冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 7 Lesson 42课时练习

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冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 7 Lesson 42课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Look at the_on the ground, and its telling us autumn has come.AleavesBleafCleafsDleafes2 . The two kinds of tea look _, but in fact they are not the _.Asimilar; sameBsame; sameCsimilar; similarDsame; similar3 . My father _ a car for 5 years.AhadBhave hadChas had4 . Most students find _ hard to learn English well.AthatBthisCitsDit5 . All the donations _to ORBIS in two days,Awill sendBmust sentCwere sentDmust be sent6 . Please remember _ the lights when you leave.Aturning downBto turn downCto turn offDturning off7 . The dictionary _ taken out of the library. You can use it at home or in the classroom.Acant beBcan beCwasntDwas8 . You have grown up and you should _ what you have done .Abe responsible forBbe responsible toCresponsible forDresponsible to9 . Detective Lu thought that _ Xie Yiming _ Wang Gang were likely to kidnap Guan Daweis son.Aeither, orBboth, andCneither, norDnot only, but also.10 . Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖). We are of her.AsurprisedBnervousCproudDpride11 . Mr and Mrs Wang are _, _ they decide to have a second child after the Chinese government encourages the citizens to do it.Ain their forty; althoughBin their forties; althoughCin their forties; butDin their forty; but12 . Id still be glad to _ with any of the party preparation, like planning the games.-Its very kind of you.Ahelp outBturn downClook afterDhang out13 . Meimei usually goes to school _,but on rainy days she_Aon foot ,by bus Bwalks ,by bus Cwalks, takes the busDon foot, takes the bus14 . Chinese people like to _ when they meet.Ahold handsBshank handCshake handsDwave hands15 . How beautiful your hometown is!Yes, trees and flowers _ everywhere.Acan be seenBcan seeCbe seenDcant see二、完型填空I was coming downstairs to get breakfast when the post came. I was _ for a letter from my friend Sam. So I picked the letters up and looked _ them. I wasnt surprised to see that there were some bills. There was an invitation to a party. There wasnt a letter from Sam. There was a postcard, showing some cliffs and sea. What a nice _ !I turned the _ over. It wasnt easy to read. Rain had made the writing _ , including the name of the person who had sent the postcard. _ was it from? I tried to read any of the words. I could read Dear Tom, Im having a lovely time in Then the writing became unclear. I couldnt read _ else. Who had gone to the seaside? I couldnt think of anyone! It was a mystery. There was another _ too. Where was Sams letter?Just then the phone rang. It was Sam!Im calling to see if you got my postcard, he said. We are at the seaside, not in London. We _ our minds. Mum and Dad are resting after our walk. So Im ringing you. Im sorry I didnt write a letter. Weve been so _ .Both mysteries were solved!16 . AaskingBpayingCsearchingDwaiting17 . AafterBforCthroughDup18 . AsymbolBviewCobjectDposition19 . AbillBinvitationCletterDpostcard20 . AunclearBuncleanCuncomfortableDuncommon21 . AHowBWhereCWhoDWhen22 . AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything23 . AmatterBmethodCmistakeDmystery24 . AchangedBkeptClostDmade25 . AamazedBbusyCcuriousDfrightened三、句型转换. 句型转换26 . One day people will go to the shops no more. (改为同义句)One day people _go to the shops _more.27 . Mary pays 10 dollars for the toy. (改为同义句)Mary _10 dollars _the toy.28 . Lingling is going to buy a present for her mother. (对画线部分提问)_is Lingling going to _for her mother?29 . There are some new ways to go shopping nowadays. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_new ways to go shopping nowadays? _30 . Online shopping is good for our life. (用bad改为选择疑问句)_online shopping good _for our life?四、完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子31 . 我奶奶正在学着使用微信。My grandmother is learning _ WeChat.32 . 对我来说数学难学。Math is very hard for me _.33 . 对不起,你的问题太难了,我回答不了。Im sorry, your question is _ difficult for me _ answer.34 . 不要怕犯错,我们可以从错误中学到东西。(learn from)_35 . 他妈妈经常鼓励他努力学习。_根据汉语意思完成下列句子。36 . 偶尔我一个人去滑冰。_, I go skating alone.37 . 一旦你下定决心,坚持它。Once you make a decision, _ it.38 . 关上厨房里的自来水。_ the water in the kitchen!39 . 他不再生我的气了。He _ angry with me _40 . 我们应该尽我们的最大能力保护野生动物。We should _the wild animals.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子piecesstudy think know pressure after atbetween never someone usually informationUsually, most women cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours, a new study shows. The 41 . finds that women like to tell others gossip(闲言碎语) as soon as they hear it. They will tell 42 . least one other person in 47 hours and 15 minutes. They may tell their boyfriend, husband, best friend or mother the 43 . at first.3,000 women age 44 . 18 and 65 took part in this study. The study found that four out of ten said that they couldnt keep a secret. It also found that wine 45 . gave them a help hand to speak out secrets.Usually English ladies heard three 46 . of gossip a week, and they would tell at least one person. Six in ten said they would tell 47 . who had nothing to do with the secret, so the person about the secret couldnt 48 . . Three in ten said they had ideas to speak out the secret. Nearly half(45%) of them spoke out the secrets just for losing their 49 . . However, two thirds of them said that they felt sorry 50 . they passed on secrets. Three quarters of them said they could keep quiet about a secret. But over a quarter(27%) said they always forgot what they heard the following day.六、多任务混合问题Sunset HotelCity viewsLarge swimming pool110 per person a nightLong Beach HotelLarge rooms with color TVCity views from every roomAir conditioning in every room120 per person a nightHoliday Land HotelOcean views from every roomLarge rooms90 per person a nightThe Sands HotelBest ocean and beach viewsOn paradise IslandAir conditioning in every room125 per person a night(小题1)Which hotel is the most expensive ?ASunset Hotel.BThe Sands Hotel.CLong Beach Hotel.DHoliday Land Hotel.(小题2)If you want to swim, which hotel should you go to ?ALong Beach Hotel.BThe Sands HotelCSunset HotelDHoliday Land Hotel.(小题3)Which hotel can you stay at if you only have 100 ?ASunset Hotel BHoliday Land Hotel.CLong Beach Hotel.DThe Sands Hotel.(小题4)Which is the best way to go to the Sands Hotel ?ABy bike.BBy boat.COn foot.DBy bus.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、完成句子1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、


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