英语八年级第一学期Final Examination (Unit1—Unit7)检测卷

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英语八年级第一学期Final Examination (Unit1Unit7)检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane. _ I never go travelling without a book.AYou are jokingBThats trueCI dont think soDIt sounds like fun2 . Its against the law for him to rush into _ house without permission.Amy own privateBhim own privateChis ownDown his private3 . I _ go to the picnic unless my best friend _ me.Awill; will invitedBwont; invitesCwont; is invitedDwill; is invited4 . Excuse me, I dont like this CD. Do you have _ one?Yes, of course. You may find many over there.AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers5 . The underlined part in the word information is pronounced _.A/ei/B/C/D/a:/6 . She _ the bus and took a seat.Agot inBgot out ofCgot onDgot off7 . They went by train _Beijing, and there took ship _France.Aso far as; forBas far as; toCto; so far asDfor; as far as8 . The trip was, and we were all very.Aboring; boringBbored; boredCboring; bored.Dbored; boring9 . Thank you for your nice cake. Happy birthday to you!AThats rightBAll rightCThats all rightDIm all right10 . Look ! There are a number of_on the farm.AhorseBsheepCchickenDtree11 . -Whats the _ of the trip to the World Park, Daniel?- Taking a trip there _ 100 yuan per person.Acost, takesBprice, paysCprice, spendsDcost, costs12 . Is the woman _ singing in the hall you music teacher?Oh, it _ be her. She is ill at home today.Awho are; mustBwhom is ; cantCwho is ; cantDwhom are; must二、完型填空Many people like to travel(旅行)by plane,but I dont like it because an airport(机场)is usually _ from the city.You have to get there early and wait for _ for the plane to take off and it is often late.You _ open the windows.You cant choose the food.Planes are fast,but it still _ hours to go out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train.I think _ are safe.Railway stations (火车站) are usually in cities.When you are _ for a train,you can catch another(另一个)one.You can _ around in the train and open the windows.You can see many interesting things _ your way.I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars.You can start your journey(行程)_ you want to,and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop.Also you can carry many things with you in a car.But sometimes _ are too many cars on the road.13 . AcloseBbigCnearDfar14 . AminutesBhoursCsecondsDquarters15 . AshouldntBshouldCcantDcan16 . ApaysBkeepsChasDtakes17 . AtrainsBbusesCsubwaysDcars18 . AbadBgoodClateDsorry19 . ArunBwalkCdanceDplay20 . AbyBtoConDin21 . AwhenBwhyChowDwho22 . AhereBtheyCthereDyou三、阅读单选A. Choose the best answer(阅读短文,选择最佳答案) You are going to read a radio guide and a transcript (文本) of a radio phone-inRadio station guideLive Radio Your Say-Phone-in Monday 14 April5-6pmGordon Lee hosts the young peoples phone-in programme. Todays topic: Understanding the opposite sex.Ring 5500 6069 to have your say on the similarities and differences between boys and girls.(Calls are free from landlines. S1.10 per minute from mobiles)TranscriptGordon: Welcome to the show. Im sure everyone will have something to say about todays topic: Understanding the opposite sex. Boys like computers and football, while girls like talking and shopping. Is that true? Or is it nonsense? Lets hear from our first caller, Laura.Laura: I think girls like to chat and talk about everything. This helps us develop better language skills. In my school, all the best students at languages are girls.Gordon: Well, research does suggest that girls have better language abilities.Thesecan be seen even at the age of three, when girls can express opinions better and know double the number of words as boys.Lanni: I like shopping with friends and looking for clothes together.Gordon: In general, girls have a more visual memory. Perhaps that is why they like shopping. They remember colours and shapes better, and also names and faces.Joe:My mother keeps telling me that my room is a mess, but my sisters bedroom is always tidy.Gordon: Girls can usually record details better, like the order and position of things and furniture in a room. So, when any of those are not in their place, girls can notice at once.Nathan: Boys are stronger than girls. Girls often need help with carrying heavy objects. We can run faster too.Gordon: Well, boys do have proportionally( 成 比 例 地 ) more muscle for their body weight. In general, they can carry more weight and can move more quickly than girls of the same size.Julius: We have better eyesight than girls. I can see the number of the bus that is coming long before my sister can.Gordon: Thats true. Boys tend to have better long-distance vision than girls. However, we often dont see things that are right under our noses!23 . The phone-in programme is mainly for.AparentsByoung peopleChostsDelderly people24 . The underlined word These in Paragraph 3 of the transcript refers to _.AThe phone-in programmesBBoys language skillsCGirls better languageDThe radio station guides25 . According to Gordon, girls like shopping because_.Athey like going out with friendsBboys can help them carry heavy thingsCthey pay more attention to detailsDthey can remember colours and shapes better26 . believes that boys have better eyesight than girls.AJuliusBLanniCNathanDLaura27 . According to the transcript, when comparing a boy and a girl of the same height and weight, the boy will usually_.Ahave a better visual memoryBrecord details betterCbe less tidyDhave a higher percentage of muscle28 . The best title of the passage might be .ADeveloping better language skillsBUnderstanding the opposite sexCRecording more detailsDExpressing opinions better四、句型转换按要求完成句子29 . We sell pants for only 20. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ pants for only 20?30 . Do you like this sweater?(改为陈述句)_ this sweater.31 . I buy a pen from Mr. Wang. (改为同义句)Mr. Wang _ a pen _ me.32 . The yellow shorts are $20,too. (改为同义句)The yellow shorts _ $20.33 . How much are the shoes?