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西安市中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -your mother free at the weekend?-No. Shehas much work to do.ADoes; alwaysBIs; alwaysCDoes; seldomDIs; seldom2 . - The winner of the race is a tall and thin boy with glasses.-Then it be my friend, Mike, who looks very fat.AmightBcantCcouldDmust3 . The girl was very beautiful and Tim _ in love with her at the first sight.AfallsBfellCfalledDfelt4 . I surely saw the man somewhere, but I _ forgot the place.AneverBhardlyCalmostDalways5 . May I have a look at your new iPad mini? _ASure, here you are.BYou are welcome.CHold on, please.DI agree with you.6 . - Id like to introduce my best friend to you , Peter .- Thank you , Lucy . But we _already .AmeetBmetCwill meetDhave met7 . _ does it usually take you to do your homework every day?AHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow far8 . Everybody knows fire is useful, _ it is also dangerous.AandBbutCorDso9 . I used to have short hair but now Iused to having short hair.AdidntBdontCam notDhavent10 . -We played football this afternoon.Why didnt you play with us?-Sorry, I really wanted to. But I _Jim fix his bike then.AhelpBhelpedCam helpingDwas helping11 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?ARose wants to get to the nearest supermarket.BTom can see the words on the blackboard clearly.CYou can hardly see brown bears in that area.DCan you hear the girl singing?12 . The big ship cant go _ the bridge over the river.AacrossBcrossCthroughDover13 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?ApityBingredientCicingDif14 . Lady Gaga is_ for her beautiful voice.ApopularBfamousCspecialDdifferent15 . Look at the photo, Yunnan Province.the Dai people were having! Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.AWhat funBHow funCWhat a funDHow a fun16 . Which of the following word matches the sound /b/?AbangBBenCbandDBan17 . I hear you have to read English every morning. Right. Its one of the _ in my family.AplansBrulesCordersDsuggestions18 . Whats this in English?Its_ eraser.AanBaCthe19 . The high-speed train _ Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours.AfromBinCbetween20 . We couldnt take a bus to go home because _ of us had any money in our pockets.AallBnoneCanyDno one21 . There is a(n) _ boy in hospital. The doctor will make him _ better.Aill; feelsBsick; feelsCill; feelDsick; feel22 . A _ man rushed into the house on fire and saved a baby.AsoftBbraveChonestDweak23 . I havent finished my report on the international food festival._ASo do IBSo have ICNeither do IDNeither have I24 . Could you tell me?By practicing conversations with friends.Awhen do you learn EnglishBwhen you learn EnglishChow you learn EnglishDhow do you learn English25 . You _,didnt you?Yes,I did. When I woke up,it was already 11 oclock.AoversleptBfailedCwon二、补全对话单选A: Hello._B: This is Mike speaking.A: Hi, Mike. This is Jack. Are you going to the school party tomorrow?B: Yes, I am._A: Me, too. And I will bring my cousin Dave with me. He arrived yesterday.B: _A: What will happen if I do?B: If you bring Dave, the teacher will ask him to leave_A: What a pity!B: By the way, _If you dont have your ID card, you cant go to the party.A: Thank you for reminding me. See you tomorrow.B: See you.26 . AMay I speak to Mike?BHow are you?CWhats your name?DI want to talk to you.27 . AWhat do you do?BWhat about you?CAre you OK?DHow are you?28 . AHe is my best friend.BWhats your idea?CMaybe you cant do that.DCan you come?29 . Abecause he is friendly.Bbecause you are welcomed.Cbecause he is not a student.Dbecause he isnt studying in our school.30 . ADont leave anything.BDont forget to take your ID card.CRemember to bring your cousin.DPlease wear your jeans.三、补全短文7选5Focusing(集中注意力) in class shows your teacher that youre a good student. It also shows that you have great self-control, which will be very important for your study. Do you want to know how to stay focused in class? 31 . Avoid sitting with friends. No mattter how much you want to sit with your friends in class, try your best to avoid it. 32 . Look at the teacher. Your teacher is not just standing up there talkingtheyre trying to give you an acceptable education. Look at the teacher in the eyes.33 . Take notes.34 . Write down key points as your teacher speaks. Listen for key phrases such as, “This is important,” “This is the main idea,” etc. This can help you listen more carefully.Youll have something to do and focus on.Get involved in class discussions. It is a wonderful way to become a more focused student. When a teacher asks a question, you should offer to answer it. If your teacher asks for an opinion, share yours.35 . AThis shows that youre listening carefully in class.BBy taking notes, youll be able to get into the lesson.CThe following suggestions will help you.DThe teacher should have your full attention at all times in class.EThen youll be relaxed after class.FIf you dont understand something, never be afraid to ask.GTalking with friends is not going to help you stay focused in class and will cause trouble, too.四、完型填空Jack worked in a shop that sold clocks. He was always telling Harry_a new clock. But Harry,_lived next door to Jack, said he didnt need one.“_needs a clock,” Jack said. “How do you know when its time to get up?”“My landlord Mr. Smith turns on his radio at seven oclock and listens_the news,” Harry said. “Thats my morning call.”“Ok. But how do you know when to go to work?”“By the time I_my breakfast, its eight oclock, time to leave for the office. Then I walk there. When I arrive at my office, its nice oclock. Thats_time I start work.”