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人教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its raining even _than yesterday. So we could only stay at home.Amore hardlyBheavilyCheavierDharder2 . Look, so many young men _with their mobile phones on the underground.AplayedBare playingChave playedDwill play3 . I dont think things are going to _ here. Why not find a quiet place and sit down to talk about it?Yeah, thats a good idea. Where do you think we should go then?Awork outBbreak outCstay outDtry out4 . Jane will pass the testshe works hard enough.AwhenBthoughCas soon asDif5 . The English book is _ the desk _ the room.Aon; underBunder; onCunder; inDin; under6 . Is the boy your brother? It _ be. I dont have brothers or sisters at all.AmustntBneedntCshouldntDcant7 . The Ant Forest of Alipay is helping to turn _ into forests by asking people to plant online trees.AoceansBmountainsCdeserts8 . I have some problems _ my homework. Could you tell me _?Awith; what the height of the mountain isBin; what the height of the mountain is Cwith; what is the height of the mountainDin; what is the height of the mountain9 . They had a wonderful time at the party. They ate and ate until no foodremainedon the table.Areminded ofBwas leftCneededDremembered10 . book named Harry Potter isgood friend of mine.AA; aBThe; theCA; theDThe; a11 . _ little water is not enough for _ many birds. _ little birds dont have _ much.ASuch;such; Such ; soBSo; so; So; suchCSuch; so; Such; soDSo; so; Such; so12 . Im afraid I cant come to your party. _AExcuse me.BNo problem.CThats right.DWhat a pity!13 . (广东省2017年初中毕业生学业考试模拟)Its reported that Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge _ in 2017.AbuildsBis builtCwill be builtDwill build14 . Its a good song, _ the lyrics(歌词)are not good enough.Awhich B. although C. and D. so15 . (题文) What would you like, coffee or tea? Either_ OK. I dont mind.AisBareCwas16 . What do you think of the movie Gravity?一I think its , but someone thinks its much too_.Ainteresting enough; boredBenough interesting; boringCinteresting enough; boringDenough interesting; bored17 . Going for a bike ride is really _.AhappyBexcitedCinterestedDboring18 . In winter the children like to_ snow together outside.AplayBplay withCplay theDplay a19 . _ is it from your home to school? About 10 minutes ride.AHowBWhereCWhat timeDHow far二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中所给的七个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。并将所选标号在对话后面的横线上。A. Do you hate the life here?B. My parents would like to go to college,too?C. Do you know my parents never went to college ?D. Tell me more about your plan,please.E. Nearly three years has passed since we came here.F. Are you used to the life here?G. Its hard to know what will happen in the futureA:How time flies !20 . B: Thats right. By the way, what are you going to do after leaving school ?A: Im not sure.21 . B: Im different. I expect to have a new start.A: What do you mean ?22 . B: Of course not. I mean I will have a better future.A: Sounds great .23 . B: I wish I could go to a great high school. Then I may go to a famous college.A: However, your dream seems to have nothing special.B: Yes, it does.24 . So they hope I can achieve their dream.A: Oh, I get it now. You must have more duties.B: Yes. Everyone is supposed to do something meaningful in their lives.三、完型填空As an old Chinese saying goes, “Out with the old, in with the new(旧的不去,新的不来)”. Its time to buy some new clothes for winter. But _ will you do with your old clothes?Years ago, used clothes were _ to younger brothers or sisters in one family. But now, most of us are the _ child in the family, so we often wear new clothes. And people are buying more clothes _they are richer than before. Every year in China, people throw away about 26 million tons of used clothes_ waste.In many countries, charity shops collect and resell second-hand clothes. In those countries, people often shop for used clothes at charity shops like Oxfam. The British singer Victoria Beckham often buys from Oxfam. She said, “Here is a(n) _ I want more people to know about: used clothes are not useless. We can give them away to people in poor areas. We can also try to make full use of these clothes in creative ways. For example, they can be used to make _ like toys. ”Few Chinese cared about fashion years ago, but now more and more people