(改为同义句)_shoes?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)34 . She is a good_. I like watching her programs every week, (host)35 . Boys and girls, please say something about_. (you)36 . Most of the women in the East are very_. Some even go out with veils on their faces. (tradition)37 . You should_ a better way to solve the problem, (choice)38 . Its about five_ walk from my home to the supermarket. (minute)39 . Can you tell me the reason why Hong Kong is called_ Paradise? (shop)40 . If you want to try on the clothes, you can go to the_ room. (change)41 . Next Sunday will be grannys_ birthday. We are going to hold a party for her. (sixty)六、根据音标写单词Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols.42 . We shall have dinner with our grandparents in a _ /restrnt/ near here.43 . Everyone must obey the traffic _/ru:lz/. 44 . Look! My father is standing in the _ /midl/. 45 . Shhh! All the students in the library should keep _/kwat/. 46 . Do you want a _ /hmb:g(r)/ for lunch?七、用单词的正确形式完成短文把下列单词的编号填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。AdifferentBEveningCtalkDtellEbetterFriseWhat time of day do you feel most clear-headed? Are you more of a morning person? Or does it take you a few hours to get your brain(大脑) going? A lot of studies(研究) show that we should care our body a lot. It can 47 . us at what time of day we can work best, says the report.When it comes to the human brain, many people work best later in the morning. This is because the bodys temperature(温度) takes time to 48 . through the day. Taking a warm shower when you wake up can help speed(加速) this up.But everyones body clock is 49 . and some have special patterns (模式). Morning people will get up early and work better early in the day. 50 . people will wake later but their brain work better towards the end of the day.Studies show that we are better at some activities at certain times of the day. Physical performance(身体表现) is at its best between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m, so its 51 . to exercise later in the day.八、单词填空An extract from The Greatest Tales of Sherlock HolmesI think I will tell you what happened last night. My husband Sir Eustace went to bed at about half past ten. The servants had already gone to their rooms. Only my housekeeper s52 . in her room at the top of the house until I needed her.I sat until after eleven in this room, deep in a book. Then I walked round to see that all was right before I went u53 . . I always did this myself, to be sure that everything is OK. I went into the kitchen, the store room, the living room, and f54 . the dining-room. As I came near the window, which is covered with thick curtains, I suddenly felt the wind blow on my face, and realized that it was o55 . . I pulled the curtain to one side, and found myself face to face with a broad-shouldered, elderly man who had just walked into the room, The window is a long French one, which really forms a door leading to the lawn, By the light of my bedroom candle, I saw two other men entering behind the first. I was so scared, trembling. I s56 . back quickly, but the man was on me in a moment. He caught me first by the wrist and then by the throat. I struggled to scream, but he hit me heavily over the eyes, and I fell to the ground.I must have been unconscious for a few minutes. When I woke up, I found that they had torn down the bell-rope and had tied me tightly to the c57 . standing at the head of the dining table. I was so firmly bound that I could not move, and a handkerchief round my mouth prevented me from making any sound. It was at this moment that my unfortunate husband came into the room. He had c58 . heard some suspicious sounds, and he came prepared. When he rushed at one of the burglars, another man bent down and took the poker(拔火棍) out of the fireplace and struck him heavily as he passed. My husband fell without a groan(呻吟)and never moved again.(To be continued)九、回答问题阅读表达阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。Almost every kid will be asked the question of whom you like better, your mother or your father. There is no doubt that mother is very great as she gives you the life, while father is also of importance. Fathers Day is invented to show gratitude to fathers. Its coming has a story.The first person to propose(提出)the idea of Fathers Day was Mrs. Dodd in 1906. She wanted a special day to honor her father, whose wife passed away many years ago. At first, Mrs. Dodd wanted Fathers Day to be celebrated on her fathers birthday , but later President Johnson signed a paper to declare the third Sunday of June was Fathers Day. Since then, it became an international day. It is not only to honor ones father, but also the fathers of all the people.Fathers Day reminds people to show gratitude to their fathers, who love you all the time and no matter what difficult you meet, he will stand by your side. Get ready to thank your daddy for all that he has done. Though his priceless love could never be compensated for but still why not make a try with something exclusive? Prepare some surprises, send him greeting cards, make tea for him and many more.As a student, the best way is to work hard and achieve something. However, when you grow up, just going home now and then is the best way. I bet. No matter how busy you are, remember to call them now and then.59 . Who is the first to come up with the idea of Fathers Day?_60 . When is Fathers Day?_61 . Is Fathers Day only to honor ones father?_62 . What does Fathers Day remind people to do?_63 . What is the best way for grown-ups to show thanks to their fathers according to the author?_十、话题作文64 . Write a passage in at least 60 words on the topic “I learned _from the social practice”. (社会实践活动能让我们体验到学校书本知识以外的东西,能让我们获得很多,如快乐、责任、合作、爱心、耐心等。请结合自己曾经体验过的一次社会实践活动,以 “我从社会实践中学到了_ ”为题写一篇不少于60字的短文,标点符号不占格)第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、根据音标写单词1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、


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