“Ok. But how do you know when its time to go home?”“The factory bell_” Harry told him.“But how do you know when its time to go to bed?”“The television programs come to end.”By now Jack was really_“Ok,” he shouted. “Now tell me what would happen_you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know the time.”“Thats easy,” Harry said, “I would knock heavily on_wall. Then you would shout at me, What are you doing knocking on my wall at three oclock in the morning?”36 . Ato buyBbuyingCboughtDbuy37 . AwhichBwhoseCthatDwho38 . ANo oneBNeither oneCEveryoneDSomeone39 . AatBtoCinDon40 . AeatsBhave eatenCateDwas eating41 . AaBanCtheD不填42 . AringBringsCwas rungDringing43 . AangerBangrilyCangryDangering44 . AifBthatCwhyDhow45 . AhisBtheirCherDyour五、阅读单选Your body is special -no two people in the world are alike. Although you are different from everyone else, you have exactly the same body parts as the people around you, doing different jobs that keep all of us alive.What is inside my head?Your head houses the most valuable part of your body-your brain(大脑). As you are reading, your eyes send pictures to your brain which makes meaning from what you see. Your brain helps you to remember and think, and makes sure your body is doing what it should.What is my skin(皮肤)for?Your skin covers your body. In most parts of your body, the skin is just as thick as half a centimeter(厘米). If you have your skin cut, it will have a quick cure(治愈)and stop viruses(病毒)from getting into your body. Your skin also helps you feel the heat and coldness of the environment around you. Hair grows from inside the skin. When you feel hot, extra(额外的)heat comes out through your skin. As a result, your body temperature drops.How do I move? Muscles(肌肉)are found in most parts of your body. They work with your bones to help you move -whenever you cry or smile, eat or speak, walk or dance, etc.Why do I breathe?Your body needs to take in oxygen(氧气)from the air and give out the unwanted carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) in the body. When you breathe,air comes through your nose and mouth into your lungs(肺)where oxygen comes to different parts of your bodyWhat makes me sneeze(打喷嚏)?When dust(灰尘)or a strong smell gets into your nose, you sneeze. This is the way your body cleans up the dust in your nose. Your lungs push out the air and try to clear your noseWhat does my heart do?Your heart is a very special muscle. It is a little bigger than your fist(拳头)and grows bigger as you do. If you place your hand on your heart, you will feel your heart beating which makes blood to move around your body.46 . Which part of your body helps you to remember and think?AHeart.BSkin.CMuscles.DBrain.47 . In Paragraph 4, houses” means _.Astores.Blocks.CcreatesDbuilds48 . If you have your skin cut, it will cure quickly and_.Aextra heat can only stay inside our bodyBviruses cant get into our body easilyCwe cant feel the changes in temperatureDour body can be protected by our hair49 . What is the true fact about your body?AOur heart is the same size from birth.BWe take in carbon dioxide to stay alive.COur muscles stop working when we nod.DSneezing is a way to clear our nose.50 . Which is the best title for this passage?AWhat Your Body NeedsBWhen Your Body MovesCWhy Your Body GrowsDHow Your Body WorksFood Safety Tuesday, March 28, 2019Everyone knows the importance of food safety. Recently, China has published a new food safety regulation(法规)to take stricter supervision(监管)over school food safety. The regulation came into effect on April 1, and replaced an earlier one which was introduced in 2002.“It is necessary to publish such a regulation to improve the health standards of school food,” said an officer, who works in the Ministry of Education(教育部).Under the new regulation, school officers from kindergartens to high schools are required to eat together with students during the school meals. The plan will guide them to pay more attention to school food safety, as well as find food problems in time.Student menus, food sources, suppliers(供应商)and other food information are required to be shown in public by schools once a week. According to this regulation, students parents are also invited to eat with students in school to take away their doubts.The regulation said schools should keep an eye on developing students healthy eating habits and pay close attention to food safety. In general, food stores are not allowed in kindergartens, primary schools and high schools. Also, all the markets should not sell food high in salt, sugar or fat which may do harm to students health.51 . Who are required to eat together with students during the school meals?ASchool cooks.BSchool officers.CAll the teachers.DFood suppliers.52 . The food information should be shown in public by schools _.Aonce a weekBtwice a weekConce a monthDtwice a month53 . Students parents are invited to eat with their children in order to _.Atake away their doubts about students food safetyBmake sure they are full after workClet them solve the food problems as soon as possibleDkeep their children from eating out54 . Which of the following is allowed to be sold by markets according to this passage?AFood high in salt.BFood high in sugar.CFood high in fat.DFood with light salt.55 . We can probably read this passage from a(n)_.AadvertisementBnewspaperCnovelDmapDear Disney,Last weekend, the four members of my family spent an enjoyable holiday at the Magic KingdomDisneyland. And one event made our visit seem truly magical.We got to the front of the line at Space Mountain, only to find out that our little daughter Gloria couldnt take her ice-cream on the ride. We were so excited that we all forgot