are_ in it. YiShion(以纯),a fashion clothing brand(品牌), is inviting people _ their used clothes into special boxes in its 45 stores in China. They resell some of the clothes _cleaning them at a lower price, so people dont have to worry about any health problem. As much as 95% of clothes thrown away can be re-worn or recycled. This helps people to cut down resource waste and give their clothes a new life.25 . AhowBwhereCwhatDwhy26 . AraisedBpassedCboughtDsold27 . AonlyBlastCfirstDother28 . AsoBbutCbecauseDand29 . AtoBasCinDby30 . AadviceBinformationCstoryDmessage31 . ArulesBthingsCplansDmistakes32 . AinterestedBsurprisedCworriedDpopular33 . AputtingBputCto putDputs34 . AwhileBbeforeCuntilDafter先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Origami is a Japanese word. “Ori” means “to fold” and “kami” means “paper” (kami changes to gami). And thats what origami is the_of folding paper to make beautiful models.Origami is amazing! The only thing you need to do it is paper. Your hands are the only_you need. Cutting, gluing or drawing on the paper is_. You only need to fold paper to create models.Japanese origami started in the sixth century when people from China took paper to Japan. For many years there were no books_origami. People in Japan learned how to do it by watching other people.In 1954, origami started to become_all over the world. A Japanese man called Akira Yoshizawa drew pictures to show_to fold origami models. Exhibitions (展览) of his work, both in Japan and around the world,_origami to many people. People all over the world started to make their own models. Now there are origami masters (大师) and_in many countries. There are also all kinds of origami organizations,_OrigamiUSA and the British Origami Society. Yoshizawa, who died in 2005 at the age of 94, is_regarded as the grandmaster of origami.35 . AartBwayCstyleDhistory36 . AstepsBconditionsCtoolsDprocesses37 . AincludedBtaughtCshownDavoided38 . AinBwithCofDabout39 . AinterestingBpopularCdifficultDpossible40 . AhowBwhatCwhenDwhere41 . AservedBsoldCprovidedDintroduced42 . ApartnersBfansCtouristsDinventors43 . Aas forBin factCaccording toDsuch as44 . AalsoBstillConlyDjustMany people like to travel(旅行)by plane,but I dont like it because an airport(机场)is usually _ from the city.You have to get there early and wait for _ for the plane to take off and it is often late.You _ open the windows.You cant choose the food.Planes are fast,but it still _ hours to go out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train.I think _ are safe.Railway stations (火车站) are usually in cities.When you are _ for a train,you can catch another(另一个)one.You can _ around in the train and open the windows.You can see many interesting things _ your way.I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars.You can start your journey(行程)_ you want to,and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop.Also you can carry many things with you in a car.But sometimes _ are too many cars on the road.45 . AcloseBbigCnearDfar46 . AminutesBhoursCsecondsDquarters47 . AshouldntBshouldCcantDcan48 . ApaysBkeepsChasDtakes49 . AtrainsBbusesCsubwaysDcars50 . AbadBgoodClateDsorry51 . ArunBwalkCdanceDplay52 . AbyBtoConDin53 . AwhenBwhyChowDwho54 . AhereBtheyCthereDyou四、阅读单选A change to its population policy(人口政策)for the worlds most populated country(人口最多的国家), that is where we start this new week on CNN (美国有线新闻网络,以提供即时电视新闻报导而闻名)STUDENT NEWS.China introduced(提出) its so-called one-child policy(独生子女政策) in the late 1970s. Its been believed to help control Chinas population growth(控制人口增长). Its also been against for forcing(强迫) parents to make difficult personal choices(选择), or in some cases(某些情况) face huge fines(面临巨额罚款).The policy said that in big cities or towns, parents could only have one child, although(尽管) there were some exceptions(例外), for example, the famous director Zhang Yimou, who was ordered to pay the heavy fines for his three children.The new rule(法规) says that if either parent(父母亲一方) is an only child, then they are able to have two children of their own.One reason for the change is economics(经济).In China, many people care for their elderly relatives, so a single(单个的) child could not afford (能做)to look after his parents and grandparents. This new policy could help with that.Another reason, China says it wants to improve human rights(改善人权).55 . Which may be the best title of the article?