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人教新目标版英语七年级上册第2单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ get good grades, you should try to study harder.ASo thatBIn order toCIn order thatDSuch that2 . This is my brother and _ my sisters.Athat is B. this is C. those are D. theses3 . Whats your phone number, Jack? _ 65091829.AHesBImCItsDThats4 . _ can you be ready, Andy? In ten minutes.AHow muchBHow oftenCHow longDHow soon5 . “Is he your father?” “_.”AYes, he is.BYes, he isnt.CNo, he is.6 . 一Where your friends shoes?一under the bed.Ais; ItsBis; TheyreCare; TheyreDare; Its7 . Here _ some chicken on the desk .AamBareCbeDis8 . You can see my grandparents in the _.AnumberBpictureCcupDkey9 . I like _ best. They look very tall for they have long legs and a long thin neck.AsparrowsBswansCcranesDeagles10 . Its silly _ you not to forgive others for their mistakes.AforBofCtoDfrom11 . _ you please tell me your name?Sure. Im Linda.ADoBAmCCouldDIs12 . -Would you like something to drink? -Yes, _ , please.AnoodlesBmilk shakeCapplesDbeef13 . I admire Mr. Brown very much. He always makes his class lively and interesting. He has been made the most popular teacher in our school this year.AI dont think soBI cant stand himCThats for sureDIm sorry to hear that14 . Is that girl your sister?. She is my friend.AYes, she isBI dont knowCNo, she isntDSorry15 . Look at the girl in the red skirl._ is my new classmate.AItBSheCHe16 . All of us love and respect him because he has many good _.AchallengesBqualitiesCchancesDpioneers17 . This is _ friend Gina. _ last name is Black.AI; HerBmy; SheCmy; Her18 . - Ben, would you like to play football with us? - _, but I have to wash the dishes first.ANo, I cantBI dont want toCYes, pleaseDId like to19 . _ Lucys pictures. They are nice.AHere areBHere isCThis isDThat is20 . _ do you want to go to?Beijing, the capital of China.AWhatBWhereCWhich placeDWhen21 . (题文)David, these are my friends, Bob and Mike. _AHow are you?BThanks.CWhats your name?DNice to meet you!22 . Mike and Jane are friends. _ are in Class Three.AWeBOurCTheyDTheir23 . -This is Jim. .ANice to meet you.BFine, thank you .CHow are you ?DGood morning.二、补全对话5选5从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A. Spell it, please. ANo. Hes my uncle. BAre these your brothers?CIts a photo, my family photo. DShe is my sister.Paul: Whats this , Jane?Jane: 24 . Paul: Is this your father?Jane: 25 . Paul: Oh, your uncle. Is the girl your sister?Jane: Yes. 26 . Paul: Whats her name?Jane: Emma. Paul: 27 . Jane: E-M-M-APaul: 28 . Jane: Yes. They are my brothers.三、完型填空Jan:I have new_of my family, _theyre not very good. This is my sister.Mark:_ is she? Is she at the library?Jan:No, she s in the living room. She_her homework. And thats my brother.Mark:Is he doing his homework,_ ? Whats he eating?Jan:He_ a scary movie on TV and_French fries. This is a picture_my aunt and my mother.Mark:Is that your mother in the pool?Jan:No, thats my aunt. My mother cant_. And this is my mother and my aunt at the mall. They really like_and eating at the mall.Mark:Interesting photos.29 . AphotosBbooksCdictionariesDfriend30 . AandBorCbutD/31 . AWhatBWhereCWhyDwhen32 . AdoingBdoesCis doingDdo33 . AtooBalsoCeitherDto34 . Ais watchingBwatchCwatchingDwatches35 . Ato eatBis eatingCeatingDeats36 . AforBofCwithDto37 . AsingBswimCpaintDswimming38 . AshopBto shopCshoppingDshops四、阅读单选Dear William,Its 2:25 am. I cant sleep. There is something that I have to tell you. Our grandfather feels bad and gets very sick. He had a fever for the whole day yesterday. So, Aunt Ruby sent him to the hospital last night. Did your father tell youthat? Mike and I planned to go to New Town to visit him this weekend. Do you want to go with us? Maybe we can cheer him up.Grandpa took care of us when we were little. After grandma died, he spent lots of his time being with us. He helped our parents a lot. He changed diapers (尿布) for us, stayed with us when we were sick, and took us to a park every day. He was so nice to us. We have to do something for him now. As we know,_.Please call me when you see this email. I have to buy the train tickets today.Yours,Kevin39 . What will Kevin do this weekend?AHe will go to Williams house for fun.BHe will stay at home.CHe will visit his grandpa.DHe will exercise in a park.40 . What does the underlined word “that” mean?AWilliam will go to New Town with Kevin.BKevin is going