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陕西省2019-2020学年八年级上学期10月月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Can you go to the zoo with me?I have to look after my little brother.AYes, Id love to.BWhy not?CSorry,I cant.2 . There is too much information. I really dont know _it.Awhat to dealBwhat to doCwhat to deal withDwhat to do with3 . It only the boy a very short time to give us the answer.AcostBspentCpaidDtook4 . With the development of industry, the sky in our city isnt as_ as beforeAclearerBclearlyCmore clearlyDclear5 . -A: Sophia, your handwriting is really beautiful. I love it.-B: _.AI practise it every day.BNo, I dont think so.CThank you very much.DWell, its not good enough.6 . Hes had the toy since he was a little boy, and he likes it better than_in his room.Athe other toyBany other toyCanother toyDany toy7 . Fish couldnt live _ water.AwithBinCwithoutDof8 . What do you think of Alices spoken English?Wonderful. I think no one speaks in our class.AbetterBbestCwellDgood9 . A:your telephone number? B: 372-456AWhat,ItBWhat ,ItsCWhat ,ItsDWhats Its10 . Would you like _ tennis with us? Id love to. I like _ tennis very much.Aplaying; to playBplaying; playingCto play; playingDto play; play11 . This time I want to tell you _.Aimportant somethingBimportant anythingCanything importantDsomething important12 . The trip was, and we were all very.Aboring; boringBbored; boredCboring; bored.Dbored; boring13 . Look, there is_ fisherman. _ fisherman is from the USA.A.a; AAan; ABa; TheCthe; The14 . You are tired.a rest?AWhy stop to haveBWhy not stop to haveCWhy not stop havingDWhy dont stop to have15 . There _a number of trees on both sides of the river ._them is about 200,000.Ais , A number ofBis, The number ofCare, A number ofDare, The number of二、完型填空Im a boy, _ name is Tom. I_in Canada._is my school. In_school, I have _friends, Zhang Li and Ma Lin. Zhang Li_a girl and Ma Lin is a_.Look,here is my_.My teacher is in it. His_is Liu Bin._is a nice teacher.16 . AyourBHisCHerDMy17 . AamBliveCisDare18 . AHeBThisCSheDYou19 . AtheBaCID20 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour21 . AhaveBamCisDare22 . AboyBgirlCcatDwindow23 . AdeskBpencil caseCdoorDclassroom24 . AnameBboyCgirlDcat25 . AItBHeCSheDI三、阅读单选Good books are like wise friends. They support you to walk forward, and help you understand the world. TIME listed three best books of 2014 for teens. Have you read all of them?Names of BooksWritersStoriesThisOne SummerJillian Tamaki &Mariko Tamki, CanadaEvery summer, Rose goes with her parents to a lake house. Its their relaxing time. But this summer is different. Roses parents keep fighting. Rose meets a local teen. But later he is caught up in something bad. Its really a summer of sorrow(悲伤)and growing up.The Fourteenth GoldfishJennifer L. Holm, USEllie has never liked change. She misses everything in the past, especially her dearly dead goldfish. Then one day a strange boy who looks like Ellies grandfather shows up. Hes always obsessed(着迷的)with immortality(永生). Has he finally found the secret to immortality with Ellie?Absolutely Almost(完全几乎)Lisa Graff, USAlbie has always been an “almost”. Hes almost good at everything. In fact, Albie has a long list of the things hes not very good at. But when Albie meets Calista, she helps him work out all of the things he is not good at. What will happen to this “almost” boy?26 . What are good books like?AParents.BBrothers and sisters.CWise friends.27 . Whats the difference for Rose this summer?AShe lost something important.BShe cant meet her friend.CHer parents keep fighting.28 . If youre interested in the secret to immortality(永生), you can read_.AThis One SummerBThe Fourteenth GoldfishCAbsolutely Almost29 . The book Absolutely Almost is written by_.AJillian TamakiBJennifer L. HolmCLisa Graff30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AEllie misses her dearly dead goldfish a lot.BRose has the same summer as before.CAlbie never does well in everything before.This is my classroom. Its tidy. In the classroom, you can see some desks and chairs. Some books are on one of the desks. They are our English books. A pencil box is on the desk, too. Two pens and a ruler are in it. A schoolbag is under the desk.A teacher and two students are in the classroom right now. The teachers name is Wang Ying. We can call her at 896-5412. One student is Cindy. Her last name is Miller. Shes 12. And the other student is Mike. He is 11. They are good friends. Our English teacher is Mr Brown. He is not here. Where is he? He is in the library now.31 . _ are on one of the desks.ASome books and a schoolbag.Bschoolbag and a pencil box.CSome pencil boxes and a book.DSome books and a pencil box.32 . Where are the pens and the ruler?AOn the floor.BUnder the desk.CIn the pencil box.DIn the schoolbag.33 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe classroom is dirty.BCindy and Mike are friends.CCindy and Mike are at the same ageDWang Ying is the writers English teacher.As a parent, its necessary to know how to best support your child in school. Today well talk about how you can support your child.1)Your child will be tired. The new school year means a while new schedule(进度表),so with the period may come a bit of fatigue.You should:Make sure your child get enough sleep.Prepare and pack in the evening for the next day of school.2) Your child may feel nervous. Everything is new! Everything is different!You should:Talk, talk, talk! Ask about the day and ask how hes feeling.Know your child. Maybe he needs a bit of time after school and wants to talk in the evening, or maybe hes tired in the evening and wants to chat after school. Find it out an follow!3) Your child wants to do well. He really does. Remember that no matter what last year looked like, this year is a fresh and new start!You should:Make it clear that you want to help