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牛津译林版七年级下册第一单元姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He answered a call and went away _.Aat timesBat onceCon timeDsince then2 . My sisters birthday is _ the fifth _ June.Ain; ofBof; inCon; ofDon; to3 . _.many rooms in the house. It_ three floors.AThere are; haveBTheres; theresCThere have; therereDThere are; has4 . Many people are _ the countryside _ the cities.Amoving from; toBmoving from; toCmove to; fromDmove to; from to5 . Yang Lei had _ unusual experience in Gansu Province. _ experience changed her life.Aa, TheBan, TheCan, ADan, An6 . Sorry, I broke your glass by _ accident. Never mind. I can buy _ in the nearby supermarket.Aan; itB/; itC/; oneDan; one7 . The park is close _ my home, so I often walk there.AtoBwithCforDat8 . Jim feels stressed from time to time, but he doesnt know _ about it.He can get help from his teachers.AWho to talkBwhich to talk toCwhen to talk toDwho to talk to9 . Kangkang, can you see a few people _ Chinese kung fu over there?Oh, yes. Theyre cool!Aare performingBperformCto performDperforming10 . At first, everything was_21(perfect)_:I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant(助理),my best friend at work, Don, just to be_22_to finish things on time.AafraidBreadyCableDabout11 . Thank you your help and please call me 887-65Aat; forBfor; atCto; atDin; with12 . You wont have any problems the place.AfindBfoundCfindingDto find13 . I give the yellow rose to_ parents for teaching _that love is about trust.Ame; meBme; myCmy; meDmy; my14 . You cant _ the weather being fine when you plan a day out in England.Aturn onBtry onCcarry onDdepend on15 . “Whats the police stations telephone number?”“I cant remember. in the telephone book, please.”ALook it forBLook it overCLook it upDLook at it16 . What did our science teacher say just now?- He asked us _ more attention _ the lab clean.Ato pay, to keepBto pay, to keepingCpay, to keepingDpay, to keep17 . City life is very different _country life.AtoBfromCatDin18 . Every four years, _ people watch the Olympic Games.Amillion ofBmillions ofCtwo millionsDtwo million19 . Playing computer games a lot of .Aare; funBis; funCare; funsDis; funs20 . China is a country _ a long history and its famous _many things.Afor; forBfor; withCwith; withDwith; for二、完型填空Choose the best answer and complete the passage.Men sometimes say,“We are better and cleverer than women. Women _ invent things, we do. It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things: machines, radios, and guns, too. But scientists and archaeologists(考古学家)now agree that women invented one very important thing. It has changed _. They invented agriculture. Before the invention of agriculture men were _. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals and sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day, too. They collected roots, fruit and grass. Then, one day more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds near her home in the Middle East. They grew, and the first wheat was _. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after the children and the animals. Women like baby animals. Archaeologists think that women _ the first domestic animals: dogs, cows sheep and goats. That idea grew, too. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages and _. Civilization began. Men began civilization after women invented agriculture.21 . AeverBneverCsometimesDoften22 . AhistoryBideaCopinionDsociety23 . AfarmersBworkersChuntersDinventors24 . AappearedBbornCsoldDbought25 . AlikedBboughtCkeptDbrought26 . AcountriesBnationsCstatesDcities三、阅读单选My name is Kitty. I have a very big and nice room and I have a great school things collection. My brothers room is near my room. He is Mike. And he has a small sports collection. I have twenty erasers, ten pencils, nine rulers and eight pens in my schoolbag. My brother has two baseballs, four soccer balls and five basketballs under his bed.27 . Does Kitty have a brother?A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does.C. Yes, she has. D. No, she hasnt.28 . Does Mike have a great sports collection?