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贵州省2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷六D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题找出下列不同类的单词。1 . AmoonBsunCbird2 . AspacesuitBspaceshipCdog3 . AputBhitCair4 . AsecondBfourthCseven5 . AdoorBdeskCsee6 . What time did you get up this morning? ( ) I _ up _ 7 oclock.Agets; onBgot; atCget; in7 . _ she often read books in the park?ADoBDoesCDoing8 . 选出不同类的词:( )AdressBbookCcoat9 . Long long ago, there _ a foolish king. He _ new clothes. ( )Ais, likesBwas, likedChad, likedDhas, likes10 . Elephants ears are _ than pigs. ( )AbiggerBbigCsmallerDbiger找朋友。11 . 米饭( )AsleepBriceCshirt12 . 难过的 ( )AsmileBsadCcry13 . 高兴的 ( )AsnapBhappyCdress14 . 伸展 ( )AtrainerBstretchCstamp15 . 微笑 ( )AkiteBfoodCsmile16 . 害怕的 ( )AtiredBscaredCshoes17 . _ do you need to get there? ( )Ten minutes.AHow muchBHow manyCHow long选出每组中不同类的单词。18 . AsingingBjumpingCduring19 . AcanBtalkCspeak20 . AwhatBwhoCwill21 . AswimmingBdanceCmake22 . AstampsBlikesCphotos23 . AhisBmeCmy24 . AplaneBfastCship25 . AmoreBhappyCgood26 . Our classroom is on floor. ( )AoneBfirstCthe first二、阅读选择27 . 阅读理解Look! There are so many animals at the zoo. There are twelve black and white pandas. There are three white bears. There are eleven black and red monkeys. There are nine yellow and black tigers. There are ten green and purple birds. They are very cute.1. There are _ bears. ( )A. twelveB. threeC. nine2. The tiger are _. ( )A. black and whiteB. green and purple C. yellow and black3. The birds are _. ( )A. green and purpleB. black and redC. orange and white三、完形填空完形填空。Its Saturday morning. Joe and his parents are at home. Joe is doing his homework in the_. His father is tidying up the_. And his mother _ in the kitchen. “Joe!” says his mother. “Please go to the_ and buy some eggs. But you should be careful and dont choose (选择) any bad eggs.”Half an hour later, Joe comes back with a yellow bag. His mother takes the bag and has a look. “Oh!” she cries. “What are they?” “Eggs, of course!” says Joe. “I broke (打破) _all. Everyone is good.”28 . AfutureBworldCstudy29 . Adining roomBart roomCclassroom30 . AcookingBis cookingCcook31 . AhotelBshopChall32 . AthemBtheyCtheirs四、填空题33 . 按要求写单词。1. tall(反义词)-_2. tree(复数形式)-_3. plant(现在分词)-_4. stand(现在分词)-_5. question(复数形式)-_6. eight(序数词)-_7. seventh(基数词)-_8. listen(现在分词)-_五、汉译英34 . 汉译英:这是一张棕色的桌子。_六、句型转换35 . Mr Turkey likes Christmas.(改否定句)Mr. Turkey _ Christmas.七、连线题36 . 连连单词宝宝缺失的字母, 把灯笼挂到合适的门前。1. u 2. i 3. o 4. a 5. eAc_ldBr_inyCl_nchDs_condEf_rst第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、汉译英1、六、句型转换1、七、连线题1、


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