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西安市2019年九年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What _/els/ you do with your cousin? Which of the following is the correct word for the blank?AleftBlessCletDelse2 . He saved the little boy. We all him for his courage.AwarnBpunishCadmireDremind3 . I hope my father_ ask me about my marks tomorrow.AnotBwontCnot toDdont4 . Follow the _ on the packet carefullyAinstrumentsBinstructionsCinterviewsDintroductions5 . Grandma thought that her doctors advice sounded quite _.AbadlyBgoodCwellDgently6 . Jim is always forgetful. Please remember to remind him _ the important interview_ he wont miss it.Aof; so thatBof; in order toCabout; becauseDabout; because of7 . Which word has the sound /au/?AbornBbowlCyoungDmouth8 . A computer is very popular and helpful . I think so. It _ in many different fields.AusedBwill useCis usedDwas used9 . Its _to send an e-mail than a regular mail.Amore quicklyBmuch quicklyCmuch quickerDquick10 . Ito Shanghai three times.Ahave goneBhave beenCwentDwas11 . Which of the following phonetic transcriptions is right for the “cold”?A/kold/B/kud/C/kod/D/kuld/12 . I like listening to English songs because it can make me relaxed improve my spoken English.Aneither; norBeither; orCnot only; but alsoDnot; but13 . Jim, is physics difficult to learn in high school?Sure. No subject can be learned wellhard work.AwithoutBfromCthroughDfor14 . Jane, help _ to some fish.AyouByourselfCyourselvesDyour15 . It is an unusual thing for_ 11-year-old boy to play_ chess for six hours.Aa,theBan,/Ca,/Dan,the16 . 2018年上海浦东二模 -Ethan, Id like to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow evening.- Thank you,_.AIll be glad to come.BIm so busy.CI cant.Dits a pleasure.17 . Have you finished your work ?Yes, I have. Ive finished it.Ayet; alreadyBalready; yetCjust; alreadyDalready; before18 . _ more books, and you will improve your reading skills.AReadingBReadCReads19 . -Do you know the man passed away on October 30, 2018?- Jin Yong, one of the greatest Kung Fu fiction writers in China.AwhoBwhatCwhichDwhom20 . Which of the following word matches the sound/der/?AdairyBdiaryCdailyDdriver21 . _ is your mother? She is 35.AHowBWhatCHow oldDWhere22 . Sorry, I cant follow you. I beg your pardon?_AYou are welcome.BThats all right.CNot at all.DNo problem.23 . He may be in the classroom, I think.No, he _ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.Amay notBcantCmustntDneednt24 . -_ interesting the little train in the DianXiHe Park甸溪河公园)is!-Yeah, I cant agree more, my family and I even took twice to enjoy the scenery(景色).AWhatBWhat anCHowDHow an25 . This hat is too _ /bg/. Do you have a smaller one?AbigBbagCboyDpig二、补全对话单选补全对话阅读对话,从每题 A,BCD 四顶中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。Mary: Hi, Bill. What are they on your desk?Bill: _Mary: CDs? _Bill: They belong to Bob. Mary: Bob likes the rock music. Because he thinks it can make him excited. Bill: Yes._Mary: I like smooth music. I think I can relax myself when listening. _Bill: Well, it depends. When I am happy, I like to listen to smooth music. Mary: Really? How do you feel now?Bill: I am happy. _Mary: Great!26 . AIt is not mine.BThey are CDs.CHe is my brother.DShe is eating chocolate.27 . AWhose CDs are they?BI dont like them.CWe can use them to enjoy.DI like rock music.28 . AI will buy some.BLets listen to them.CWhat about you?DDo you feel good?29 . ADo you like smooth music?BI can play piano well.CWhere are my books?DI cant find my CDs.30 . ALets listen together.BIt cant be mine.CThats too bad!DWe are best friends.三、补全短文7选5阅读理解七选五根据短文内容,从短文后选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many of you may know that Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.31 . Last month, Indonesia said that the country would move its capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan. This is big news for Indonesia. The word capital comes from the Latin word caput, meaning head. It is no doubt the head of a country. The central government and important institutions (机构)are put there. 32 . In English -language news reports, when you read relations between Beijing and Moscow ,it actually means relations between China and Russia.33 . Therefore, it is important to choose a good place for ones capital. In many countries, the capital is the richest city. This is because when a city becomes an important business center, it takes on a more important place around the world. London, for example, has been the economic(经济)center of Britain for nearly 2,000 years, so people naturally chose it as the capital. 34 . For example, Brazils capital used to be Rio de Janeiro, which is a coastal city. Later the capital moved to the island city of Brasilia, partly because coastal cities can be attacked( 攻击) more easily.In the case of Indonesia, the new capital was chosen in order to achieve development in different areas. 