英语七年级上册 Module 10 综合测试题14

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英语七年级上册 Module 10 综合测试题14姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空The summer vacation is overDuring the vacation,the weather was hot,but I_it very muchAs it was hot in the afternoon,I did my work in the_I usually got up at 6:30 and took exercise for half_hourAfter breakfast,I began_English and Chinese and did some exercises in mathThose_me three hours or moreI worked quite hard and improved_I spent the afternoon_I went swimming and it was_I did not go home until five or six oclockSometimes my friends came to see me and we spent hours_musicIn this_, I spent my vacation happilyI made much progress in my studies and I became a good swimmer,too1 . AenjoyedBdislikedCplayedDbrought2 . AafternoonBmorningCeveningDnight3 . AtheBaCanD4 . AwatchingBlookingCseeingDreading5 . AtookBspentCpaidDasked6 . Alots ofBa lotCkinds ofDthink of7 . AinBdownCoutsideDalong8 . AboringBtiredCawfulDfunny9 . Alistening toBto listen toClisteningDlisten10 . AstreetBplaceCwayDanswer二、阅读单选Bruce and his other two friends, Bruno and Dick lived in the same city in England. They were free in their summer holiday. So they came to a village by a large lake. They liked fishing very much. Then the next day after they got there, they got to a boat and went fishing in the lake. They boated farther and farther. They came to an out-of-way place. They were very happy because there were a lot of fish. When it was time for them to go home, Bruce said to his friends: “Wed better make a mark here so that we will easily find the place tomorrow.” “Youre right.” Bruno said happily. “Let me do that.”“How foolish,” said Bruce,” If it rains tonight, the rain water will wash the line off, and how can we find the mark tomorrow. You must cut a line with your knife.”Dick came up to them and said angrily. “Neither of you is clever. How can we find the place if we have another boat tomorrow? We should not go back tonight.”11 . The three boys _.Awere all too young to go to school.Bcame from the cityCwere from the workers familiesDliked eating fish very much12 . The boys wanted to go to the place again tomorrow because _Ait was a good placeBthey got a lot of fish thereCthere was a mark on the side of the boatDthey were good at fishing13 . Bruno was ready to(准备) make a mark because _Ahe was older than his friendsBhe had a pencil in his handChe was the cleverest of the threeDhe had the same idea as Bruces14 . The line they drew was not _AthickBuselessCeasyDuseful15 . They should make a mark _Athicker and color it redBon the fishCin the lakeDon every boatLast summer my family went to a National Park for a holiday and had an unusual experience. When we got there, we put up our tent and then went out to travel around. As we returned, I heard my sister Susan cry out and then we saw a bear enter our tent. I wanted my father to drive it away. My father said, “No, its dangerous to drive the bear away. And dont let it follow you.” Susan said, “What shall we do?Maybe we should climb a tree.” I said, “No, weve got to get it out of there. It might go to sleep in our tent.” “Maybe we could make it leave if we put some honey outside for it to eat.” Susan said. Then my mother said, “How are you going to get the honey?Its in the tent.” We watched the bear enter the tent and heard a lot of noise it turned over everything inside. “Its foolish for us to try to catch it,” said my father, “Leave it alone and wait for it to come out.” We waited and waited but the bear stayed inside. So we had to sleep in the car.16 . Where did the family go for a holiday last summer?AA park.BA zoo.CA beach.DA garden.17 . Who saw the bear first?AThe father.BThe speaker.CSusan.DThe mother.18 . What was the bear probably doing in the tent?It was _.Asleeping in bedBplayingCeating honeyDwalking19 . Why didnt they drive the bear away?ABecause the bear was big.BBecause it was dangerous to drive a bear away.CBecause the bear wanted to eat the honey.DBecause they wanted to play with the bear.20 . What did they have to do?ATo drive the bear out of their tent.BTo stop the bear from making noise.CTo stay in their car for the night.DTo catch the bear.Autumn days give us some fantastic and lively colors. Then, suddenly, the city is covered (覆盖) with a thick sheet of snow. It is during this special time of year that one of the most popular and enjoyed holidays in America appears: Christmas. This time is so special that schoolsoften give students a two-week- break from their schoolwork to enjoythe winter holidays.My family takes this chance to spend two weeks together. We build a tree and decorate it with many colorful lights. On top of the tree, we put a glowing star. As night sets in, the dark room is warmly lit up by a bright Christmas tree.Then, on Christmas Eve (前夕), our family has all the traditional American foods: turkey, sweet potatoes, vegetables, nuts, pies, and other good dishes. On this very night, there is a mysterious (神秘的) story, named Santa Claus, will fly from the North Pole and give presents to the children under the Christmas tree. However, Santa only gives presents to those who have behaved well the whole year. So children across America try to do one last good deed before the night by baking (烘烤) Santa some cookies, trying to ask him for presents. This is why Santa is so fat!That night, children are often excited, hope to find presents. The next day, they rushed out of bed very early. Then, the