英语七年级上册 Unit 2 School Life同步测试卷

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英语七年级上册 Unit 2 School Life同步测试卷_第1页
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英语七年级上册 Unit 2 School Life同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tony is busy his homework.AdoingBdoCto doDdoes2 . _do you like the cakes in our shop?Theyre very_. I will come here more often in the future.AWhat ; hardBWhat; deliciousCHow; badDHow ; delicious3 . - Have you made a _ about where to spend your holiday?- Yes, Ive decided to go to Hainan. My father promised _ with me.Adecision; goingBdecision; to goCthought; goingDthought; to go4 . Do you like the dress, madam?Yes. It is very nice and Ill _ it.AthinkBtakeCwantDneed5 . What happened _ you _ Friday night?Afor; atBof; inCto; onDto; at6 . Lisa prefers reading a book _ TV.Ato watchingBto waterCrather than watchDrather than watching7 . talking about your plan for next week? That would be nice.AWhy dontBWhat aboutCShall weDWhy not8 . Oh,you bought a secondhand car,how much did you _ for it?AspendBpayCtakeDuse9 . The teacher us to read English before class.AletsBmakesChasDwants10 . Look at the sign.You should _ the door rather than push it.Oh,I didnt see it.AcatchBholdClockDpull二、完型填空I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I _ into the living room, my 12-year-old son looked _ me and said, “I love you.” I didnt know what to say. I could do _ but stand there for several seconds. My first thought was that he must need help with his _ or he was trying to tell me about some news.Finally I asked, “What happened?” “Nothing.” He said calmly, “My _ said we should tell our parents that we love them and see _ they say. Its an experiment.”The next day I asked his teacher about the other parents_. “Most of the fathers had the_reaction(反应)as you did”. The teacher said, “_ is an important part of healthy life. Humans_to be loved. Its too_we dont express(表达) that feeling. A boy should be_to tell his parents that he loves them.” The teacher understands how_it is for us to do such a thing.When my son came to me that evening, I hugged(拥抱)him for the _ time. I said in deepest, gentle voice, “Hey, I love you, too.”I know maybe next time one of my children says, “I love you.” It would not _ me a whole night to think of the right answer.11 . AranBrushedCflewDwalked12 . AafterBforCatDon13 . AsomethingBeverythingCnothingDanything14 . AappearanceBhomeworkClifestyleDhousework15 . AfriendBteacherCsisterDbother16 . AwhatBhowCwhichDwho17 . AanswersBawardsCageDcareer18 . AsameBdifferentCusualDordinary19 . ALoveBMoneyCWorkDTime20 . AhaveBknowCtakeDneed21 . AbadBgoodClateDearly22 . AsadBwillingCmodestDcurious23 . AoftenBmuchCdifficultDfun24 . AonlyBsecondClastDfirst25 . AtakeBcostCspendDpay三、阅读单选The story happened in Nazi (纳粹) Germany at the start of World War II. Liesel is a 12-year-old girl who is adopted (领养) by a rich family because her mother cant afford to take care of her. On the way to her new home, Liesel steals her first book: The Gravediggers Handbook, and begins to read. Her new family hides a Jewish (犹太) man named Max. He becomes friends with Liesel and teaches her to read in secret. Liesel learns more about the power of words. Then she steals the mayors (市长的) book and books that the Nazis want to burn up. Finally she writes her own stories. Australian author Markus wrote this book and it was published in 2005. It soon became worldwide popular and was translated into several languages. It is not the kind of story that makes you cry one moment and laugh the next. Instead, the sadness of Liesels story interests you. It makes you understand that such kinds of things have happened to many people.26 . Liesel was born _.Ain a Nazi familyBin AustraliaCat the start of World War I.Din a poor family27 . Liesel cant _ in her new family.Asteal any booksBmake friendsCread her own booksDwrite her stories28 . From the passage, we know _.Athe book is popular around the world.BLiesels mother sold her for moneyCthe story has a happy endingDMax is killed by NaziKellie Lenamond is 16. Shes from the United States. She has many hobbies. She likes playing volleyball. She also likes playing the violin, and she loves singing. But Kellie has an unusual hobby: beekeeping (养蜂).Kellie doesnt work with her bees every day. She