_.AThe one-child policyBThe population policy CThe human rightsDChinas population growth56 . Where can you get this news _.Aon TVBfrom your booksCfrom a magazineDin the newspaper57 . Which of the following is not true?AChina is the worlds most populated country.BThe one-child policy did help control Chinas population growth.CAll the families in big cities only have one child.DThere is a change to Chinas population policy.58 . We can infer(推断)from the article that the next paragraph(段落) is about _.Athe population growthBthe population policyCthe economic changeDthe human rightsMarys plan for next weekMon. evening see her friend Tue.11:00 go to the doctor Wed. 9:00 watch a table tennis game evening study for an exam Thur. 8:30 go to a concertFri. afternoon help Uncle Sam in his restaurant Sat. 9:00-10:30 have an art class2:00visit her grandmotherSun. 8:00 have supper with Betty and Ann Peters plan for next weekMon. 5:00 pm Tue. 4:30 pmWed. 2:00 pm Thur. noon Fri.2:00-4:00 pm Sat.10:00 am Sun.9:00 pmstudy group meeting watch a basketball match go to see some friends lunch with Larry volunteer(志愿)work at the student center shopping basketball team party59 . Mary will help Uncle Sam in his restaurant on_.ASunday morningBMonday afternoonCSaturday eveningDFriday afternoon60 . From Peters plan we learn that Peter likes_.Atable tennisBmusicCartDbasketball61 . On Saturday morning Mary will have an art class for_.Aone hour and a halfBtwo hoursCthree hoursDfour hours62 . What will Peter do on Wednesday?AHave a meetingBPlay basketball.CGo to see some friends.DPrepare for an exam.63 . Who will have supper with Mary next week?ALarry.BPeter.CBetty and Ann.DUncle Sam.It seems food deliverymen (送货员) are always in a hurry. They wear blue, red or yellow helmets (头盔) and many of them dont follow traffic rules. They drive on the wrong side of the road and run red lights. They use mobile phones while driving.These rude behaviors have caught the publics attention.In the first half of 2017,food deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai according to Shanghai Public Security Bureau. That means every two and a half days, a food deliveryman will die or get hurt on the road.What makes deliverymen take such risks? The strict rules of the food delivery service companies and the anxious customers may be the answer.Many companies will fine a deliveryman-up to 2,000 yuan, if he fails to deliver an order on time, reported China Daily Fines also go to those who get bad reviews from customers.To solve the problem, food delivery service companies need to improve their praising systems Some cities are also taking action. Shanghai has asked companies to train their deliverymen on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a deliveryman gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice then he will be stopped from driving food service delivery transports for a whole year.64 . _make deliverymen dont follow traffic rulesAThe traffic lights and their transportsBThe traffic accidents and customersCThe mobile phones and helmetsDThe strict rules of their companies and the customers65 . If s deliveryman fails to deliver an order on time,_Ahe will be fined up to 2,000 yuanBwill be given a prize up to2,000 yuanCwill get good reviews form customersDwill get more change to deliver food66 . According to the writer, how will the problem be solved?ATo kick off all the deliverymenBTo close all the food delivery service companiesCTo improve the food delivery service companies praising systemDTo train the deliverymen on good service and how to drive fasterPawnshop(典当行)are not malls. You can borrow some money at pawnshops if you leave something as a pledge. You can also take back what you left if you return enough money on time. But if you cant, the owner of the pawnshop will sell your things. Pawnshops may be large or small, but they are all full of different things.Few people want to go to the pawnshop unless they need much money. But sometimes people do want to sell things. Most pawnshops accept many kinds of things,including jewelry(珠宝),watches, clothes and so on. So the owners of the pawnshops must know a lot. Because some things may have been kept in a family for many years, the owners of the shops have to tell how old they are,whether they are real or how much they are worth. The owner of the pawnshop might