八年级英语上册Unit 3 Our Hobbies 综合检测

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八年级英语上册Unit 3 Our Hobbies 综合检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Langlang is a great pianist. He _ great interest in piano when he was very young.AsharedBhatedCshowedDplayed2 . -Where is Lin Xin? -She likes playing tennis. She_in the gym.AmaybeBmay beCmustDshould3 . A watch is important in our life. It is used for _ the time.AtellingBsayingCspeakingDholding4 . _ the population of China?Its about 1.3 billion.AWhatsBHow much isCHow many isDWhat are5 . Dont be afraid _across the street.AgoingBgoCto goDgoes6 . Be_ I Your father is sleeping,he is _ tired.Aquiet;quietlyBquite;quietCquietly;quiteDquiet;quite7 . The less junk food you eat,you will be.Athe healthierBhealthierCmore healthyDless healthy8 . Bob won the tennis match yesterday. Im not _ that. He trains very hard.Atired ofBproud ofCsurprised atDpleased with9 . -Why not fly kites with me tomorrow? -_. Im sure well have a good time.ASounds goodBSounds boringCSorry, Im busyDBecause I have no time10 . _ a GPS will make _ easier for everyone to visit a strange place.ATake, herBTaking, thatCTaking, itDTake, this11 . Monica is an active(活跃的) girl.Shes good at _ stories.AsayingBspeakingCtellingDtalking12 . - Shenzhen _ on the coast .- Yes . It is _ the north of Hong Kong .Alies , inBis , toCis , inDlies , on13 . LiMing used _ on the right in China, but he soon got used _ on the left in EnglishAto drive; to driveBdriving; drivingCto driving; to driveDto drive; to driving14 . He must practice_the drum every day.AhitBhitsChittingDto hit15 . Is it important _us _ learn English well?Afor, learningBfor, to learnCof, learningDof, to learn二、补全对话5选5A:16 . B:Yes.Its on the third day of March.A:17 . B:Yes.Every family with a girl between 3 and 7 will decorate the house with a lot of beautiful dolls.The parents dress the dolls very well.A:18 . B:Usually grandparents buy dolls for their granddaughters.A:19 . B:Rice cakes and some other delicious food.A:20 . B:Yes.Its on 5th May.On that day,boys will have a lot of interesting things to play with.A:Sounds interesting!AIs there a boys festival in Japan?BWhat do they usually eat on Dolls Day?CWho buys these dolls for the little girls?DDo you know Dolls Day in Japan?EIts a festival for girls,isnt it?三、完型填空Hello. Im Bill. Im from America but now Im in Chengdu. My parents come to China for work, so I come with _I have may friends here. Meimei and Li Lei are my best friends. Li Lei is twelve years old now and his birthday is on February 16th. I want to have a birthday party for him next week. He likes fruit. _ I want to buy him a cake with strawberries and oranges. At school,we always have lunch together. Meimei often doesnt have dinner, because she doesnt want to be_But I dont think its a good for her health.I like watching movies very much. But from Monday to Friday,we _ go to school. On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the movies with my friends. I really want to know more about China. So I often go to the library when I have_ time. I have a happy life in China.21 . AherBhimCthem22 . AbutBandCSo23 . AfatBhealthyCgood24 . AcanBmustCmay25 . AfreeBdifficultCgreat四、阅读单选“Hi, Jenny!”“Hi, Brian! What class do you have next?”“I have art next,” says Brian. “Its my favourite. I draw six pictures every week.”“You are a good painter(画家),” says Jenny. “I see some of your pictures. They are beautiful. I like art too, but I am not good at it. I am not going to be a painter when I am older!”“I tell you, Jenny,” says Brian. “Art is interesting for everyone. You dont need to be good at it.”“You are right, Brian,” says Jenny. “And I like our art teacher. He teaches us a lot. I am much better at art this year.“Yes. Mr. Smith is good. He looks like a great painter too, with his long hair and big beard(胡子).”“When do you have art lesson, Jenny?” asks Brian.Jenny looks at her timetable. “I have art tomorrow morning,” she says.“What class are you going to now?” asks Brian.“Im going to music class. Its one of my favourites! We are learning a new song this week. I love to sing. Whats the time, please?”Brian looks at his watch. “Oh, no! Its 2:13! There are only two minutes!”“Hurry, Brian!” says Jenny. “We dont want to be late for class! See you later.”“Okay. I am going to art class. See you after school!”26 . Where are Brian and Jenny now?AAt the bus stop.BAt school.CAt home.DAt the drawing club.27 . Who is Not good at drawing in this article(文章)?AJenny.BBrian.CMr. SmithDNo one.28 . What can we know about the art teacher?AHe is a good teacher and he looks young.BHe is a great painter and looks old.CHe is Mr. Smith with great-painter looks.DHe is Mr. Smith with bad-teacher looks.29 . What time is Jennys music class going to start?ATomorrow morning.BTomorrow afternoon.C2:13.D2:15.30 . Which of the following is Not right according to(根据) the article?AJenny and Brain like singing.BJenny and Brian like drawing.CJenny is doing better in art this year.DBrian thinks everyone can enjoy art.