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海口市2020年中考二模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Could you tell me _ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?Aif there was going to beBwhether there is going to haveCwhether is there going to beDif there is going to be2 . People _ cross the road when the traffic lights are red.AmustntBneedntCmustDneed3 . There_ an English Corner in Sunshine Middle School next Friday evening.Ais going toBwill haveCis going to haveDwill be4 . pity it is that their team was not able to attend the Winter Olympics!AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a5 . - Do you like _ newspapers? - Yes. I _ newspapers these days.Alooking at; readBreading; am readingCseeing; am readingDreading; read6 . I really like the photo of my family _ my sister took in the city park last year.AwhichBwhoCwhatDwhom7 . Susan _ her schoolbag in the library, so she had to fetch it.AforgotBlostCleftDenough, to8 . How do you like the book?Its quite different from I read last month.Athe oneB/CthatDwhich9 . During the competition, Erics responses to the science questions werein our class.Amore quicklyBthe most quicklyCquickerDthe quickest10 . My home is far from my school. Luckily, I _ to catch the early bus every morning.AtryBfailCmanageDhope11 . Your T-shirt is very nice. _ is it? Its twenty dollars.AWhat timeBWhat priceCHow muchDWhat color12 . Great changes _ in my hometown in the last few years.Atook placeBwere taken placeChave taken placeDhave been taken place13 . Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today.Dont worry. I will keep the _.AsecretBmoneyCaddressDgrade14 . Sally is only a baby. She cant sing _ dance.AorBandCbutDso15 . My fathers brother is my _. AcousinBbrotherCuncleDaunt二、完型填空完形填空(共15小题;阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Early every morning, my husband kissed the baby, said goodbye to me and then rushed out of the door, into his busy day. And then I fed my baby and it fell fast_Usually I would lay the baby in bed and quickly have the house in_This morning, however, I sat down, just_, with the baby in my arms. The thoughts ran into memories of the mornings with my husband-a father rushing out of the door to meet the obligations责任of life. Suddenly, I thought of my own_My mother_when I was ten. As I looked back, I could see how faithful my dad was. He worked hard to support our family alone. He provided food, clothing, warmth, and_Every time we were in danger, he would try his best to keep us safe.After making the baby comfortable, I dialed my_telephone number. I had just realized the_of the ordinary(普通的)daily life going on around us. And we often took it for granted(理所当然), and it needed to be recognized(重新认识).“Hi, Dad.” I said, holding back tears(泪水).“Hey, how are you?”,_was in his voice.“Fine, Im just_to say. thank you.” I said it out before my throat 喉咙tightened(收紧) too much for me to_What for?“For getting up and going to work every morning of my life. Now that I have my own child and I see my husband doing_, I just wanted to thank you for being faithful.”There was silence for a moment before my dad tried to keep_After a while, he said with a small shaking in his voice, Youre welcome, Bud.”I dont remember much of the rest of the call,_I will never forget that moment of revelation(显露)about my father. Since then, I have realized that those ordinary everyday fathers are the true heroes in life. Im_that my father was one of them.16 . AsleepyBasleepChungryDthirsty17 . AuseBlineCorderDfashion18 . AthinkingBdreamingCimaginingDexpecting19 . AchildBfatherCmotherDfamily20 . Apassed byBpassed downCpassed awayDpassed up21 . AprotectionBhelpCfamilyDmoney22 . AhusbandsBbabysCmothersDfathers23 . AdifferenceBimportanceCbalanceDconfidence24 . AsadnessBstressCsorryDlove25 . AemailingBarrivingCcallingDflying26 . AsayBtalkCtellDspeak27 . AdifferentlyBthe sameCagainDmore28 . AsilentBworriedCcalmDexcited29 . AandBbutCorDnor30 . AsurprisedBafraidCthankfulDangry三、阅读单选He was an old man who fished alone in a small boat on the sea and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish, the boys parents had told him that the old man was now salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone with another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his boat empty. The sail looked like the flag of failure forever.The old man was thin with deep wrinkles (皱纹) in the back of his neck. His face was terribly brown because of the strong sunlight on the sea every day and his hands had the deep scars (伤疤) from dealing with heavy fish on the lines. But none of these scars were fresh. Everything about him was old except his eyes andtheywere the same color as the sea and were cheerful.