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2019-2020年度人教新起点版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(九)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题读一读,选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。1 . AballBappleClittle2 . AclothesBsockCshop3 . AuncleBworldCtable4 . AhatBpackCart5 . AshirtBnurseChorse6 . This is your little brother._ is playing with his toys. ( )AHeBShe7 . Look! There are many _.( )AbookBbooksCa book8 . 选出画线部分读音不同的一项。( )1. A. windowB. yellowC. brown( )2. A.thank B.that C. mother( )3. A. dance B. plant C. sandwich( )4. A.when B.where C.whose( )5. A. house B. four C. mountain9 . Please_ me about your trip.AtellBtellingCtells10 . Who is_, Amy or Sarah? ( )AbigBtallerClonger11 . 给句子选择正确的译文:Which is your umbrella? ( )A你的雨伞在哪?B哪把雨伞是你的?12 . I can _ this box.AcarriesBcarryCcarrying选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的选项。13 . AtryBdrawCdress14 . AwhoBwhyCwhen15 . AprinceBlikeCfit16 . AlateBhaveCsad17 . AputBfootCbut18 . 选出划线部分读音不同的单词。【小题1】AbabyBtakeCdayDcat【小题2】AflyBwhyCyellowDsky【小题3】AknowBhowCcowDnow【小题4】AhereBcheerCwhereDthere【小题5】AmumBuseCbutDbus19 . The children are celebrating National Day on _. ( )AOctober 1stBMay 1stCSeptember 10thDOctober 10th20 . The food is different _ Chinese food in China. ( )AwithBtoCfrom21 . I _ sing.( )AcanntBcantCcat22 . _ do you feel?AWhatBHowCWho二、情景交际23 . 新学期,你班来了个新同学,你想知道他的名字,你应该怎样问他:( )AWho are you?BWhos she?CWhats your name?24 . 你想知道可乐的价格时,你会问:( )AHow much is the cola?BHow many is the cola?三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。25 . Ill _ (go) to Taipei with my parents.26 . What about _ (go) fishing this weekend?Good idea.27 . Here are some _ (photo) for you.28 . Liu Tao and Wang Bing _ (play) basketball in the playground now.填空(词汇运用)29 . You _(have / has) eight keys in your bag.30 . He is short _(but / and)strong.31 . My little sister thinks the gifts are _(of / from)Santa.32 . I am a boy. I _skipping. 四、任务型阅读阅读理解。周末到了,彼得一家人欢聚在一起,共度周末。让我们一起走进他的家去看一看。This is Peters family. Look! This is Peters father. Hes a doctor(医生). This is Peters mother. Shes a nurse(护士). And this is Peters little brother. He is three. His name is Sam. They are having dinner(吃晚饭)now. They are very happy.33 . 选择最佳答案。1. Peters _ is a doctor. (_)A. father B. mother2. Peters little brother is _. (_)A. two B. three34 . 判断对(T)错(F)。1. Peters mother is a doctor, too. (_)2. Peters brother is Tom. (_)3. Peters family is very happy. (_)阅读短文,判断正误。Nancy goes out after lunch. She comes in a shop. A salesman says to her, Can I help you?Yes, please. says Nancy, I want a hat.The salesman shows some hats to her. She feels warm in the shop and puts her hat on the counter (柜台). She thinks some of them are expensive. And she doesnt like the others colours. She chooses and chooses. At last she sees a red hat and says, Well, Ill take this one.But, its yours! says the salesman.35 . Nancy comes into a hotel. (_)36 . Nancy puts her hat on the counter. (_)37 . She thinks some hats are expensive. (_)38 . The red hat is Nancys. (_)39 . Nancy buys a hat. (_)五、句型转换40 . 按要求改写句子。1. I can dance. (对画线部分提问)_?2. Can he speak English? (改为陈述句)_.3. I can cook. (改为否定句)_.4. I can swim. (改为一般疑问句)_?5. I can play the ping-pong. What about you? (找出错误并改正)_.六、选内容补全对话选择适当的选项,补全对话。A. Six.B. How many apples are there?C. Yes, he is.D. Who is he?41 . How many people are there in your family?_42 . _Ten.43 . _ He is my brother.44 . Is he tall and strong?_七、连词成句45 . 连词成句(只填序号)1. Ilikedontstrawberries_.2. Isomecanappleshave_?3. pearssomebuyLets._.4. youDobananaslike?_?5. likeIoranges_.八、书面表达46 . 写作。元旦来了,假设你们班要举行一场“庆元旦晚会”。你和你的朋友们能为这场晚会做些什么?请以“New Years Party”为题写一篇小作文。不少于5句话。New Years Party_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、情景交际1、2、三、填空题1、2、四、任务型阅读1、2、五、句型转换1、六、选内容补全对话1、七、连词成句1、八、书面表达1、


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