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.英汉合同翻译分享练习(请逐段对照翻译)1. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 雇主根据工程的执行和完成,合同价格的补偿或合同中的条款在其规定的时间、方式下可支付的款项,在此承诺支付承包人。2. All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto. Should, through negotiation, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission. 本合同履行产生的所有争议,应通过双方友好协商解决。如果通过谈判,不能达成一致意见,则该案件应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁,并适用本委员会的仲裁规则。仲裁裁决为终局裁决,对双方具有约束力。除非仲裁委员会另有裁决,仲裁费由败诉方承担。3. Unfair competition mentioned in this law refers to such acts of business operators as contravene the provisions hereof, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other business operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order. 本法所称不正当竞争,是指经营者违反本法规定,导致其他经营者的合法权益受损,社会经济秩序受到到扰乱。4. Business operators mentioned herein refer to such legal persons, other economic organizations and individuals as engage in the trading of goods or profit-making services (hereinafter called Goods including services). 这里所提到的经营者是指从事商品贸易或营利服务贸易的法人,经济组织和个人(以下简称“包含服务的商品”)。5. “Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other than the Contractors Equipment) required in or about the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein. “临时工程”系指,在工程的执行和完成中及对其中的缺陷进行补救时所需的所有临时工程(承包商的设备除外)。6. Whereas Party B has the right and agrees to grant Party A the right to use, manufacture and sell the Contract Products of Patented Technology; 鉴于乙方有权利并同意授予甲方利用专利技术使用、制造和销售合同产品的权利;7. Whereas Party A desires to use the Patented Technology of Party B to manufacture and sell the Contract Products; 鉴于甲方希望使用乙方的专利技术来制造、销售合同产品;8. The Representatives authorized by the Parties to this Contract have, through friendly negotiation, agreed to enter into this Contract under the terms, conditions and provisions specified as follows: 本合同各方授权的代表,通过友好协商,同意根据以下条款、条件和规定签订本合同。9. The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting.董事会会议应由主席召集并主持。如果主席缺席,副主席原则上应召集并主持董事会会议。 10. These articles shall apply to documentary credits, including stand by letters of credit, to the extent to which the credits in question shall be applicable, and shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties thereto. 这些条款应适用于各种押汇信用证,包括备用信用证。从某种程度上来说,除非双方另有明确约定,所涉信用证适用于合同双方,并对其具有约束力。11. Party A agrees to acquire from Party B and Party B agrees to transfer to Party A the Patented Technology for contract Products. The Patented Technology in question shall be the same technology as the technology of Party Bs latest products. 甲方同意收购乙方,乙方同意向甲方转让合同产品专利技术。所涉专利技术应与乙方最新产品的技术相同。12. On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the contract. 在离岸价格的基础上,买方应根据合同中指定的装运日期预订航运空间。13. When, under the laws and approval from the relevant authorities, a limited liability company is converted into a company limited by shares, the total amount which shares are converted into shall be equivalent to the amount of the companys net assets.根据相关部门的法律批准,有限责任公司转为股份有限公司时,转股股份总额要与公司净资产金额相当。 14. An irrevocable credit shall be deemed to constitute a definite undertaking of the issuing bank. Provided that if the stipulated documents are presented and are complied with the terms, conditions and provisions of the credit, and if the credit provides for sight payment, the payment shall be made or shall be guaranteed to be made. 不可撤销的信用证应视为开证行的明确承诺。如果提交的规定文件符合信用证的条款、条件和规定,且信用证提供见单付款,那么立即应付款或保证付款。15. The securities regulatory authorities under the State Council shall, in accordance with law, implement centralized and unified regulation and supervision of the securities market nationwide. The securities regulatory authorities under the State Council may, where necessary, establish agencies that shall perform the regulatory functions as authorized. 国务院证券监督管理机构依法对全国证券市场实行集中统一监管。必要时,国务院证券监督管理机构可以建立履行监管职能的机构。