“Santiago,” the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from the sea. “I could go with you again. Weve made some money.”The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.“No,” the old man said. “Youre with a lucky boat. Stay with them.”“But remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and then we caught big ones every day for three weeks.”“I remember,” the old man said.“It was papa who made me leave. I am a boy and I must follow him.”“I know,” the old man said. “It is quite normal.”“He hasnt much faith (信心).”“No,” the old man said. “But we have. Havent we?”“Yes,” the boy said. “Can I offer you a beer on the Terrace?”“Why not?” the old man said “Between fishermen.”31 . In the story the old man was the boys _.AgrandfatherBfriendCbossDhost32 . The wordtheyin Paragraph 2 refers to (指的是) _ of the old man.Athe handsBthe scarsCthe eyesDthe wrinkles33 . The old man refused the boy to go fishing with him again because _.Ahe wanted to fish by himselfBhe could really understand his parentsCthe boy asked for some moneyDthe boy had already learnt how to fish34 . From the story we can know that _.Athe old man was always full of hopeBthe boys parents believed in the old manCeveryone laughed at the old mans bad luckDthe boy was worried about the old mans healthThis is my school. It is in front of a park. It is very big and beautiful. There are twenty-one classes in our school. There are about six hundred students in it. It has three small gardens. There are three teaching buildings, too. Building A is for Grade 7. Building B is for Grade 8 and Building C is for Grade 9. There is another(另一个)building behind (在之后) the teaching buildings. There are two libraries and some reading rooms in it. We can borrow all kinds of books from our school libraries. I like my school.35 . Where is this school?AIn front of a park.BIn front of a zoo.CIn front of a supermarket.DIn front of a bus station.36 . How many gardens are there in this school?ATwo big gardens.BTwo small gardens.CThree big gardens.DThree small gardens.37 . How many classes are there in this school?A12.B20.C21.D22.38 . Which Grade is Building B for?AIt is for Grade 6.BIt is for Grade 7.CIt is for Grade 8.DIt is for Grade 9.39 . How many libraries are there in this school?A1.B2.C3.D4.Space vegetables are grown from seeds (种子) that have been taken to space and brought back to the earth. The seeds are affected by the radiation (辐射) and low gravity in space. When they are brought back to the earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger and healthier than normal vegetables. However, some people worry about eating space vegetables. They think that space vegetables might not be good for us and could make us get sick because of the radiation in space. However, people should not be frightened because space vegetables are very healthy.Here are some facts that you should know about space vegetables.Space vegetables are grown from seeds that are carefully chosen. When seeds are brought back from space, they are tested to make sure that they will be safe to eat.Space vegetables are better for you than normal vegetables. For example, space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes.After genetically modified (转基因) food appeared in the market, people worried that they were eating unknown things. For example, if nut genes (坚果基因) are put inside potatoes, peopleallergicto nuts might get sick from eating these potatoes because they do not know they are also eating nuts. Unlike genetically modified food, space vegetables have not been genetically changed. This means that no new genes are put into the vegetables. Therefore, there are no dangers of eating something unknown.40 . The seeds brought back from space produce _ vegetables according to the passage.Amore deliciousBhealthier and biggerCmore dangerousDcheaper and healthier41 . Genetically modified food is different from space vegetables because it _.Ais grown in spaceBhas nothing unknownChas been genetically changedDhas no new genes42 . According to the passage, normal tomatoes can stay fresh for about _ days.AsevenBthirteenCtwentyDtwenty-seven43 . The underlined word “allergic” means “_” in Chinese.A过敏B种植C发现D出售44 . The writer wants to tell us that _.Aspace vegetables are grown in spaceBeverybody worries about eating space vegetablesCspace vegetables are safe and good for people to eatDspace vegetables may bring illness to us because of the radiation in space四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)45 . The man caught a lot of _ last year. (thief)46 . Thank you for _ animals. (help)47 . It is _ to make sandcastles at the beach. (interest)48 . Mary always listens to her teacher _ in class. (care)49 . Many people waved the _ flags to celebrate the great success. (nation)五、完成句子根据括号内提示,完成句子50 . 他和班上的同学相处得很好。(get on with)He _.51 . 