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2019-2020学年北京版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ some soup in the kitchen. ( )AareBisCam2 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AalongBfortyCtwenty3 . When does the English teacher come in the afternoon? ( )She at two oclock in the afternoon.AcomeBcomesCcoming4 . _ do you like koala bears? ( )Because they are cute.AWhyBWhereCHowDWhen5 . Lets go to the restaurant _ lunch (吃午饭). ( )AhaveBto haveChaving6 . The boy is ,because no one likes to play with him. ( )AexcitedBboringCbored7 . How you feel?AareBdoesCdo8 . I have two _. ( )AgiftsBgiftCgiftes根据图片选择相应的单词。9 . ( )AinviteBarriver10 . ( )AsorryBsurprise11 . ( )Aa.mBp.m12 . ( )AhappyBsad13 . ( )AsupermaketBcinema14 . There _twocatsinthepicture. ( )AisntBarentCdont15 . 选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项:top ( )AgoBhot16 . _do you go to work? ( )I go to work at 7:45 in the evening.AWhatBWhenCWhere17 . Tony managed _the work without any help. ( )Ato finishBfinishingCfinishDfinished选出每组单词中不同类的一项。18 . AshortBkingCfat19 . AlionBanimalCtiger20 . AtwentyBfifteenCmango21 . AourBmyCyou22 . AtableBbathroomCkitchen23 . 找出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的词。【小题1】AlikeBfindCthin【小题2】AtheyBmotherCMaths【小题3】AfatBlazyCthank【小题4】AsecondBLondonCcome【小题5】AroomBfoodCfloor选出画线部分读音与众不同的一项。24 . AvestBmeCpen25 . AbadBcatCwhat26 . AbigBpigCnine27 . AoldBboxCfrog28 . AthisBthatCthank选出每组中不同类的单词。29 . AboyBfriendCgirl30 . AmotherBfatherCmum31 . AsmallBtallCson32 . AfamilyBfatherCson33 . AAmyBTomCfrom34 . 选出划线部分发音不同的一项:( )ApleaseBthirteenCheadDmeat二、阅读选择35 . 阅读短文,填写单词完成文后句子。There are four seasons in a year. Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is in March, April and May. Its warm. There are many flowers. People can fly kites in the park. Summer is sunny and hot. Its in June, July and August. People can swim in the sea. Girls can wear their beautiful dresses. Boys can wear their cool shorts. Autumn is cool. Its in September, October and November. We go to school on September 1st. Winter is very cold. Its in December, January and February. It has snow. We can make snowmen. Its funny in winter.1. How many seasons are there in a year?2. What are the seasons?3. What can girls wear in summer?4. Can we fly kites in spring?5. Which month is autumn in?三、完形填空完形填空。Dear Ben,Thank you _ your letter. You know my mum and dad have a _ here. My sister, my brother and _ often help them in the garden. We _ pears and apples from the trees and put _ in the basket. We have a helper in the garden. His name is John. We work together. We _ a dog. Its name is Patty. We walk with it after supper _. My sister, my brother and I _ go to the same school. My brother and sister often help me _ my homework. Our parents are kind to us. We _ them very much.Yours,Mary36 . AtoBforCwithDat37 . AgardenBpartyCstudyDpark38 . AmeBmyCIDus39 . AeatBcookCseeDpick40 . AitBthemCtheyDtheirs41 . AplayBhelpChaveDcatch42 . Aevery dayBevery morningCyesterdayDtomorrow43 . AareBbothCallDto44 . AforBtoCinDwith45 . AcallBloveCknowDlearn四、填空题看图选出正确的单词并写在横线上。46 . The dog is _ (on/in) the box. 47 . Look! The ball is _ (behind/under) the table. 48 . My cat is_ (in/on) the box. 49 . This is an _ (apple/orange). 50 . Im a good _ (pupil/doctor). 五、排序题51 . 读句子,将下列句子连成一段完整的对话。(_) Because he want to visit his grandparents.(_) He is going to Harbin.(_) Do you know where he is going this winter summer?(_) Why is he going there?52 . 给下列对话排序。(_) Its in spring.(_) Which month? In March?(_) My birthday is on the National Day.(_) When is your birthday?(_) Yes. How about you?六、任务型阅读阅读短文, 判断正 (T) 误 (F)。I am Wang Lin. I am twelve years old. My pen pal Tom is from the USA. He is the same age as me. He is a primary school student in Beijing. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher. He teaches English in a high school in Beijing. He goes to work by subway. His mother is an English teacher, too. But they work in different schools. Tom goes to school in his mothers car every day. They all like Chinese food.53 . There are 3 people in Wang Lins family. (_)54 . Tom is from America. (_)55 . Tom is 12 years old. (_)56 . Toms father is a Chinese teacher. (_)57 . Tom goes to school on foot. (_)七、选内容补全对话58 . 选择合适的单词,补全对话。AareBwelcomeCcantDsweetsEsomeA: Can I have some 1. _.B: Yes, you can. Here you 2. _.A: Can I have a drink, please?B: Sorry, you 3. _. But you can have a cake. And you can have 4. _ bread.A: Thank you.B: Youre 5. _.八、匹配题59 . 选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。This is Linglings family. Mum is (1)_ a cake. Grandma is (2) _ a book. Her dad is (3) _ to music. Lingling is (4) _ a bike. Her friend, Amy is (5) _ a kite. Sam and Daming are (6) _ football. Grandpa is (7) _a picture.选出与下列句子或对话相符的图片。ABCDE60 . The boy can ride a bike. (_)61 . She can jump high. (_)62 . Can they row a boat? Yes, they can. (_)63 . She can draw pictures. (_)64 . What are they doing? Theyre flying kites. (_)九、书面表达65 . 小作文。你有篮球吗,你能打篮球吗?你的同学会打什么球,请写出来。不少于5句话。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、排序题1、2、六、任务型阅读1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、2、九、书面表达1、


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