ice-cream was not allowed on the ride.Gloria broke into tears and we all had no idea what to do. Then Murphy, one of the staff (员工) members, came over. She bent down and told Gloria that she would hold the ice-cream for her and give it to her when she finished the ride. Gloria said, “Promise?” Then she gave Murphy her ice-cream, and she completely enjoyed the ride.Sure enough, as we walked out the exit, there was Glorias new friend with “her” ice-cream. Now you and I both know what happened, because we know that an ice-cream wont lasttwenty minutes on a summer afternoon in Florida. Murphy knew what time we would get off the ride; she went to the nearest shop and bought a brand-new ice-cream thirty seconds before we walked out the exit. Gloria said, “Thank you,” but Im sure she thought it was the same ice-cream.We know that someone tried hard to make our visit special. Thanks so much for going above and beyond!Your fan,Carmen Rivera56 . The familys visit to the Magic Kingdom was _.AhelpfulBawfulCfrighteningDamazing57 . Before the ride, Gloria cried because _.Ashe couldnt find her parents in the lineBshe was too little to take the rideCshe couldnt take her ice-cream on the rideDshe had to wait for twenty minutes58 . Murphy was waiting for Gloria _ after the ride.Ain the ice-cream shopBat the exitCin the front of the lineDat the entrance59 . In order to keep the promise, Murphy _.Atook Gloria to the nearest shopBasked her new friend to help GloriaChelped Gloria get off the rideDbought a new ice-cream for Gloria60 . Carmen Rivera wrote the letter to _.Aorder ice-creamsBpromise to visit againCexpress her thanksDgive some suggestions六、句型转换根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。61 . I dont know where I can look up the opening time(改为同义句)I dont know_look up the opening time.62 . People get to know our National Mountaineering Team by watching the film The Climbers(就划线部分提问)_people get to know our National Mountaineering Team?63 . He put Kathys letter in the backpack(改为被动句)Kathys letter_in the backpack by him.64 . He used to feel stressed out each time he had a test.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _to feel stressed out each time he had a test?65 . 进入初三之后,他开始认真对待自己的学习。(完成译句)Being a student in Grade 9, he started to_about his study.七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子, 每空一词。66 . 老师指出了我作业中的一些错误。The teacher_some mistakes in my homework.67 . 图书馆中的书是以某种特定的方式放置的。The books in the library are placed_.68 . 昨天两只猴子从动物园逃走了。Two monkeys_from the zoo yesterday.69 . 听!一定有人在隔壁房间唱歌。Listen! There_somebody _ in the next room.70 . 他一定告诉过琳达这个消息了。He_Linda the news.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文请选择方框中的单词,并用其适当形式填空(每空一词,每词限用一次)be some afraid except think fly until heavy because muchWhen I was about six years old, my brother David and I visited our aunt, Mary. We stayed in her house for a night. David was only 4 years old, and was still 71 . of the dark, so Mary left the hall light on when we slept.However, David hated the grey moths(蛾)72 . around the hall light. He asked Mary to make the moths go away. When she asked why, he simply said, 73 . they are ugly and scary, I dontlike them. Mary laughed and said, “ 74 . ugly outside doesnt mean not being beautiful inside. In fact, moths are one of the75 . beautiful animals in the animal world.”“Once, the angels(天使)were crying. They were sad because it was raining76 . . The kindlittle moths hated to see others so sad. They decided to make a rainbow to cheer up the angels. They 77 . if the butterflies helped, they could make a beautiful rainbow together.”“Then one of the moths went to ask the butterflies for help. But the butterflies didnt want to give up78 . of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow themselves. They beat their wings very hard and the colons on them made a rainbow. They kept giving a little more and a little more79 . the rainbow went across the sky. They had given away all their colors 80 . grey, which didnt match the beautiful rainbow.”“Then the once-colorful moths became gery. The angels saw the rainbow and smiled .”My brother went to sleep with that story and hasnt feared moths since then.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。buy ask put save sellThe morning sun came out as Carlos and his dad began to work. With strong little arms, Carlos handed his dad baskets of pears and helped carry them onto the back of the truck. After all the pears81 . into the truck, Carlos and his dad set off down the road. They set up the tent and table to sell pears, with a big sign “Pears For Sale” hanging in front. They were waiting for customers, but no one stopped82 . any.Later that afternoon, they packed the unsold pears. “If we dont sell these soon, they will get too soft.” said his dad.Too soft? thought Carlos. “Dad, I 83 . mom to help me.”The next morning, Carlos and his mom made some pear jam and filled several small bottles. He painted a new sign, “Taste for Free.” They had customers all day long. Later that afternoon, they began to pack up the empty table. “Dad, I cant believe we 84 . all of the pears out.” said Carlos happily.“Not all, boy.” laughed his dad. “I85 . one for you just now.”九、话题作文86 . 某英文杂志社正面向九年级毕业生征文,请从以下要点中选择一至两个方面,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇题为Thank you, my teacher!的短文参加此次活动。要点如下:1.严格要求;2.耐心指导;3.热情鼓励;, .注意:1. 词数80 100 ;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称。第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话单选1、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、句型转换1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、九、话题作文1、


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