whole family opens presents and spends the whole day relaxing.21 . From the first paragraph, we can know that_.Awinter days give people some lively colorsBit doesnt snow at all in winter in AmericaCChristmas is as usual as other festivals .Dchildren will have a two-week-holiday to spend Christmas22 . The underlined word decorate means_.A装饰B点燃C砍倒D种植23 . Why is Santa Claus very fat according to the passage?ABecause he takes less exercise.BBecause he often gives the children presents.CBecause he flies to the Christmas tree instead of on foot.DBecause he often has some cookies children bake.24 . When does the family open the presents?AOn Christmas Eve.BOn Christmas Day.CWhen children see Santa Claus.DWhen children bake some cookies.25 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AThe writer puts a glowing star on the top of the tree .BThe writers family also has nuts and pies on Christmas Eve.CSanta Claus gives every child some presents according to the passage.DSanta Claus is from the North Pole according to the passage.Around the world on Childrens DayIn 1954 there was the first Childrens Day on November 20th to celebrate and protect children all over the world. This was the international(国际的)Childrens Day,but now many countries around the world have their own day each year. April 30thMEXICO: Some schools close for the day, other schools have a special day for the children when they play games. The children also bring in their favorite food to share with their friends. May 5thJAPAN:The official(官方的)childrens day is on May 5th. But some people in Japan celebrate two childrens days. one is on March 3rd for girls and the other is on May 5th for boys. On May 5th, they fly carp(a type of wind sock in the shape of a fish).June 1stBULGARIA: Parents do special things with their children and give them big gifts. The day is like a second birthday of the children.CHINA: This is a very special day in schools. They take the children on camping trips or trips to the cinema. Many children also get gifts from their parents.26 . When is the International Childrens Day?AOn June 1stBOn April 30thCOn November 20thDOn May 5th27 . According to the passage, how do people celebrate Childrens Day in China?AChildren have one-day off.BChildren have different kinds of trips.CChildren share their favorite food.DChildren celebrate it as their birthdays.28 . Which country has two childrens days?AMexico.BJapan.CBulgaria.DChina.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空abroad, modern, southern, success, write, eat, beautiful, speak29 . I think it is a _ CD recorded by Han Hong.30 . I am very lucky that I will go _ to study art in the future.31 . Mum, Im hungry. I am _ my breakfast.32 . Jay Chou is very popular in _ society.33 . Mr. Black _ three books since 2005.34 . I like the beauty of the cities in the _ of China.35 . Tom just kept on _ all the time.36 . I lost myself in the _ of the scenery.四、单词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示完成短文,使短文完整、通顺。Halloween is an old festival. Americans celebrate it every y37 . . It comes on October 3lst, the e38 . before All-Saints Day. Its a holiday for children.Every a39 . , when the vegetables are ripe, c40 . pick large pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and p41 . lights inside. It looks like there is a person looking out of the pumpkin!The children a42 . put on strange masks and clothes. Some children make their faces l43 . like monsters. Then they carry boxes to c44 . money for “UNICEF” from door to door. They raise money to help p45 . children all over the world. Of course, every time they help UNICEF, they usually r46 . a treat for themselves, too.五、语法填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。Your mother is the most important person in your life. She helps you with your homework. If you get ill, she stays with you the w47 . night. She makes your m48 . every day. Your mother is a49 . there for you. Thats why there is a s50 . day for mothers a51 . the world . Mothers Day becomes a modern holiday in the US. A woman called Anna Jarvis and her mother, Anna Reese Jarvis, live in a poor town. They work hard to make the town b52 . . Jarvis mother died(去世) on Sunday,May 14,1905. Their church holds a Mothers Day to thank her f53 . the help .Today, people in m54 . than 40 countries celebrate the day. They give their mothers carnations (康乃馨)and o55 . presents. In the language of flowers, carnations stand for happiness, sweetness and l56 . .六、信息匹配任务型阅读请阅读下面四条节日的描述(14题),从A-E中选出相应的节日进行配对(其中一项多余),然后回答第5小题。1.Its on January 1st. Its the beginning of the year.2. Its in May. People celebrate the great man called Qu Yuan.3. Its in August. People usually eat moon cakes on that day. The moon(月亮) looks very round and bright.4. Its on the fourth Thursday in November. People give thanks to the food, their parents and so on.A. Spring Festival B. Mid-Autumn Festival C. Thanksgiving DayD. New Years Day E. Dragon Boat Festival57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . Whats your favourite festival? Why? (不少于5个词)_七、材料作文62 . 你将在本周五举办一次晚会来庆祝中国新年,想邀请美国好友Mike来参加,请根据以下晚会内容,写一封70词左右的电子邮件给Mike。文章开头和结尾已给出。1. 在晚会上,你将给大家讲述“年”这样一个中国古老的有趣故事;2. 可以跟你妈妈学做健康食物, 品尝饺子和馄饨,大家互相送礼物;3. 晚餐后,接着看春晚( the Spring Festival Gala),12点,一起放烟花Dear Mike, Id like to invite you to my party to celebrate Chinese New Year this Friday._Lots of love, Amy第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、材料作文1、


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