冀教版英语九年级全册Lesson 5 Jane’s Lucky Life 课时练习

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冀教版英语九年级全册Lesson 5 Janes Lucky Life 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its true that the brain _ every part of the body.AcontrolsBconnectsCremovesDtrains2 . Fish cant live without air _ water.AorBandCbutDso3 . Well have dinner at a restaurant,which is known delinious food.AforBofCtoDas4 . The book on the shelf is _. She wrote _name on the book _.Ahers, her, herselfBher, hers, herselfCherself, her, hersDit;them;her5 . I bought some CDs for my friend Jim and they _ me $ 40.AspentBpaidCcostDused二、完型填空Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious_in communicating with people. One always had to guess what he was saying._, most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always_I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by_him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc._saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom. Slowly, Miss West washed his_and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month._, Marc understood.Miss Wests love has given me a good example to follow when I_my job. I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right_to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them_to learn and to grow up.6 . AquestionBproblemCaccidentDhobby7 . AinsteadBHoweverCBesidesDBut8 . AdirtyBcleanCnewDold9 . AtalkingBsayingCspeakingDtelling10 . AWithBWithoutCAfterDAbove11 . AfaceBfeetCshirtsDhands12 . AAt lastBAt firstCSuch asDSo far13 . AdidBam doingChave doneDam going to do14 . AwaysBanswersCtimeDfood15 . Amore adviceBless adviceCmore timeDless time三、阅读单选Today, while I was adding oil to my car in an oil station, my cell phone rang.When I was talking on the phone, the security guard (保安员)who seemed like more than 70 years old gently reminded me that I could not use my cell phone inside the oil station.When I came outside, I felt very curious and wanted to talk with him.At first, I felt a little sympathetic(同情的).At my first thought, he seemed like a poor, old man who was still working.But I was wrong after I ended up listening to him.He spoke to me about his family ,his son and daughter. He told me that his daughter always cared for him.Then he described his boy who “has a heart of stone”.He advised me to save money for my old age, and I told him that I gave away everything, and just wanted to enjoy life.As we spoke, he opened up quite a bit.He simply talked about his life-his family, his limited money, and how the family was still happy although there were plenty of hard times.I thought about giving him money, but I didnt feel quite right.I made a mistake just now, and as we spoke, it became clear that he didnt want my money.I did not want to make him feel shamed by giving him money.By the time the conversation ended, I had been deeply moved.Sometimes, time is the best gift you can give.It certainly makes me keep listening.16 . Who was talking on the phone in the oil station?AThe writerBThe old manCThe old mans daughterDThe old mans son17 . At the beginning, the writer thought the old man was very_.AstrictBpoorCkindDhappy18 . The writer didnt give the old man money because_Ahe thought the old man saved much money.Bhe didnt want the old mans son to get the money.Cthe old man didnt want the money.Dthe old man felt very shamed.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空A. 根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词。19 . Your grandmother looks _ (苍白的). Is there anything wrong with her?20 . Please c_ your paper carefully before you hand it in.21 . UNICEF raises money by selling cards and _ (组织) other activities.22 . Whats the m_ with you? You need to have a good rest.23 . You can help by _ (捐献) money or working as a volunteer.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次have,eat,ask,be,not like24 . David likes meat,but he _ vegetables.25 . I dont want _ fat.26 . What _ Eric _ for lunch?Rice and chicken.27 . Dale often _ some juice in the morning.28 . Lets _ him about his family.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句29 . kick ;the ;I ;ball; will ;you; again(_)_30 . mind; would ;if ;you; try; I ;again; it( ? )_31 . long ;been; how; have; like; you; this( ? )_32 . we ;must; to; prevent; exercise; flu; the( ? )_33 . it ;cause ;cancer ;may ;even(_)_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、


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