u2 word study:课件十二(12张PPT)(人教版必修3)

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Module 3 Unit 2,Word study,Read and find opposites,Wang Peng was amazed at the two menus: in order to help his customers eat better, he fat, which is the of his restaurant, though they can also easily . Why he all his customers? Yong Hui advised to eat more protective food to , but Wang Peng thought that the most important is that it provided too little fat. They were both unbalanced diets .Perhaps she ought to protective food and offer more fat. How can he his customers ?,increased,strength,put on weight,lost,lose weight,weakness,win back,cut down,Read and find phrases that have the same meaning.,1. become thinner 2. eat healthily 3. soon 4. be full of vigor(精力,活力) 5. should 6. have a bad effect on 7. thin 8. ask sb for advice 9. contains .more,Read and pick out,Julie wanted to . She knew she eat more vegetables and fruit but little meat. However, she did not a doctor but lived on a diet of rice, raw vegetables, bananas and lemons, which a fibre. Three weeks later, she found she weighed as much as ever and she was unwilling to visit her friends any more. Luckily her best friend told her that what she ate her health and encouraged her to exercise, and enjoy life again. Julie became and !,lose weight,ought to,consult,are rich in,did harm to,eat a balanced diet,Before long,energetic,slim,Read and fill in,consult; before long; ought to; do harm to; lose weight; energetic; slim; put on weight; weakness; eat a balanced diet,Read and fill in,Dear Kate: How are you doing? You told me in your letter that you are on a diet to _, not eating breakfast. I know being beautiful is everyones dream. But, not eating breakfast is not a good way to keep fit and it has lots of _, such as making you eat more when having lunch, which will get you to _ , causing you to be hungry, which will reduce your efficiency of studying, leading to many diseases, which will _ your health, and so on. So I hope if you want to keep fit and have a body, the best way is to _ a doctor, _ _ and you _ do some regular exercise, such and jogging, dancing, cycling which really do you good. Trust me. Do as what I say, _you will be _ and _.,lose weight,weakness,put on weight,do harm to,consult,eat a balanced diet,ought to,before long,slim,energetic,Lets practice,Junk food , do harm to,Lets practice,strength, be rich in /provide, weakness, be low in,The strength of is that they are rich in The weakness of is that they are low in ,can provide with,Lets practice,Lets write suggestions on obesity,不均衡的饮食会影响你的学习和生活. 为了减肥,你应该在饭菜中减少脂肪,增加纤维素. 蔬菜水果的好处就在于富含维生素和纤维素 不久,你就会把你的健康赢回来.,Lets write Suggestions on boy teenagers diet,你应该多吃能够提供能量的食物. 富含蛋白质的肉类和豆类是帮助你成长所必须的. 每天要食用400-500克的新鲜水果和蔬菜,这些可以提供足够的维生素和纤维素. 垃圾食品对身体有害无益, 而且容易增肥. 青少年需要合理膳食.,V. EVALUATION: (评价),同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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