buy it at a low price and then try to sell it for a higher price. About 25% to 35% of their money comes from selling things.67 . What should you do if you want to borrow some money at a pawnshop?AHave a good jobBbring your ID(身份证)thereCKnow the owner very wellDleave something at the pawnshops68 . The owner of the pawnshop will sell your things if_AThe pawnshop is full of different kinds of thingsBThe owner of the pawnshop earn some money by selling thingsCYou cant return the money that you borrowed on timeDThe pawnshop needs much money to buy other things.69 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?ANobody wants to sell something at the pawnshopsBThe owner of the pawnshop make some money by selling thingsCThe pawnshop will keep things for us as long as possible.DMost pawnshops only accept jewelry.70 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “pledge”in Chinese?A慈善B机会C欠款D抵押71 . Whats the main idea of the passage?ADifferent kinds of pawnshopsBThe owner of the pawnshopsCMany kinds of things in the pawnshopDSome introductions of the pawnshops五、完成句子语法专练:按要求完成句子72 . Will you please read it again?(改为祈使句)_ again, please.73 . If you dont listen to me, Ill go.(改为同义句)_me, or Ill go.74 . Please sit next to Nancy. (改为否定句)_ next to Nancy.75 . 请不要在教室里大喊大叫。Please _ in the classroom.六、单词填空A young woman was waiting at the airport.As she needed to wait for many hours,she bought a book to pass the time. She also 76 . a packet of cookies,She sat down and started reading the77 . Later , a man sat down next 78 . her. When the woman 79 . the first cookie, the man took one ,too. She was really surprised but said nothing. “80 . is he eating my cookies?” She thought .Every time she look a cookie,the man took one,81 . .Then there was 82 . one cookie left in the packet. The man picked the last one up,divided it in half,gave the woman a half and left the waiting room. The woman got very83 . When the woman got on the plane,she 84 . that there was a packet of cookies in her handbag85 . was never opened .C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Anxiety is the appropriate emotion when the personal terror of a volcano, an arrow, a stab(刺伤) in the back and other disasters, all directed against ones self d86 . .The kind of world that produces anxiety is actually a world of relative s87 . , a world in which no one feels that he himself is facing sudden death. The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind, in which one has a feeling that something unspecified(不具体的) and indeterminable may go wrong. If the world seems to be going well, this produces anxiety for good times may end. If the world is going badly it may get w88 . . Anxiety tends to be without f89 . ; the anxious person doesnt know whether to blame himself or other people. He isnt sure whether it is the current year of the administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having the right amount of anxiety to make it work. W90 . we agree that too much anxiety is harmful to mental health, we have come to rely on anxiety to push us into seeing a doctor about a symptom which may indicate cancer, into checking up on that old life insurance policy which may have out-of-date terms in it, into having a conference with our childs teacher even though his report card looks all right.People who are anxious enough keep their car insurance up, have the brakes checked, dont take a drink when they have to drive. People who are too anxious either r91 . to go into cars and so complicate the ordinary course of life or drive so tensely and carefully that they help avoid accidents. People who arent anxious enough take their c92 . , which increases the terrible accidents of the roads.七、材料作文93 . 随着网络的发展,人们消费观念的转变,购物方式也在悄然地发生变化。“网购”成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入到网购群体当中。请你根据以下表格的提示,写一篇网上购物的文章。优点1. 足不出户;节约时间;避免拥堵、劳累。2. 可供选择的范围广,品种多。缺点1. 只看到图片,看不到商品本身。2. 容易购买大量不太需要的东西,造成浪费。注意:所表述的内容必须包含表格中的所有方面;文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其它相关信息,否则不予评分;词数:80 词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示词汇:网购shopping online; 避免做某事avoid doing sth; 商品goods; 导致causeWith the development of the Internet, many people are used to shopping online.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、2、3、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、2、七、材料作文1、

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