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黑龙江省2019版七年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . To most teenagers, Harry Potter isto understandAeasy workBan easy workCeasy worksDan easy works.2 . -Doesnt your father often go to work by bus ?-_. But _ he goes to work on foot.ANo, he doesnt . sometimeBYes , he does . sometimesCYes, he does. some timeDNo, he doesnt. sometimes3 . US president(总统) Donald Trump started his visit to China _ November8,2017.AwithBinConDof4 . The children picked some strawberries on the farm and took_homeAthemselvesBtheirCthemDthey5 . This isnt_book,_is on the table.Aher; HersBhis; HeChers; HerDhe; his6 . do you go on a school trip? Twice a year.AHow longBHow muchCHow oftenDHow soon7 . 一Lets play ping- pong!Good idea! _I dont have a bat.ASoBOrCAndDBut8 . There is _ “W” and _ “N” in the word “woman”.Aa; anBan; /Ca; the9 . Harry has decided _ an online shop after graduating from school.AopenBto openCopenedDopening10 . When did you start to collect stamps?I got my _ stamp when I was _ years old.Aone, sevenBone, seventhCfirst, seventhDfirst, seven二、补全对话5选5补全对话AWhat were you doing at that time?BWhen did you come to my classroom?CDid you have a good time there?DWe were in the park at that timeEShe was singing and dancing with some girlsA:Hey,Bill,I went to your classroom yesterday afternoonBut you were not in itWhere were you?B:11 . A:At around three oclockB:Oh12 . We didnt have any classes yesterday afternoon,so we went to the park to relax ourselvesA:13 . B:Well,I was playing tennis with JackA:What was Mary doing?B:14 . A:What about Linda?B:She was reading an interesting bookShe likes reading,you knowA:Yes15 . B:Yes,we enjoyed ourselves very much三、补全短文6选5Isthereanythingworsethanthat?Youbravelyraiseyourhandtoansweraquestion,butyour teacherjustpointoutthatyourewrong.Whatashame!Whatcouldtheteachermakeyousuffer(忍受)this?16 . .Yourteacherisntcallingyououttohumiliate(使丢脸)you,butcare you and your education.Havingallyourclassmatescometoknowyourweakpoints canbeprettyhard,sohowcanyougetpasttheshameandrealizeclassparticipationasalearningopportunity?17 . .TerrillSchumaker,ateacher,explainsthat“themoreyouspeakout,themoreyoulearnhowtogrowandbuildconfidence.Then you can live an exciting life.”18 . . its not the end of the world.Peoplearentgoingtocareallthatmuch. “IfImwrongormakeastupidpoint,thenpeoplelaughatme,butlifemoveson”saysGrade12KristenWesenberg.Besides,everybodymakesmistakes,andyoucantbeperfectallthetime.19 . . Of course it takes courage (勇气), but as Wesenberg says, Whats the point of living in fear? You wont learn anything if you are not brave enough.20 . .Wesenbergadvisesaskingteacherswhyyourewrongsotheycanexplainandyoucanlearn.Use class time as a mini-test.If yourewrongnow,atleastyouwontbewronginyournexttest!AUsetheexperienceasalearningtool.BRealizeitsnotabigdeal.CIts hard to know your weak pointsDRelax and trust your teacher insteadEPractice, practice, practiceFBe brave in class.四、完型填空I was once a fat girl . I weighed 336 pounds and looked as big as my fridge. I was never _ it. But one day I had a medical examination(体检). The _ told me that I was having heart trouble. It _me up. I began to feel nervous. Then I decided to do something!In a year and five months, I _104 pounds. What a great thing I did ! I didnt have any expensive food, medical treatment(治疗)or camp-style(训练营式的)exercise. What was the secret to my _?First I looked through the Internet for do-it-yourself _ that people could follow on losing weight. Of course I saw countless ads which try to get me to buy their products. But I bought nothing. The only thing I did was to change my bad _. The following are what I have done. You can try these. Stop drinking something with too much sugar in it. _sweet cakes. Eat green vegetables. Use only vegetable oil. Never eat after 6:30 pm. Also, do light exercise for 15 to 20 minutes five days a week.Then I kept doing what I should do. People sometimes say, “You dont need to tell me _ to do. I know it already!” But the fact is that knowing what to do and doing what you know are totally _ . The important thing is to know what to do and then just keep doing it.。21 . Aexcited aboutBworried aboutCproud ofDhappy with22 . AdoctorBfriendCmotherDteacher23 . AgaveBcheeredCdressedDwoke24 . AborrowedBlentClostDgot25 . AhappinessBsuccessCkindnessDrichness26 . AadviceBnewsCfoodDmedicine27 . AgradesBlookCwishDhabits28 . AAcceptBBringCRefuseDMake29 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhether30 . AeasyBdifficultCsimilarDdifferentToday is Sunday. The weather is fine. Huiyuan Supermarket is on _ sale. There are many _ kinds of things and many people are in it.Now Sally and her mother are also there.Sally_ a nice sandwich,but its too small. Shed like a _ one. Then she sees a large-sized hamburger _ beef. She asks her mother to buy it for her. When she sees some _,she also asks her mother to buy them._ her mother buys a hamburger,some orange juice and green tea. After that they want to buy something for their _,Carol. Carol is a dog. She _ playing with balls. So they buy her a ball.How much are these things?Only 40 yuan. And Sally is lucky. She _ a gift from the supermarket. It is a red hat. Sally and her mother go home happily.31 . AaBanCtheD/32 . AlongBshortCdifferentDsame33 . AseesBtakesCmakesDeats34 . AroundBpopularCspecialDbig35 . AinBwithCatDfor36 . AfruitBmilkCdrinksDcakes37 . ABecauseBWhenCButDSo38 . AfriendsBhouseCpetDcar39 . AlikesBkeepsCstopsDforgets40 . AbuysBgetsCfindsDshows五、阅读单选Boys and girls, we have some interesting and fun things for you this term. Have a good time.English ClubFor the seventh-grade studentsTime: Tuesday afternoon and Friday eveningPlace: Room 301Tele: 77459312Math examFor the ninth-grade studentsTime: on Monday, Match 20thPlace: Room 306PS: Top 10 will get a surpriseA TalkFor all studentsTime: 14:30-16:30, April 25thPlace: in the school hallTopic: How to Learn English WellSinging CompetitionFor the eighth-grade studentsTime: on Thursday, May 23rdPlace: in the music roomTele: 5817235241 . What activity will the school have on May 23rd?AA singing competition.BA math exam.CA talk about how to learn English well.DAn English speech contest.42 . Where will Tom, a ninth-grade student, probably be at 3:00 p. m. on April 25th?AIn Room 301.BIn Room 306.CIn the school hall.DIn the music room.43 . How often do the English club members practice spoken English?AOnce a week.BTwice a week.CThree times a week.DFour times a week.44 . How many students will get a surprise after the math exam?A4.B10.C20.D306.45 . Where may you see this notice?AIn a school.BIn a shop.CIn a hospital.DIn a restaurant.When the bell rings, every student takes out an iPad. The light from the screens makes their young faces pretty and lively. Thats what happens every day at my school in the US. We use iPads in class.I felt surprised and excited when I got an iPad the first day I arrived at the school. But it was not free. I spent about $100 to rent (租) it for three years.Every iPad at my school has a special learning system (系统) calledFocus. Teachers put their teaching materials like textbooks and PPTs on it. When we have classes, we enter the system and download (下载) the materials with our iPads.It makes the classes interesting and efficient (高效的). For example, a few weeks ago, we learned about London in the UK. Our teacher prepared a video in which we saw many places of interest in London. We could not only watch the video, but also see the words at the same time. Because of the video, I know more about the city.We also do our homework with iPads. We can know how well we do our homework right after we submit (提交) our homework.However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of my classmates play games or surf the Internet in class.I believe the key to use iPads well is to have good self-control (自制), isnt it?46 . In the writers class, every student _.Aplays games on iPads in each classBshares an iPad with their classmates in classCgets a free iPad from the teacherDrents an iPad to use at school for three years47 . The underlined word “Focus” is _.Athe name of the iPad at schoolBPPTs and videosCteachers teaching materialsDa special learning system48 . When students are learning with iPads, they should not _.Aplay gamesBwatch some videosCdownload the materialsDsubmit the homework49 . According to the example in Paragraph 4, we learn that _.Astudents dont like to use iPads in classBiPads are not useful when having classesCstudents use iPads to watch videos every classDiPads make the classes interesting and efficient50 . What does the writer think of using iPads in school?AStudents should use iPads as often as possible.BTo use iPads in school is very bad for students eyes.CStudents should have good self-control when using iPads.DAll students should use iPads to surf the Internet in class六、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的填A,错误的填B。Do you want to make our city a better place? If so, join our volunteer club “Clean & Green”.Collecting rubbishYou can hang out with your friends in the park and clean our city at the same time! We are going to collect rubbish at City Park from 9 am to 12 am next Saturday. To add some fun, there will be a gift for the person who collects the most rubbish!Planting treesPlanting trees is a great way to make the air clean. In fact, trees can slowly filter (过滤) the pollutants (污染物) in the air. So come and help us to plant more trees in Guixi Park at 2 pm next Sunday.Repainting the wallsSome people like to paint graffiti (涂鸦) on the walls. The buildings covered with graffiti look terrible. This Saturday afternoon, we are going to repaint the walls and make them clean again. You dont have to bring any tools . Just remember to wear some old clothes!51 . The main purpose of the club “Clean & Green” is to make the city better.52 . Anyone who collects rubbish can get a gift.53 . The club wants to repaint the walls because the graffiti on the walls looks old.54 . If Sam is free next Sunday afternoon, he can join in planting trees.55 . If were going to repaint the walls, we need to bring our brushes.