to write an email to William.CKevin couldnt sleep well.DTheir grandfather is sick in hospital.41 . What is the relationship (关系) between Kevin and William?AThey are father and son.BThey are brothers.CThey are teacher and student.DThey are cousins.42 . What does the underlined sentence “Time and tide wait for no one; treat the elders well when they are young.” mean in Chinese?A家有一老, 如有一宝B岁月不待人,尽孝需尽早C年龄长一岁,责任重一分D学无老少,能者为师43 . Which of the following is TRUE?AAunt Ruby is sick because she looks after children every day.BKevin took care of William when he was little.CKevin will take a train to New Town this weekend.DWilliam wrote this email to his grandpa.My uncle is a bus driver. He goes to work at 6:30 in the morning. Every day he is very busy and gets home very late. Sometimes he comes back at about 12 at night. He likes helping other bus drivers do more work. He is the first driver to come to the Bus Station and the last driver to leave. My uncle has a son, Tom. He and I are in the same class. He is taller than I. He says he loves his father and wants to be a bus driver like his father. But his mother wants him to be a scientist and wants him to study hard like his two sisters.44 . My uncle works in a _.A. factory B. shop C. bus station45 . He goes to work at _.A. six fifteenB. six thirtyC. five thirty46 . There are _ people in my uncles family.A. 5 C. 3 C. 647 . Tom and I are _.A. at schoolB. in different classesC. scientist48 . Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?A. My uncle doesnt come back very early.B. My uncle is the last to leave the bus station every day.C. Toms mother doesnt want Tom to study hard like his sisters.Here are some students favorite teachers. How do they like their teachers? Lets have a look at their teahers.Bai Yun, 14,I like Miss Li, my Chinese teacher. She looks very nice. She is often in a red coat. Red is her favorite color. She is strict (严格的)with us.Gao Tian, 13Miss Ye, my English teacher, helps me a lot. She is tall and has long hair. She asks us to read English books every day. She says it is agood way to study(学习) English.YangGuang, 14,My favorite teacher is Mr. Wu. He is our Chinese teacher. He is very glad to have his classes. He is kind to students and his students all like him. He is good at singing, too. He is so cool.49 . Who is often in a red coat?AMiss Li.BMiss Ye.CMiss Wu.DMiss Xu.50 . What does Miss Ye look like?AShe is short.BShe looks cool.CShe has long hair .DShe is old.51 . What does Mr Wu do?AHe is a cook.BHe is a worker.CHe is a doctor.DHe is a Chinese teacher.52 . Which one is right ?(哪一项正确?)AMr. Wu can sing very well.BBai Yun and Gao Tian are 13.CYang Guang likes pink a lot.DMiss Li reads English every day.53 . The passage(文章) is about some studentsAfavorite class.Bfavorite teachers.Cfavorite school.Dfavorite food.五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)54 . We need two bottles of orange juice. (改为一般疑问句)_you_two bottles of orange juice?55 . Tony has already learnt to drive a car. (改为否定句)Tony_learnt to drive a car_.56 . John stayed in the hospital for a week . (对划线部分提问)_ did John stay in the hospital?57 . The old house is small, but the new one is big. (合并为一句)The new house is_the old one.58 . brother, unkind, be, dont, so, your, to (连词成句)_.按要求完成句子,每空一词59 . That is a key.(对画线部分提问)_ that?60 . This is a cup.(改为否定句)_ a cup.61 . Its a red ruler.(改为一般疑问句)_ a red ruler?62 . Mikes jacket is black.(对画线部分提问)_ Mikes jacket?63 . How do you spell it?(改为同义句)_, please.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词64 . Jim will _(很可能)go to France on vacation this year.65 . We often get together_(在期间)the Spring Festival.66 . My parents will take a _(假期)in Lanzhou.67 . The moon is not a p_,but the earth is.68 . Our e_ is getting worse and worse,and we should do something.69 . Mr. Green is_(已经)back to his house.You cant find him in his office.70 . Dont play soccer on the street because it is d_.71 . Few people b_(相信)his words and he was sad.72 . Everything is p_ if you put your heart in it.根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每空一词73 . Lin Ping always fails the exams because he is often _(缺席)from classes.74 . The little boy _(很少)goes swimming in summer.75 . Can you go through this _(考试)?76 . I know _(确切地)who broke the window.77 . Her fathers death has a great _(影响)on her study.