2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Tuesday复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto Tuesday星期二 SectionA3a 3c 一 核心词汇stick down dialog plenty shut SectionA3a 3c 二 重点短语feellikedoing想要做 stickto坚持 固守 dependon依靠 依赖 cheersb up鼓舞某人 haveahappyending有个愉快的结局 shutoff关闭 SectionA3a 3c intime及时 onceinawhile偶尔地 间或 beafraidof害怕 not anymore不再 SectionA3a 3c 三 经典句子1 IliketowatchdifferentkindsdependingonhowIfeelthatday 我喜欢依据我那天的心情来看不同种类的 电影 2 WhenI mdownortired Iprefermoviesthatcancheermeup 当我沮丧或劳累时 我会倾向于那些能鼓舞我的电影 SectionA3a 3c 3 Ialwaysbringafriendwhoisn tafraidofthesekindsofmovies anditdoesn tfeelsoscaryanymore 我总是和一个不害怕这种电影的朋友去看 它就不再那么可怕了 SectionA3a 3c 四 基础复现天天练 音乐与学习 SectionA3a 3c LinTaowasa14 year oldstudentwhowasahugefanofJayChou HefeltlikebeingasuccessfulmanlikeJayoneday HelovedJay ssongssomuchthathesometimesevenlistenedto1 whilehewasdoinghishomework Thatmadehisfathervery2 SectionA3a 3c LinTao sfatherdidn tlikeJay ssongs HesaidthatJaycouldneversingasongas3 asothers andyouwouldneverknowwhatJaywassinging He4 thatlisteningtoJay ssongswouldtakeLinTaotoomuchtime AndhebelievedthatifLinTao5 SectionA3a 3c listeningtomusicandspentplentyof timeonstudy hewouldgetmuchbettergrades However LinTaostucktodoingthat LinTaodecidedtohaveadialogwithhisfatherandtryto6 whyhelikedJay smusic Hetoldhisfatherthathepreferred musicians7 playeddifferent SectionA3a 3c kindsofmusic andJaywastheone HealsotoldhisfatherthatJaywasnotonlyasingerbutalsoasongwriterwhowrotebeautifulandmeaningfulsongs8 greatlyrics LinTaosaidJay ssongsnotonlyhelpedhim9 afteralongdayofstudy SectionA3a 3c butalsocheeredhimupwhenhewasdownandtired Finally LinTao sfatheragreedwithLinTaoanddidn tshutoffhisinterestinlisteningtosongs Butyouaresupposedto listentothemwhenyouhave10 time SectionA3a 3c Youmustn tlistentothemwhileyouaredoingyourhomework headded LinTaowashappyandpromisedthathewon tdoitanymore SectionA3a 3c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 them angry clearly well worried stopped explain who that with having relax spare free SectionA3a 3c SectionA3a 3c SectionA3a 3c SectionA3a 3c 谢谢观看


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