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空综合填空:根据所给首字母、汉语或上下文,完成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。每个空只能填一个词。Hello, Im John. I have a good friend. Her name is Gina. This is Ginas room. Its not big, but nice and56 . (整洁的). Come and have a look. Her room is purple. She likes purple. What can you s57 . in her room? A bed, a desk, a bookcase and a sofa 58 . in it. Her bed is purple, too. Its not big, 59 . Gina likes it. Whats this on the bed? Its her schoolbag. Some books and a dictionary are in the schoolbag. I k60 . Gina likes to read books. I 61 . (总是) meet her in the library. A desk is next to the purple bed. You can find a tape 62 . (播放机) and some tapes on it. A bookcase is next to the desk. Look! Four model planes are in the bookcase. Gina says the model planes are not hers. I 23. t63 . they may (可能) be her brother, Toms. What about the radio? Its not h64 . , either (也). Its her fathers. 65 . is the sofa? Oh, its near the window (靠近窗户). I like Ginas room very much.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文请阅读下面短文,根据其内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每个单词限用一次)consider,made,longer,memory,honest,while,hometown,own,with,upsetIm Eric.I love my 66 . California.That place has many sweet childhood 67 . for me.When I was a small boy, I had to get up before sunrise (日出)to work on the farm.At sunrise I could see a house 68 . golden windows far away from the farm.Every day I 69 . it with interest and wondered what the house looked like inside.To be 70 . I really wanted to live there! I often said to myself, “Some day I will 71 . own a house like that.”One day I walked to the house with golden windows.I walked for a(n) 72 . and then I stopped in front of the house.To my surprise, there were no 73 . golden windows.I was very 74 . Later I learned that the windows were not golden at all.It was the sunrise that 75 . them look golden.九、填写适当的单词补全对话完成对话。在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩略词)。A: Excuse me, Jolin. Why are you so sad today? You are always a 76 . girl.B: Its because of my parents. Today is my 77 . birthday, you know.A: Yes, you are 12 years old now. Happy birthday to you. But whats wrong?B: My uncle gives me a Smartphone, I like78 . with it after school. But my parents want me to do that.A: What do they want you to do?B: They want me to read some books about79 . because I want to be a scientist.A: 80 . do you want to be a scientist? Is that your favorite subject?B: Thats for 81 . .I like it best.A: I think your parents are helping you. They want you to do the 82 . things, not the wrong things.B: I see. But our middle school students are always too 83 . with our homework. Can we have a rest when we 84 . doing our lessons? A: Thats OK. But its good for you to do some reading. You can find its not85 . to study all the subjects well if (如果)you read many books.十、填空任务型阅读In classroom, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. So you must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.Here are the three stages(阶段) of taking notes and what you should do during each stage.1. Before ClassReview your notes you have taken before you come to class. This will be good for remembering what was covered. Get you ready to understand new information your teacher will provide.2. During ClassKeep your attention on what your teacher is saying and “the signal words” that tell you what your teacher is going to say and it is important to write in your notes. Examples of signal words are “The most important point” and “Remember that”. Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the blackboard. Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviations such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.3. After ClassRewrite your notes to make them more complete and accurate(准确的) by changing abbreviations into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences. Use them to answer your questions. If necessary, ask your teacher for help.Taking notes86 . The information that is provided by the teachers about studying topics is useful for your tests, so it is87 . for you to learn take good notes.Stages88 . ClassReview the notes you have taken to89 . what was covered.90 . to understand new information.During Class91 . to your teacher carefully.Be sure to92 . the important points.Write them down93 . .After ClassMake your notes more complete and accurate to94 . your questions.Ask for your95 . help.十一、材料作文96 . 书面表达进入初中以后,你一定结交了不少好朋友吧?假设你是 Anna,请你以 My Good Friend 为题,介绍你的朋友 Tony (在运动、饮食、爱好以及其他方面的情况)。词数 80100 词。Tony 的具体情况如下:1. 来自伦敦,是你的好朋友,喜欢唱歌和跳舞。最喜欢的运动是踢足球。2. 他喜欢健康食品,特别是蔬菜和水果,不喜欢可乐。3. 他最喜欢中国历史(Chinese history), 他经常和你一起打篮球。4. 晚上完成作业后,他喜欢上网,听音乐。My Good Friend_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、补全短文6选51、四、完型填空1、2、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、填写适当的单词补全对话1、十、填空1、十一、材料作文1、


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