除了那名高个儿男子,其他人我都认识。(except)I knew all of the people _.52 . 我不了解他,因为他从来不跟我说话。(speak to)I dont know him well,_.53 . 没人知道他过去以什么为生。(for a living)No one knows _.54 . 她想知道这消息是从哪儿来的。(wonder)_ where this news came from.六、单词填空As a child, I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others.I still remember it was an early autumn. Some 55 . started to turn yellow and the weather became cool. One day, as I was getting ready for school, my mother carelessly handed me my fathers vest(背心)instead of 56 . . At that time, I was getting to have a57 . size than my father, so when I put on the vest, I felt as if I wasnt able to breathe! I realized that it was a small mistake which was 58 . by my mother, but somehow the breathless feeling was so strong that it made me very angry. My mother said sorry with a smile, but I shouted at her 59 . thinking much, I got it off my body so wildly that I made a hole in it. I put on my own vest and rushed out of the house 60 . my mother could stop me.Later, my mother shared her bad feelings with my father, “See what your son has done.” Instead of saying he would scold(责备)or beat me, my father 61 . asked my mother to mend the vest.Later when my mother told me about my fathers response, I felt ashamed(惭愧的)of my bad behavior. My fathers gentle kindness 62 . me a lesson which I would never forget.On that day, I decided not to let anger 63 . me any longer. Of course, there are times when I am angry. However, whenever that happens, I will 64 . to remember my fathers vest. It always reminds me to think about others feelings when I get angry.七、填空阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个词,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。We can remember some important times in our lives. Some things have become good memories. The memories are always in the corner of our mind.When I was in a kindergarten(幼儿园), I had many toys and friends. They made me laugh and cry. The teachers taught us many songs and games. We played all day. Although we did not know what learning was at that time, we were learning every day.When I was in a primary school, I was excited to learn school subjects. Nearly every subject caught my attention. However, my favorite subject was science. I remembered on the first day our science teacher told us the sun was like a big fire ball. We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open. We began to wonder at the secret of nature. Later many other things came to our ears. We began to learn carefully.When I was ten years old, I began to read newspapers, keep a diary, visit museums and make many friends. Every day was something new, interesting and exciting.Now I am in the middle school. Each day is new to me. I am still learning happily. It is like a journey to me. I have learned a lot, but theres still a long way for me to go. I hope to become a learned(有学问的) person some day.Learning Is 65 . a JourneyIn a kindergartenAlthough we know 66 . about learning, we learned a lot In a primary schoolAmong all the subjects, I like 67 . most.At the age of 68 . I began to keep a diary and visit museums.In the middle schoolI hope I wont stop 69 . .八、回答问题An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. Whats this strange building? asked the visitor. This is the Tower of London. I see. How long did it take you to build it? About 500 years. In my country we can set it up in five months, said the visitor. Soon they came to St. Pails Cathedral. Very wonderful! said the visitor. How long did it take you to build it? Almost 40 years, said the Englishman. In my country we can finish it in 40 days at most, said the visitor. This continued all day. They visited most famous buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked the same questions. Then he said that they could do the same thing much more quickly in his country. At last, the Englishman became angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. A few days later, they came to the House of Parliament and the visitor asked his usual question, Whats it?The Englishman answered, I have no idea. It wasnt there last night.70 . The visitor wasnt interested in the buildings in London, was he? _71 . Did they visit all the famous buildings in the city? _72 . How long did it take to set up the Tower of London? _73 . Why did the visitor always say it took less time to build the same building in his country? Because he wanted to show that _74 . Did the Englishman become angry? _75 . Why did the Englishman said, It wasnt there last night? _九、材料作文76 . 书面表达71假如现在是周日上午十一点,请你根据表格提示,用英语写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍杰夫(Jeff)及其家人的活动。内容可适当发挥。人物活动杰夫使用电脑杰夫的爸爸听音乐杰夫的妈妈做午饭杰夫的爷爷喝茶杰夫的弟弟写作业_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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