35 . By becoming the new capital, it can expect faster economic growth.ABut this will change soon.BThat is how important the capital is.CSome countries have several capitals.DKalimantan is an underdeveloped area. EMaybe we got the right ideas because of that.FSometimes, capitals are chosen for safety reasons.GThe leaders of a country usually work and live in the capital as well.四、完型填空IV.完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)I can still remember my first day _school. I_only 6 at that time. It was a big classroom. I_ at the desk near the window, but I couldnt see_because the windows were too high. There was a big map of China on the wall. I dont think I was worried or afraid _ there at that time. _ another little boy next to me. He sat there and said nothing first. Then he began to cry, because he _ want to stay there.More and more students_ the classroom, but the boy didnt stop_ . He cried again and again. Later the teacher came in. She came to the little boy, and said something to him. I couldnt hear what she_. Soon the boy stopped crying and began to smile. To this day, I still dont know what the teacher said to the little boy.36 . AinBatConDout37 . AisBamCwasDare38 . AsitBsatCsittingDsits39 . AsomethingBnothingCanythingDeverything40 . AstayingBto stayCstayDof stay41 . AThere wasBThere wereCThere isDThere had42 . AdoesntBwasntCisntDdidnt43 . AenteredBcameCcame inDenter44 . AcryBto cryCcryingDcried45 . AsayBsaidCsaysDSaying五、阅读单选Nowadays there seems to be an app for everything . And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular apps.Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere at anytime.Ximalaya Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children. Whats special about it is that you can use it to download book recording that can be listened to. It has more than 1 million valuable resources.Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.World Hero may help learn more English words while youre playing games, so if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English , use it!World of Tanks Blitz(坦克世界), a free-to-play online games with over 40 million downloads, bring quick-fire tank fights. “A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun.” It will be the best choice to kill your time.46 . Ctrip is a useful app for _.Aplaying gamesBlearning EnglishCbooking ticketsDdrawing pictures47 . You can NOT know about _from Ximalaya Reading.ApoemsBnovelsCnewsDfairy tales48 . To remember words in a fun way, _ is a good choice.ACtripBWorld HeroCBaby BusDWorld of Tanks Blitz49 . World of Tank Blitz has _ downloads and it fits in peoples free time.Amore than 40 millionBless than 1 millionCmore than 1 millionDless than 40 million50 . According to the information above, _.Awe can buy tickets from Ctrip only in the daytimeBwe have to pay some money for World of Tanks BlitzCwe cant use Ximalaya Reading to download book recordingDPeter, a 2-year-old boy, can learn to draw pictures with the help of Baby BusIf you do not use your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that, but many people do not know that memory(记忆力) works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor he really means that he does not give it enough chance(机会) to become strong. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame(受责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Do you find that some people cant read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things they can write down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is the whole time being exercised.(被训练) So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: Practice remembering.51 . The main (主要)reason for one with poor memory is that。Ahis father or mother may have a poor memoryBhe does not use his arms or legs for some timeChis memory is not often usedDhe cant read or write52 . If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, Ayou cant use them any moreBthey will become strongerCthey become weak and wont become strong until you use them againDthey will not change53 . Which of the following is NOT true?AYour memory works in the same way as your arms or legs.BYour memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you dont give it enough chance for practice.CA good memory comes from more practice.DDont learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.54 . Some people cant read or write, but they usually have better memories, becauseAthey have to use their memories all the timeBthey have saved much trouble(麻烦)Cthey have saved much time to remember thingsDthey cant write everything in a little notebook55 . Give a best title for this passage.ADont stop using Your Arms or LegsBHow To Have a Good MemoryCStrong Arms and Good MemoriesDLearn from the peopleHe was struggling(费劲) to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him. I did, and he was grateful.“Thank you,” he said.