2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋九年级英语全册 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands时文阅读复现式周周练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit10You resupposedtoshakehands 时文阅读 一 NBA明星 埃里克 戈登 时文阅读 DoyouknowwhattheNBASixthManoftheYearAwardis Itisfor1 bestbenchplayer Thisyear peoplethinkthewinnerwillbeEricGordon Heisa28 year oldguard 后卫 2 theHoustonRockets Thisseason Gordonscored1643 onaverage 平均 eachgame Hegot379percentofthethree pointersinwhichhetried 时文阅读 Sixyears4 Gordonlooked5 thefutureoftheNBA Buthegotakneeinjury 膝盖受伤 Hecouldn t6 partinmanygames Lastsummer whenhesignedafour yeardeal 合同 withHouston manypeoplequestioned7 Gordonneverthoughthewouldbeabenchplayer Buthequickly8 themostofthisnewrole 时文阅读 Heseesitsbrightside Itgivesmethechancetoreallyreadthegame andtoplaninabetterway9 before hetoldStack Infact heisanevenbetterplayernow 10 heisnotverytall heisgoodatshooting 投篮 Andhecankeeptheballforalongtime Whenhisteamneedshim hewillalwayshelp 时文阅读 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 the in points ago like take it made than Though 时文阅读 二 漂流瓶 时文阅读 InJanuarythisyear peoplefoundabottleonabeachinWestAustralia Therewasamessageinthebottle 漂流瓶 AGermansailor 水手 1thebottleintotheseainJune1886 Thatwas132yearsago Itistheworld soldest knownmessageinabottle Atthetime Germansailorsusedmessagesinbottlestostudyoceancurrents 洋流 21864and1933 theythrewthousandsofbottlesintothesea 时文阅读 Writingmessagesinbottlesis3aroundtheworld Somemessagesareusedforscientificstudies Butmostpeople4messagesinbottlesforotherreasons Somewantto5penpals 笔友 Sotheywritedownsomethings6themselves Somepeople7theirsecrets 秘密 Theyhopetheseacantakethemaway Thereareevenonlinemessagesinbottles Peoplecansendthem8WeChatorQQ 时文阅读 Thereasonsandwaysmaychange 9theideabehindthemessagesisalwaysthesame Peoplewanttomake10withothers Thisideahasmadesendingmessagesinbottlespopularforhundredsofyears 时文阅读 1 A tookB gotC threwD gave 2 A AmongB FromC WithD Between 3 A boringB interestingC funnyD popular 4 A sendoutB takeoutC bringoutD giveout 5 A seeB meetC findD look C D D A 时文阅读 C 6 A aboutB toC forD with 7 A writedownB rundownC godownD turndown 8 A acrossB besidesC throughD like 9 A andB butC becauseD so 10 A relationsB decisionsC connectionsD petitions A A C B 时文阅读 C 谢谢观看


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