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八年级上册英语第6单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The farm chemicals remained(剩余) on the vegetables and fruits are harmful _ our health.Yes, they may cause lots of diseases.AwithBtoCfor2 . -there orange juice in the fridge?- I dont know.AAmBAreCIs3 . -What _do you like best? -I like oranges.AcolorBsportCfruitDsubject4 . Students shouldnt go to school without breakfast. Its bad for their health. I agree_you.AtoBonCwith5 . How do you improve your _ ?By reading aloud every morning.AsentenceBexpressionCgrammarDpronunciation6 . When should I hand in my paper? You must _ as soon as the bell _.Ahand it in; ringsBhand in it; will ringChand it in; will ringDhand in it; rings7 . Jack wants to watch _ because they can help him to learn what is happening in the world.Agame showsBtalent showsCsports showsDthe news.8 . -Cathy, where is your baseball bat?-Oh, its in my bedroom. Let me _ it for you.AplayBgetCbuy9 . Please _ the light. Its a little dark in the room.Atum offBturn upCtum intoDtun on10 . Your coat is very nice._AYes, it is.BOf course.CThank.DThank you.11 . Lily _read the book from _ after supper.Abegan to;beginningBbegan;beginningCbegan;the beginningDbegan to;the beginning12 . Why you the meeting? Because I forgot the time.Aare; late forBwere; late toCare; late toDwere; late for13 . - _ did you leave? - I _my hometown for nearly ten years.AWhen; leftBWhen,; have been away fromCHow long,; leftDHow long,; have been away from14 . After class, I like to _ the trees and buildings for some time.Alook outBlook atClook out atDlook for15 . It is kindthe doctors to devote all the time he had tofor the patients. I think so, they are so great.Afor, careBof, careCof, caringDfor caring二、完型填空There is a holiday next week and I cant decide what to do. I have a lot of work to do _and this would be a good chance(机会) _.But I dont like_ the holiday in this way. I can work at home all the rest of the year. Last year I went_to the mountains. _ there was beautiful, but it is too cold this time of year. And its really_ far to go for a short holiday. I decide _ this isnt a good time to_the mountains. But I_to go somewhere else.Perhaps this would be a good chance to go to the beach(海滨). I like to go for walks _ the seashore_the warm sunshine and watch the water. Its only eight miles and I could get there_about two hours. After thinking it _, I am sure that this is a _ time for the seashore than _.16 . Aat homeBat houseCin schoolDin factory17 . Ado itBdoing thatCto do itDwith that18 . Ato passBto spendChavingDasking19 . Athe northBor northCnorthDto north20 . ANothingBEverythingCSomebodyDA girl21 . AveryBenoughCratherDtoo22 . AthatBwhatCwhetherDwhen23 . AgoBgo toCarriveDleave24 . Ado wantBshall wantCwantedDam wanting25 . AonBbyCbesideDalong26 . AonBduringCinDunder27 . AinBforCwithDafter28 . AinBoutCoverDon29 . AgoodBfineCbetterDbest30 . AhomeBthe mountainsCbig citiesDcountry villages三、阅读单选Brad,Kevin and Tina are three kids from America.They like watching different TV shows.Lets learn about what they like watching.Brad:I like cartoons very much,such as DonaldDuckandMickeyMouse.Theyre very fun.Im a player so I also like watching sports games,such as soccer games,basketball games,tennis games and so on.The games are exciting,and the players are great.Wang Hao is my favorite player.I can learn a lot from him.Kevin:I like AnimalWorld best,because I like animals.I watch the program about animals on weekends.The program tells us something about animals.We can know lots of animals from it.We can also know how to protect(保护) them.Tina:As a girl,I like soap operas and sitcoms.I like watching them because they can make me feel happy.31 . The three kids are from_.AChinaBAmericaCEnglandDFrance32 . Brad is a player and he likes_.Agame showsBAnimal WorldCsoap operasDcartoons and sports games33 . _is Brads favorite player.AWang HaoBYao MingCDeng YapingDLi Ning34 . Kevin watches the TV show Animal World_.Aon weekendsBon