“Im glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.He was a disabled man, and forced to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were twisted(扭曲的) terribly, and he couldnt do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. He always managed to look up to see how you reacted(反应) to his words, however. He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable.I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.“ Nice shoes,” he said.“Thanks. No one ever complimented me on them before,” I said.“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet.” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know theyre impatient with me. I dont want to make people uncomfortable.“What about me? I asked.“I could see your compassion. And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous.” he said. “I dont normally have someone look me in the eye.”“They dont know what theyre missing,” I told him.“My old face is nothing to brag(自夸) about.” he said.“But that smile is so big.”Yes, and its not only a big smile but an attitude.56 . The disabled man has something wrong with his_.A. mindB. arms and legs C. eyes57 . The underlined word“complimented”in this passage means_.A. 赞扬 B.嘲笑 C.批评58 . The disabled man knew people were impatient mostly by their _.A. words B. eyesC. feet59 . Which of the statement is TURE about the disabled man?A. The disable man couldnt smile.B. Not many people went down to the mans levelC. The man was good at telling people about the world60 . From the story we can know that the writer.A. left the disabled man aloneB. had a nice talk with the disabled manC. always ask people for help六、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。每空格限填一词)61 . The tourists preferred to stay in the hotel than go shopping because it costs too much money.(对划线部分提问)_ the tourists prefer to stay in the hotel than go shopping?62 . Ill show you around all the interesting places. (保持句意不变)Ill _ you _ all the interesting places.63 . Were going to visit Shanghai on July 12.(对划线部分提问)_ we going to visit Shanghai?64 . The Li family spent 15 hours flying to Los Angeles, a city in the U.S. (保持句意不变)It _ the Li family 15 hours _ to Los Angeles, a city in the U.S.65 . My trip to Beijing was pleasant. (对划线部分提问)_ your trip to Beijing?66 . We are very excited when we see the Olympic torch. (改为感叹句)_ we are when we see the Olympic torch!67 . We can hardly see any cleaner on the street. (改为反意疑问句)We can hardly see any cleaner on the street, _?七、完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)68 . 因为孩子们还小,她不得不待在家里照顾他们。Because the kids are still young, she has to stay at home to _them.69 . 人们太残忍了,杀了那么多野生动物。_ cruel of people _ so many wild animals.70 . 在这次严重的车祸中他们并没有受伤。他们真幸运啊!They were not hurt in the terrible accident. _ they are!71 . 为了赶上早班车,我父亲一大早就出发了。_ the early bus, my father set off early.72 . 要么你,要么我去看这场电影,因为只有一张票。_ you _ I will go to see the film because there is only one ticket.73 . 上周我们学校邀请了李教授做了一场关于健康的演讲。Professor Li _ to give a lecture about health in our school.74 . 这本书真有趣,你能告诉我在哪里买的吗?This book is so interesting. Can you tell me _ it?八、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. driving B. processes C. parking D. cameras E. passengersSo how do driver-less cars work? They have sensors(传感器)all around which can detect other cars and obstacles on the road. Sensors on the wheels also help when 75 . , so the car knows how far it is from the outside of the road or other parked cars. Road signs are read by 76 . , and satellite navigation systems are used so the car knows how to get to your destination. All you have to do is type in the address! Finally, a central computer system takes in all the information it receives from the sensors and cameras and 77 . this to work out when to speed up, brake and go. Sound like your idea of heaven? Sitting back, looking out of the windows and even watching a film or reading a book while 78 . would be possible with this new technology.Complete the paragraph with given words and phrases(选词填空)A. after B. big C. understand D. singer E. films F. called G. laterOne day a small boy 79 . Charles Chaplin(卓别林) was walking along the street in London. It was a cold winter day in 1900. He wanted to buy some bread, but he didnt have any money. His father had died when he was very young. He and his brother, Sid, had to work to help their sick mother. Although Charles was small, his dream was very 80 . . He wanted to be a great man in the world of films, so he worked very hard to become a good dancer and 81 . . Thirty years 82 . , this small boy was among the most famous people in the world. Even if you do not 83 . English, you can enjoy his 84 . , because no words are used in his films.九、话题作文85 . 书面表达某英文报社组织了题为“我喜欢的英语谚语”征文活动,你有意参加。请从下面两句谚语中任选一句作为标题写一篇英语作文,内容须包括:1. 该谚语的含义;2. 体现该谚语含义的个人经历。a) A friend in need is a friend indeed.b) Where theres a will, theres a way.参考词汇:谚语 proverb_第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话单选1、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、句型转换1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、九、话题作文1、


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