him.Celebrate successes!4) Your child really needs you. No matter what he says, your child needs you.You should:Be there when he needs you.Know what is going on. Know what your child needs for class and get it for him.34 . What does the underlined word “fatigue” mean in Chinese ?A疲倦B亢奋C尴尬D孤独35 . What should parents do if their child feels nervous ?ATell him to get enough sleep.BHave a relaxing chat with him.CTell him to be independent.DGet everything ready for him.36 . What can be the best title for the passage ?ALearn to let goBSchoolchildren are not easyCProblems of schoolchildrenDWays to support schoolchildren37 . We can probably find the reading in a(n)_ magazine.AtravelBbusinessCeducationDsports38 . Who might be interested in this reading ?AStudents.BParents.CTeachers.DDoctors.Marys Plan for Next WeekMonday7:30am computer lessons for beginnersTuesday11:00am see a doctorWednesday9:00am ping-pong gameEvening study for the English testThursday8:30am concertFridayAfternoon help Uncle Sam in his restaurantSaturday9:0010:30am art lesson2:00pm visit grandmotherSunday10:30am go shopping with Ann and LucyPeters Plan for Next WeekMonday3:00pm study group meetingTuesday4:30pm basketball matchWednesday2:00pm visit some friendsThursdayNoon lunch with MikeFriday2:004:00pm basketball practiceSaturday10:00am shoppingSunday9:00pm basketball team party39 . From Peters plan we know that Peter likes playing _.AbasketballBsoccerCvolleyballDping-pong40 . From Marys play we know that _.Ashe likes play guitarBshe is very good at computerCshe just begins to learn computerDshe will see the doctor on Wednesday41 . From Marys plan we know that _.Ashe will visit her grandmother next Saturday afternoon.Bshe may have an English test next TuesdayCshe will go shopping with her friend next Sunday eveningDshe will visit some friends on Wednesday afternoon四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。42 . The new model will be _ (出售、上市) next month.43 . Please _ (就座) and drink a cup of tea.44 . _ (据说) that more and more people want to use computers to learn English.45 . _ (简而言之), good breakfast is good for our health.46 . Tomorrow we will have a 800-meter race. I _ (祝你成功)!五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空47 . _(eat)too much meat is bad for you.48 . How about _(go)shopping。49 . How many_ (child)are there in your family?50 . My brother often _ (go) to school on foot.51 . Now Sam and his sister are_ (learn)Chinese in China.52 . Tony doesnt enjoy_ (play) games.53 . Excuse me. Wheres Mr Wang?He is_ (play) basketball on the playground with his students.54 . There are two_ (factory) in our hometown.55 . People often contact(联系)each other by _ (send) emails.56 . Your job is to help the old man do some_ (clean) every day.57 . I cant find my ruler. Can I use_ (your)?58 . Changchun looks much more beautiful on_ (snow) days.59 . Lucy usually_ (get) up very early every day.60 . You should be_(friend)to your classmates.61 . I like the nights with_(thousand)of stars in the sky.六、完成句子根据所给提示,完成下列句子。(共5小题;62 . 我认为你需要多注意你的习惯。I think you_ your habits63 . 我期盼我女儿得高分。I_ get high marks64 . 他提高他的嗓音以引起我的注意He_ he could get my attention65 . 在那儿她与一个叫皮埃尔、居里的法国人结了婚。She_ Pierre Curie there66 . 她是一个善良的人,从不轻视穷人。She is a kind person _the poor七、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Childrens education is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers made children s67 . quietly for hours. They made them r68 . all kinds of things. The children had to go on r69 . things again and again until they knew them “by heart”. Today, many teachers wonder if it is p70 . to make children learn at all. They say you can o71 . help them learn. They say you must let children learn and discover things for t72 . . But for some of the children, school is a kind of p73 . they cant escape(逃亡) from. They are there only b74 . their parents make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teachers let them leave. Many of them want to find j75 . but the law(法律) will not let them work until they reach a certain(一定的) age. And so, they have to stay in school. O76 . they do not learn anything at all and hate every moment.八、填空任务型阅读Every weekend in Britain, DIY shops are always very busy. Many people like making their homes better than relaxing. DIY projects are very popular in Britain and there are lots of TV programmes which show people how they can improve their homes.Some people like easy decorating (装饰). They often put up wall-paper and paint walls, but there are a lot of different DIY projects that people decide to take on, from changing the new floor to fixing a new shower.Unluckily, people bite off more than they can chew (不自量力), and try to take on jobs which end in DIY disasters (灾难). The shops often tell their shoppers that anything electrical (电的) should be done by an electrician. However, many people dont care about this warning(警告) and put themselves in danger.Something about DIY 77 . in BritainWeekends in78 . DIY shops become very 79 . . A lot of people spend their weekends making their homes better80 . of relaxing! TV programmes show how people make their 81 . get better.82 . to learn DIYBy watching TV.83 . of DIY Projects Some people do easy decorating, like putting up wall-paper and84 . walls. Some people take on some difficult improvements like 85 . the new floors and fixing a new shower.DIY disastersPeople say that some people try to take on 86 . jobs. They dont care about the warning and put themselves in danger.九、书信作文87 . 书面表达假如你是Li Hua, 要给在美国的笔友Eric写信, 介绍你进入中学以后的生活。要求:1. 文中应包含提示中的2一3项信息, 还可适当发挥。2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和校名。语言流畅, 书写美观。3. 词数:80词左右(信的格式和开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。subjectSchool lifefriendteacherlunch_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、书信作文1、


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