MondayCon FridayDevery day35 . _likes watching soap operas and sitcoms.AFrankBTinaCKevinDBradDear Li Fei,How are you? I will have a short holiday next week and have decided to visit Shanghai for a second time. I have booked a room in the Peace Hotel. I hear it is on the Bund(外滩) and has a good view of the famous Huangpu River. I will arrive on the night of March 27 and leave early on March 29. I would like to visit some of the most famous places, such as Nanjing Road and Yu Garden in Chenghuangmiao. Can you give me some suggestions for my visit to Shanghai? I will have only one day to look around Shanghai. I will be happy if you can make a tour plan for me. Please say hello to Lu Mei. Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Sandy36 . Who will visit Shanghai next week?ALi Fei.BLu Mei.CSandy.37 . Where has the writer booked a room?AOn Nanjing Road.BIn Yu Garden.CIn the Peace Hotel.38 . We can learn from the letter that the writer _Shanghai.Ahas never visitedBonce visitedCoften visits39 . When will the writer look around Shanghai?AOn March 27.BOn March 28.COn March 29.40 . The most important purpose of writing this letter is to _.Aask for a tour planBask for a replyCsay hello to Lu Mei四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。41 . Its the _ time that Mr. Smith has visited the Great Wall. (三)42 . People are the creators of history and they are the real _. (英雄)43 . “Happiness is achieved _ hard work,” is on everyones tips these days. (凭借)44 . Our class teacher often _ us to make full use of time during this important time. (建议)45 . Were _ that our country now has the longest high-speed rail network in the world. (自豪)五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)46 . My classmates like making jokes so you can always hear _ from my class. (laugh)47 . Its not difficult to make a _. So Ill do it myself. (decide)48 . This is my _ visit to Thailand, I really like it because of the beautiful beaches. (two)49 . The students gave their parents the _ of the Open Day last week. (invite)50 . He put his hand on your shoulder, then_ shook you. (gentle)51 . They met an old friend of _ at the airport. (they)六、完成句子翻译下列句子,每空一词。52 . 在T台中央的那个模特看起来真漂亮。The model _ the catwalk looks so beautiful.53 . 它是一种中国妇女穿的传统服装,而且它在国际高级时装领域正变得很流行。Its a _dress _ Chinese women, and its _ in the world of high fashion.54 . 又来了三个模特,他们都穿着少数民族服装。_ three models and they are all _ minority costumes.55 . 但最后一个我不确定。But Im _ the last one.56 . 但是Sarah对时尚的了解没有Jane多。But Sarah didnt know _Jane about fashion.57 . 我们可以和你合影吗?非常乐意。Can we _ you?_.七、填写适当的句子补全对话在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是词、短语或句子),使对话完整。A:Did you make a New Years resolution,Kim?B:Yes,I did. A:58 . ?B:Well,Im going to join the tennis team. A:59 . ?B:Im going to play tennis every day. 60 . ?Did you make a resolution?A:Oh,sure. 61 . . B:What are you going to learn to play?A:The guitar. B:62 . !A:I think so. Im going to join a guitar club.八、单词填空My friend David is a doctor. He likes his work very much and he is 63 . (friend) to everyone. Every day he works hard and saves a lot of peoples 64 . (生命). He also likes singing songs. He often listens to music in his free time, because he wants to be a m65 . . I really hope my friend can make his dream come t66 . . Now, its seven oclock, He 67 . (切) vegetables into pieces to make dinner. I like my friend.九、话题作文68 . 假如你们班准备举行以“My Dream”为主题的英语演讲比赛。你非常想当一名老师,打算帮助乡村贫困的孩子,并对来有美好的想象.请你根据以下提示一篇70词左右的英语演讲稿, 演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.提示:1. How are you going to become a teacher?2.Will you have robots in your life? What can they do?3.What will you do if your dream comes true?要求:1.参考示内喜,可适当发揮2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;3.丈中不得出现任何真实信息優名、校名和地名等;4词数:不少于70词。My DreamHello, every one! Everyone has a dream. Today Im very happy to share my dream with all of you._Thats all! Thank you.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、单词填空1、九、话题作文1、


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