五、阅读判断Soccer is one of the most popular sports in our modern world. But many years ago, each country had its own kind of soccer game with its own hales.In 1863, a group 0f people met in England. They made some changes (改变) to the game. They made one set of new rules for every country to follow. After that, soccer teams from different countries could play against each other.Some of the rules are still the same today.Now teams from all over the world take part in the World Cup every four years. It s one of the most important things for all soccer fans.31 . Soccer is the only popular sport in our modem world.32 . After 1863, soccer teams from different countries could play against each other.33 . Today, the World Cup is one of the most important things for all soccer fans in the world.34 . The topic of this article is about the World Cup.根据表格和短文判断正(T)误(F)。Recently we have made a survey about the teenagers hobbies. Heres the result.SingingPlayingcomputergamesGrowingvegetablePlayingfootballDancingPlayingtabletennisCollectingdollsBoysGirlsIts very interesting to see the hobbies above. The teenagers like their hobbies because they like to learn new things and develop new skills. For example, playing football can make them strong and understand the importance of team work. Growing vegetable can help their family.35 . The boys like dancing and singing.36 . Both the boys and the girls like growing vegetables and playing table tennis.37 . Collecting dolls can make the girls strong.38 . Playing football is a team-work sport.39 . The boys dont like playing computer games.六、句型转换40 . Spell “orange”, please. (同义句转换)_ _you spell“orange”?41 . It is my dictionary. (变为复数句)_my_.42 . That boy is my brother. (改为一般疑问句)_that boy_ brother?43 . Tom has two soccer balls. (改为否定句)Tom_ _two soccer balls.44 . Is your name Michael? (做肯定回答)Yes,_ _.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。45 . I like movies. So I often visit movie w_ online.46 . We should make a p_ project to solve the problem well.47 . Our teacher often tells us to c_ the wrong exercises in our homework.48 . Li Leis mother was angry at the r_ of Li Leis exam.49 . I can remember the new English words, but I cant understand the g_.根据句意和首字母填空。50 . Be a good boy, Nick! Dont s_ at other people.51 . Henry and I started off late but l_, we ran very fast so we didnt miss the train.52 . My answer is d_ from Roses and Im not sure which one is right.53 . When I walked into the living room, I h_ Mom and Dad talking about my problem.54 . Little Grace is very tired but she is s_ helping her parents work on the farm now.八、填写适当的句子补全对话55 . My father always tells me _(humour) jokes to make me laugh when I am sad.56 . The _(high) of the Mount Tai is about 1,532 metres.57 . If you dont see the doctor at once, you will get even _(bad) later on.58 . My buddy Tonny often listens carefully to my problems and _(offer) me help.59 . Near the end of each class, we often spend 10 minutes _(discuss) the books with our classmates.九、回答问题Ballet is a type of dance. It is a kind of art that can express a feeling, tell a story, or interpret(翻译) a song. The first ballet began in the 15th century. Ballet dancers may be men and women - ballet is not just for girls! They are strong, pretty, and flexible (柔韧的).Many movements in ballet are unusual for the human body. Dancers turn their legs out, instead of having their knees and feet straight forward. They also point their feet and may even dance on the tips of their toes.Dancers must go through a lot of training. Many take classes almost daily if theyd like to be professional (职业的) ballet dancers. They need to practice often to keep up their strength. That also means that dancers need to take very good care of their bodies, so their bodies can keep up with the dancing! Dancers need to be well rested and eat healthy meals. They also should drink plenty of water and listen to their bodies by resting if thats what their bodies need.In ballet class, most teachers ask dancers to warm up their bodies at first. After that, dancers come to the center to practice other movements. They should start slowly when learning new steps, so their bodies have time to get used to the steps and not get injured.In fact, it is not easy to become good ballet dancers. Not only do dancers need to control their bodies well, but they need to have a good understanding of music.Ballet looks soft, but it is really an athletic activity. If you love to move your body and use it to tell stories, ballet might be a great activity for you to try!60 . When did the first ballet begin?61 . Why do professional ballet dancers need to practice often?62 . How can people become good ballet dancers?十、材料作文63 . 假如李明是你的好朋友,根据提示写一篇80词左右的短文介绍李明的业余爱好。(短文开头已给出)提示语:1. 李明以前是个电影迷,一周至少去看两次电影,有时租VCD在家里看,最喜欢的影星是姜文;2. 李明现在的兴趣是集邮,认为集邮非常有趣,可以从邮票上学到很多关于人物、地点、历史的知识,有些旧邮票非常有价值;3. 上周五是李明的生日,他从朋友那里得到了许多邮票,非常高兴。Li Ming is my good friend. He has many hobbies. He used to _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、2、六、句型转换1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、


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