestyle.Here 2.are some useful rules.Eat different kinds of food,3.especially fruit and vegetables.We all know that eating fruit and vegetables keeps us healthy,but many of us only eat our favorite food.Remember that we can only get 4.what our body needs by eating all sorts of food.Drink water and milk most often.Everyone knows that water is important.5.Besides water,kids also need plenty of calcium (钙) to grow strong bones,which is rich in milk.Every day,you should drink at 6.least three cups of milk,when you are 9 years old or older.Youd better try to have drinks 7.with little sugar.Pay 8.attention to your body.When you are eating,notice how your body feels.When your stomach is full,9.stop eating.Eating too much makes you become fat and unhealthy.Limit the amount of time you spend watching TV and 10.playing computer games.Try to spend more time doing sports,like running,swimming and so on.

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