人教新目标版七年级英语下册:Unit 9 单元检测

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人教新目标版七年级英语下册:Unit 9单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Tom and Tim are my best friends at school.We _ in Class 3.The two boys are twins(双胞胎)_ some students dont know that _ are twins,because there are _ differences(不同之处) between them.Tom doesnt _ Tim.Tom is short,but Tim is tall.Tom is thin,but Tim is a little bit(有点) _.Tom doesnt wear glasses.But his twin brother is a boy with glasses.Tom is a _ boy.He doesnt like to talk with others,but Tim is always _.Tim likes to tell stories.And he is very _ in our school.We often say to him,“Hi,Tim._ is the story today?” Isnt that interesting?1 . AcomeBstudyCspendDread2 . ASoBButCOrDBecause3 . AusBweCthemDthey4 . AlittleBnoCmanyDmuch5 . Alook likeBlook atClook forDlooks like6 . AyoungBcuteCshyDheavy7 . AbusyBquietCfriendlyDlazy8 . AtalkBtalksCtalkingDto talk9 . ApopularBsmartCrelaxedDstrict10 . AWhoBWhyCHowDWhat二、阅读单选I really enjoyed this movie. Its a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there. -JamesIve seen several movies of this kind,but this one is the best. It is so well made-some of the scenes are so beautiful.-JohnI went to see this movie with my 8-year-old daughter this Tuesday,really without knowing too much about it. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldnt help laughing.1 would recommend(推荐) this movie to the whole family.-Mary11 . From the poster,we can tell thatis spoken in the movie.AChineseBFrenchCEnglishDJapanese12 . The poster shows the movie lasts .A65 minutesB85 minutesC95 minutesD105 minutes13 . John likes the movie because of .Athe funny actorsBthe sweet voicesCthe wonderful musicDthe beautiful scenes14 . Mary and her daughter spentwatching the movie.A$45B$50C$60D$8015 . According to the passage,the movie most probably tells astory.AfunnyBsadCterribleDtrueOne small act of kindness can help make a beautiful difference to peoples lives.Last October, I built a large tree made up of fallen branches(树枝). I called it the Inspiration Tree With the help of volunteers and friends, the tree was built easily. And we hung some paper on the bran-ches. When people visited it, they were encouraged to create a piece of art or leave a positive(积极的)message on the paper。It was very interesting to exchange positive messages. If you wanted to hang a message up, you had to take a message down for you to keep. The experience was really amazing. People of all ages were sharing and inspiration through the tree.I made more Inspiration Trees. I took one to a school where I had studied. What I did encouraged students there to write, but most importantly they wanted to spread kindness by leaving positive messages for other students. The most wonderful thing was that the messages they left could have a huge influence.I make seven trees totally. I am going to put other trees all over our community. One will go to an old peoples home and one will be put right in the middle of our public square.The positive idea can influence peoples lives in great ways just by doing a simple act of kindness. The messages people receive can be kept with them forever, or they can pass them along to others. It can help spread kindness in the world.16 . The paper on the branches of the tree was used to_.Adecorate the tree.Bprovide knowledge for the passers-by.Cprotect the branches of the tree.Dcreate a piece of art or leave a positive message.17 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writer built the tree by himself.BThe trees which the writer built were popular with people.CThe writer built seventeen trees in total.DThe information people shared through the trees was about art.18 . We can learn from the passage that_.Ahelping others can make ourselves happier and happier.Bits polite to leave a message for other.Can act of kindness can have a huge influence on other peoples lives.Dits very important to plant more trees to make the world more beautiful.My name is Joe. Im a student in No.3 Middle School. I have a brother and a sister. They are Tony and Mary. We are in different schools. Every morning, we got up at half past six. At seven oclock, we have breakfast with our parents. Then we go to school.Tonys school is about two kilometers from our home. So he goes to school by bike. He thinks its healthy. He needs about ten minutes to get to school. Mary is in No.6 Middle School. How does she go to school? She takes a bus first. Then she has to take the subway. It takes her forty minutes to get to her school.I usually walk to school because my school is only about one kilometer from my home. I need about ten minutes to get to school. So Im never late for school.19 . The underlined word “different” means_.A普通的B不同的C高级的D常规的20 . What does Tony think of riding a bike?ACleanBTidyCCoolDHealthy21 . How does Joe go to school?AHe rides a bikeBHe takes a busCHe takes the subwayDHe walks22 . How far is it from Joes home to school?AAbout one kilometerBTwo kilometersCTen kilometersDFifteen kilometers23 . We can know that_.ATony is in No.3 Middle schoolBJoe rides a bike to schoolCJoe is never late for schoolDMary goes to school by subway first三、用单词的正确形式完成句子B.