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he dont.C. We dont know. D. No, he doesnt.29 . How many (多少) erasers does Kitty have?A. 10 B. 20 C. 9 D. 830 . Where are Mikes sports collection?A. Under his bed. B. Under Kittys bed.C. In his schoolbag. D. In Kittys schoolbag.In many English families,people have four meals a day: breakfast,lunch,afternoon tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They eat porridge,eggs,and bread.English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one oclock.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon.And dinner is at about half past seven.First they have soup,and then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that they eat some other things,like bananas,apples or oranges.But not all English people eat like that.Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.Their meals are breakfast,dinner,tea and supper and these meals are very simple.31 . Many English people have _ meals a day.AtwoBthreeCfourDthree or four32 . What may(可能)English people drink at breakfast?AWater.BCoffee.CJuice.DMilk.33 . English people dont have _ for their dinner.AporridgeBbananas or applesCsome soup or meatDmeat or fish34 . In many English families,dinner comes at _.Aone oclockBabout half past sevenCten oclockDfive oclock四、根据首字母、中文提示填空35 . _(描述)what your favorite teacher looks like.36 . His teacher often wears _(眼镜)37 . Id like beef and _(西红柿) noodles.38 . The mother _ (担心) about his son and she didnt sleep well.39 . Jenny is _ (感兴趣的) in English and she speaks English well.40 . Is Tonys brother of medium _ (high)?41 . Lets go and ask _(she).42 . In China, it is getting popular _ (have) cake on ones birthday.43 . She would like you _ (help) her.44 . The girl is really good at _ (sing).45 . -How was your weekend? -Terrible. -I _ (study) for the math test.46 . _ (luck) there is a car, we dont have to walk there.47 . This film made all of us _ (feel) excited.48 . He _ (stay) at home and watched TV.49 . My hair is very straight . It is not c_.50 . Many v_ come to Dalian every summer.51 . Onions, cabbages and carrots are all v_.52 . Please keep q_. I am doing my homework.53 . I am a new student, my teacher showed me a_ the school yesterday.54 . Its very useful to learn a second l_, like English, French, Russian.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。55 . There are few people at the mall now. Its _ (crowded)56 . New York is one of the most exciting and _ (fascinate) cities in theworld.57 . It is not _ (safely) to play with fire.58 . The coat is _ (expensive). Its only 30 yuan.59 . The movie is so _ (interest).60 . Many people write on paper only one side. Why not try using both sides? Some students only use half the pages in their notebooks before getting new ones. Try to use up all the paper. People often give cards on festivals. How about trying to send email instead?61 . Theres many poor families in China. You may ask your parents to keep your unwanted clothes. Then you can pass them to poor kids. Youll feel happy that you are helping someone else. Also, you can see if your friend wants them before throwing them away.62 . In San Francisco of the US, there is a beautiful bridge. It cost more than four years to build it, and it was finished in 1937. You can cross the bridge by car or on foot, but you must pay. Do you know the bridge? Yes, it is the Golden Gate.63 . Many people can use computers, but few of them know how to use them correctly. Remember the following when you use your computer. Keep your computer in a cool, dry room; dont put water or food near your computer; keep your screen clean and not too bright.64 . Email means messages sent from one computer to another. It is becoming more and more popular. You can send and receive emails everywhere. It is quick to use emails, and it is much cheaper than longdistance telephone call.AUse computer in right ways.BMake old clothes useful.CThe golden Gate.DA new way of sending messages.E.How can paper be saved?六、完成句子完成句子按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。65 . 必须在下周一前上交关于学生学习压力的报告。Reports on students study pressure _ next Monday66 . 这些惠山泥人被制作得看上去就像真人一样。These Huishan clay figurines _ real persons67 . 昨天,恶劣的天气使得飞机无法准点起飞。The bad weather kept _ yesterday68 . 如果违背他人意愿运用这项发明的话就会导致一些问题。It will cause some problems if _ someones wishes69 . 这船太小了,以至于不能输送大批的游客去岛上。The boat is _ to the island70 . 你知道迄今为止这位科学家已经获得了多少奖项吗?Do you know how many _ so far?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、


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