人教新目标版英语七年级上册Unit 2 Section B课时练习

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人教新目标版英语七年级上册Unit 2 Section B课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his _ name and David is his _ name.Afamily, firstBfirst, familyCfirst, lastDfamily, last2 . I got up late this morning, but I ran to the bus stop just _ to catch the early bus.Ain timeBin the timeCon timeDon the time3 . (题文)We have only one Earth(地球). Its our common ( 共同的 ) _.(宁夏)Afamily BhouseChomeDroom4 . Which of the following signs means something can be recycled?AABBCC5 . Did you go to the Old Peoples Home yesterday? Yes. I am a _ of our school. I like helping people.AtouristBinventorCsingerDvolunteer6 . The flowers need_. Would you mind_ him_ some water?Awatering; getting; getBto be watered; getting; gotCwatering; getting; to getDto be watered; get; to get7 . Here _ your books.AisBareChasDhave8 . Is it a photo _ your family?Yes, it is.AandBofConDor二、阅读单选As a young child, I was quiet and shy. And I was ill for a long time. Since my parents has towork. I spent a lot of time at my grandparents home. While my grandmother cleaned the house and cooked, my grandfather played with me. I was six when my grandfather died. A few months before he died, he gave me a beautiful blue and white blanket (毯子). I loved the blanket very much because it made me think of my grandfather. But after a few years, the blanket didnt look very good. It had holes and was dirty. I didnt want to throw the blanket away, so my mother made the blanket into a book bag. I was proud of the book bag, and I used it to carry my books to school every day for a few years. Then the book bag was broken. I begged my mother to make something out of it. She made it into a pencil-box. After a few months, the pencil-box was broken, too. By then I could sew (缝), and I made the pencil-box into a small wallet.I used it for three years, but one day I lost it. I felt sad. My friends and family said, “Forget about it, Paul. You cant make something out of nothing.”I thought about it for a while. I decided my friends and family were wrong. There was a way to make something out of nothing. I wrote down the story of my grandfathers blanket.9 . In the authors eyes, his grandfather might be a _ person.AseriousBcoolCkindDsuccessful10 . Paul wanted to make the blanket into different things because _.Ait was interestingBthey made him think of his grandfatherChis mother loved the blanket so muchDher mother was very good at sewing11 . The phrase “was proud of” in the passage can be replaced by “_”.Abe surprised atBbe angry withCget used toDbe pleased with12 . From the story, we can know that _.APaul loved his grandfather so much.Bthe blanket could be made into many thingsCa few years later the blanket was still newDPauls friends bought him a new blanket13 . Whats the best title of the passage?AThe Past TimeBA Lost WalletCMy GrandfatherDAn Unforgettable Blanket三、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词14 . The girl in a red coat is Betty. (对画线部分提问)_ is Betty?15 . Sam is heavier than John. (改为同义句)John is _Sam.16 . Paul jumps high. Carol jumps high, too. (合并为一句)Paul jumps _Carol.17 . Tina is as friendly as Tara. (改为否定句)Tina _ Tara.18 . Is Mike smarter than Jack? (改为同义句)_ Mike or Jack?19 . Dave is heavy, but he can run very fast. (改为同义句)_ Dave is heavy, he can run very fast.20 . Its a nice day, _? (完成反意疑问句)21 . She sang more clearly than her sister. (改为一般疑问句)_?22 . Julie is ten years old. Anna is eleven years old. (合成一句话)Anna is _than Julie.23 . My mother is smart. My father is smart, too. (改为同义句)_?四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题卡上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。24 . W_comes after Tuesday and before Thursday.25 . I like fruit because I think it is h _food.26 . Sally has a good eating habit, and she eats fruit and_(蔬菜) every day.27 . There are two _on the desk(词典).28 . My sister is twenty years old. Today is her t _ birthday.29 . My mother often w _ TV on Saturday evening.30 . Thanks for h _me with my English, you are so kind.31 . We sell all our clothes at very good _(价格).32 . The teacher says math is d _but useful.33 . F _is the second month of the year.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的恰当形式填空34 . _ (spell) the word “brown”, please.B-R-O-W-N.35 . Is _ (her) from Shanghai?36 . Lucy and Lily are _ (England).37 . What color _ (be) your jacket?38 . Helens _ (bike) are white and black.六、完成句子完成句子39 . 实际上我对这部电影不感兴趣。_, Im not interested in the film.40 . 在学校我们见到老师时,老师们有时会点点头。At school, teachers sometimes _ when we meet.41 . 在美国,一些人见面相互拥抱或亲吻。In the USA, some people _ or kiss when they meet.42 . 我们不想离开。We dont want to _.43 . 一起去参观博物馆怎么样?_ visiting the museum together?. 翻译句子44 . 你刷牙时关闭水龙头吗?Do you _ ?45 . 尽量使用纸的两面。Try to _ .46 . 这儿是调查结果。Here _ the survey.47 . 对于帮助保护环境,他们已经做了很多。They have _ help protect the environment.48 . 水污染对我们的健康有害。Water pollution _ our health.49 . 不但他父亲,而且他也去过上海。_ he _ his father _ Shanghai.50 . 人们依赖自然资源生存。People _ live.51 . 那些纸被扔掉了。The paper _ .52 . 环境已经成为一个严重的问题了。The environment has _ .53 . 树木减少灰尘,并且帮助保持空气干净。Trees _ and help _ .七、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当的形式填空。have baseball watch be EnglishAnna 54 . a schoolgirl. She doesnt like math but she likes 55 . .She can sing English songs. She also likes sports . There are many sports clubs in her school. She thinks it is very interesting to play all kinds of ball games. She 56 . a soccer ball and five 57 . . She plays sports every day. She also likes 58 . games on TV. She usually watches them at weekends. She wants to be a sportswoman in the future. 第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、2、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、


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