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。makefascinatepoliteparkspeak24 . The movie is so interesting that we are all _.25 . Could you please tell me where _my car?26 . Ill try to be a good _of English.27 . Its _to talk loudly in public.28 . I suggested _a postcard for Janes birthday.四、单词填空The TV show “Where are we going, Dad?” on Hunan TV is a big hit . Five star-daddies brought their children to lots of different places and 29 . care of them. The daddies, especially (尤其) famous star-daddies,how could they work out those problems 30 . their wives(妻子)?This TV show makes us think of our childhood and love of father when we watch it because we were all kids at the beginning. For those parents, they will think about their responsibility (责任)understand their kids better. During the experience of living with fathers, these children grew up. They know how to help others . 31 . the kids and their parents find that their hearts get closer.Its easy for such a TV show to move us, but in real life it is still 32 . for fathers to spend time with their kids and try to understand each other. It is sometimes the same to mothers. In the family education, where are the parents? The program fully showed us a common 33 . in China. And maybe it is the real reason why such kind of TV shows could get popular. In real life, young parents feel helpless because they are 34 . busy to spend time with their children under the pressure of work and life. It is difficult for them to find the balance (平衡)between their jobs and family. And in traditional Chinese family, it is often the old who take care of a child. If a child wants to grow up healthily and 35 . , it is very important for his parents to be his first teachers. The truth is that children will go where their parents go, and society (社会)will go 36 . the children go.My name is Peter. I am a school boy. I am fifteen years old now. I have an elder sister. Her name is Amy. She is eighteen years old now. She has 37 . a lot in the past few years. My parents often say she has grown up.She used to be afraid of flying in a 38 . When we used to travel to somewhere far away, she didnt want to go there by plane. She preferred to take the train even 39 . the train was much slower. But now she doesnt mind taking the plane. She used to be 40 . of the dark. She went to 41 . with her bedroom light on every night. She was 42 . afraid of the insects like spiders. She even would cry when she saw the spiders. She 43 . to like to eat candy every day. But now she isnt afraid of the dark 44 . spiders any more. She never eats candy and pays 45 . to her health very much. My mother often asks me to 46 . from her.五、多任务混合问题Running away is a serious problem. There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.61.孩子们为什么想离家出走? Some kids run away because theyre afraid to tell their parents the bad things that they did at school or in society.62.Some kids run away because there is violence(暴力)in the family. Some kids run away because their parents divorce(离婚)or marry again. Some kids run away because they have problems at school.What will you do if your friend wants to run away from home?If your friend is thinking about running away, tell him or her that it is difficult to survive(幸存)in the streets. Try to help your friend feel less alone.63.Whatever the problem is, there are other ways to solve it. Maybe you cant think of the ways right now, but an adult(成年人)will know how to help you. You should tell an adult that your friend plans to run away as soon as possible. Being a real friend doesnt mean keeping a secret that may hurt someone. And running away isnt a solution(解决方法)for either of you.64.It only makes more problems and danger.47 . 将61处译成英文。_48 . 将62处改为简单句。_49 . 将63处译为中文。_50 . 用英文写出 “It”所指代的内容。_51 . 找出该文段的中心句。_六、材料作文52 . 书面表达66. 假设你是学校音乐俱乐部的宣传员,你们俱乐部想要招聘一批新成员。请你根据提示写一则英文招聘广告。提示: (1) 擅长唱歌,跳舞,弹吉他(2) 活动时间:周五上午9:00(3) 活动地点:学生音乐中心(4) 联系电话:523-6988要求:(1)表达清晰、准确,40词左右。(2)用上所有提示内容。Musicians Wanted _第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、答案:略2、五、多任务混合问题1、六、材料作文1、


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