looks after her hives (蜂房) about twice a month in the spring, summer and autumn. She spends more time with her bees in winter. There arent many flowers for the bees to get food from at this time of year. So Kellie feeds the bees sugar water in winter.This is a usual day for Kellie when she works with her bees:8:00 She gets up and eats breakfast.9:00 She makes sugar water for the bees.10: 00 She does her homework.11:00 She practices the violin.12:00 She makes lunch for her brothers and sisters. Then they eat lunch together.3:00 She goes to volleyball practice.5:00 She and her mom make dinner.7:00 After dinner, Kellie dresses herself in special clothes. She feeds the bees sugar water.Every summer, Kellie takes honey from the hives. Her bees can make a lot of honey in a year. Kellie and her family sell some of the honey, cook with some of the honey and give friends honey, too.Kellies friends dont go near the hives. They are afraid. They dont want the bees to sting (蜇) them. Kellie says they dont understand that bees are safe. “I like standing safely in the middle of the bees. No one else is brave enough!” she says.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。29 . How many hobbies does Kellie have?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.30 . Kellie spends more time with the bees in winter because _.Ashe likes winter bestBher parents ask her to do soCshe doesnt need to go to schoolDbees cant get enough food from flowers31 . Whats the right order of the things in Kellies one usual day?Kellie feeds the bees.Kellie plays the violin.Kellie plays volleyball. Kellie does her homework.ABCD32 . When does Kellie take honey from the hives?AIn spring.BIn summer.CIn autumn.DIn winter.33 . What do Kellies friends feel when they see the bees?AExcited.BAfraid.CAngry.DComfortable.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空. 请根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空34 . _(jog) for twenty minutes every morning is good for your health.35 . People in _(west) countries cook potatoes in many ways.36 . I often go_(walk)when I feel unhappy.37 . My uncle_(miss)the bus,so he had to go home by taxi.38 . We are all looking forward to_(watch)the new film.五、完成句子(B)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。39 . _(在他们的帮助下)we got to the hotel on time40 . We finished learning Lesson Three_(在末尾)the second week41 . My sister used to_(上舞蹈课)She likes dancing42 . I have made decisions to_(更加努力地学习)for exams43 . I studied harder,but I still_(成绩差)in math六、填空任务型阅读阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词。All schools have their own rules (规则). The rules change from one school to another. Some schools are much stricter(严格) than others. There are also some rules that are strange or funny to us. Here are some funny school rules:Strict Japanese rulesMost schools ask students to wear uniforms, such as sports suits or skirts. But Japanese schools even have rules about the colour of underwear! They also need that girls socks should be folded(折叠) in a certain way and boys heads should be shaved(剃).Other Japanese schools tell students that they cant go to the movies after sunset.Different shoes in the USAAt some American schools, students have to change their shoes when they go into the schools every day. This makes sure students wont fall over on the floors and keeps the schools clean.No strange hair in the UKStudents cant have strange hairstyles in some British schools. But they can wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup years. There were two students who had special hairstyles during the 2002 World Cup. After the World Cup, their teachers asked them to go to the barbers at once.TopicFunny school rules in different 44 . In JapanWear 45 . , such as sports suits or skirts. Be careful with the 46 . of underwear! Girls Fold socks in a certain 47 . .Boys Shave their heads.48 . go to the movies after sunset.In 49 . Change their shoes every day.Be careful not to fall over on the floors Keep the schools 50 . .In the UK51 . strange hairstyles in some British schools isnt allowed(允许). during the World CupStudents are 52 . to wear certain hairstyles.53 . the World CupStudents should go to the barbers.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填空1、


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