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空)78 . Im _ (they) son.79 . Hes _ (I) father.80 . Theyre _ (we) friends.81 . Are _(their) your relatives?82 . They are my_ (grandson).83 . What do you usually do with _ (she) ?84 . They sometimes play badminton with _(we).85 . Tom _(have) got two uncles and three aunts.用适当的人称代词填空。86 . _ is my aunt. We often visit _. (she)87 . China is a developing country. _ is in the east of Asia. (its)88 . What day is _ today? _ is Thursday. (its)89 . I own a blue bike. The red one isnt _. ( I )90 . These new houses are so nice. _ are very expensive. (them)91 . The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didnt _? (them)92 . Lingling is a girl. _ studies in a primary school. _ brother lives with _ and helps_ with _ lessons. (she)93 . Mike is my classmate. _ is good at English. (his)94 . Kate wants a glass of milk. Will you pass it to _? (she)95 . Whats the weather like today? _ is cloudy. (its)八、完成句子. 完成句子96 . 明天北京的天气怎么样?将有雨。 _ the weather _ like in Beijing tomorrow?It will be _.97 . 他拍了很多长城的照片。He _ a lot of _ the Great Wall.98 . 在你喜欢的任何时间你都可以去锻炼身体。You can take some exercise at _.99 . 我们最好现在就开始吧,不然就太晚了。Wed _ now, or itll be too late.100 . 和大明的T恤衫相比,这件有点贵。It is a little expensive _ Damings T-shirt.根据汉语意思完成句子101 . 打扰一下,你知道他的电话号码吗?_,do you know his _?102 . 而且,那支绿色钢笔也是她的。And the green pen _,_.103 . 这儿有两张我家人的漂亮照片。_ two nice _ my family.104 . 你可以找他要那本词典。You can _ him _ the dictionary.105 . “谢谢你的帮助!”“不用客气。”一_ you _ your help!一_.九、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次,方框中有两个词是多余的。Happy weekend excited arrive with until run express because I leave prepareDarcy became unhappy after he moved to the new house in town with us. He had got used to 106 . free on my grandpas farm. But in the new house, he was chained (拴住) in the backyard.Grandpa said he could keep Darcy on the farm and that we could go back to see Darcy every 107 . . But I couldnt give up my dog for five days a week!In the evenings Mom and I walked Darcy together 108 . it took both of us to hold him back. What he wanted to do was running.At last, Friday came. After nearly twohour drive, we109 . at Grandpas farm. It was exciting to see Grandpa again, but the greatest thing was to watch Darcy run free on the farm. He was so 110 . .Two days later, it was time to 111 . . I never saw a dog change as quickly as Darcy did. He looked at me 112 . a very sad expression. I looked away and pushed him into the car.As we drove down the road, I found Darcys eyes lift to mine, then away, and finally back to mine. He gave me his saddest 113 . . I couldnt stand to see him so unhappy.I asked Mom to stop the car and got off it. Darcy followed114 . .“Ill miss you.” I hugged Darcy. “Now, go home, Darcy!”Darcy turned around quickly. He yelped (叫) 115 . as he rushed towards Grandpas farm.十、多任务混合问题Tom and I are good friends. Tom is an English boy, but I am a Chinese girl. He is 12 and I am 13. We are in the same(相同的)class.Tom is a basketball fan(迷).He joins our school 篮球俱乐部.He plays basketball _.He always says to me, “Lets play basketball.”But I cant play basketball. It is difficult (困难的). Tom teaches me to play basketball, and I teach him to play computer games. Now, I can play basketball and Tom can play computer games.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。116 . 处画线部分的汉语意思是:_。A中国B汉语C中国的D中国人117 . 翻译处画线部分的短语:_118 . 选择正确的选项填人处:_。AeverydayBeverydaysCevery dayDevery days119 . 将处画线部分翻译成汉语。_120 . 将处画线部分翻译成汉语。_十一、汉译英:单词/短语将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。121 . Are you _going out at night?(害怕)122 . The girl always _ school very early.(到达)123 . I believe our China Dream will _(实现)124 . My English teacher _ a mother to me.(像)125 . (新信息题)What does he _LifeAfterLife,BloomsOverBlooms(三生三世十里桃花)?(认为)Its great!八、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。126 . 我们班有不到四十名学生。There are _ forty students in our class.127 . 我有许多爱好,例如游泳、画画和踢足球。I have many hobbies,_ swimming,drawing and playing soccer.128 . 不要吃太多的垃圾食品,它对你的健康有害。Dont eat too much _Its bad for your health.129 . 那个警察询问了我的家庭情况。The policeman _ me _ my family.130 . 我周六学习摇摆舞。I learn _ on Saturdays.十二、看图作文131 . 书面表达假如你叫 Emily,下面是你的家庭照,请根据图片内容介绍一下你的家庭成员。要求:1. 运用本单元所学知识。2. 不少于6句话。_第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、2、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、八、完成句子1、2、九、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、汉译英:单词/短语1、2、十二、看图作文1、


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