16. Where, through securities trading at a stock exchange, an investor comes to hold 5 percent of shares issued by a listed company, the investor shall, within three days from the date on which such share holding becomes a fact, submit a written report to the Securities Regulatory Authorities under the State Council and the Stock Exchange, notify the listed company and make the fact known to the public. 凡通过证券交易所进行证券交易,持有上市公司发行股份的5的投资者应在该股份成为事实之日起三日内,向国务院证券监督管理机构和证券交易所提交书面报告,通知上市公司,并将事实告知公众。17. The Borrower shall, if required, reimburse the Agent or the Bank in question the same amount of such taxes, duties, levies, penalties or interests as are paid by the Agent or the Bank. 如果需要,借款人应退还代理人或银行支付的相同金额的税款、关税、征费、处罚或利息。18. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the total time that labor isemployed on daywork, calculated at the basis rates entered by it in the “SCHEDULEOF DAYWORK RATES: 1. LABOR” The rates for labor shall be deemed to cover allcosts to the Contractor including (but not limited to) the amount of wages paid to suchlabor, transportation time, overtime, subsistence allowances, and any sums paid to oron behalf of such labor for social benefits in accordance with (Country of Borrower)law, as well as Contractors profit, overheads, superintendence, liabilities andinsurance and allowance to labor, timekeeping and clerical and office work, the use ofconsumable stores, water, lighting and power; the use and repair of stagings,scaffolding, workshops and stores, portable power tools, manual plant and tools;supervision by the Contractors staff, foremen and other supervisory personnel; andcharges incidental to the foregoing.承包商有权根据日间工作的总劳动时间和“日常工作费率表”中输入的基准率来计算、支付工资:1.“劳动力” 劳动报酬应视为所有费用,包括(但不局限于)支付给此类劳动的工资,运输时间,加班费,生活津贴以及根据“(借款人国家)法”和承包商的利润,支付或代表社会福利劳动的费用,各项管理费用,监督、负债和保险以及对劳动、计时、文书和办公室工作的补贴,消耗品、水、照明和电源的使用; 脚手架,车间、商店、便携式电动工具,手工工具的使用和修理; 承包商工作人员,领班和其他监督人员的监督; 和上述附带的费用。19. A “Daywork Schedule” is commonly found in Contracts where the likely incidence of unforeseen work cannot be covered by definitive descriptions and approximate quantities in the Bill of Quantities. The preferred alternative is to value the additional work in accordance with Sub-Clause 52(1) of Part I of the General Conditions. A Daywork Schedule normally has the disadvantage of not being competitive among bidders, who may therefore add the rates assigned to some or all the items. If a Daywork Schedule is to be included at all in the bidding documents, it is preferable to include nominal quantities against the items most likely to be used, and to carry the sum of the extended amounts forward into the Bid Summary in order to make the basic Schedule of Daywork Rates competitive.合同中通常有“日常工作时间表”,其中意外工作的可能发生率不能由“数量清单”中的明确描述和近似数量涵盖。优先选择是根据一般条件条款的第一部分的第52(1)款对附加工作进行估价。日间安排的缺点是在投标人中不具竞争力,投标人可以因此为所分配的物品加价。如果招标文件中包括日工作时间表,为了让基本日薪表具有竞争力,最好让名义数量出现在最可能使用的项目中,并将延长数额的总额结转到投标摘要中。20. Unless the member or members of the Board have been previously mutually agreed by the parties and named in the Contract, the parties shall, within 28 days of the Commencement Date, jointly ensure the appointment of the Board. The Board shall comprise suitablyqualified persons as members, the number of members being either one or three, as stated in the Appendix to Tender. If the Board is to comprise three members, each party shall nominate one member for the approval of the other party, and the parties shall mutually agree upon and appoint the third member (who shall act as chairman).除非双方董事会成员先前已经达成一致并在合同中指定董事会的任命,否则双方应在开始日期后28天内共同确保其任命。董事会应由合格人员作为成员,如招标的附录所述,成员人数为一人或三人。如果委员会由三名成员组成,每一方应提名一名成员供另一方批准,双方应共同商定并任命第三名成员(担任主席)。欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求Ppt课件制作设计,word文档制作、图文设计制作、发布广告等,秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档精选资料


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