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Module7Greatbooks Unit1We restillinfluencedbyConfucius sideas 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 1 Healwayshashisownideasandnobodycan 影响 hisdecisions 2 Iwill 讨论 themathsproblemwithmyfriendsthisafternoon influence discuss 3 Therelivedagreat 思想家 namedAristotleinGreece 4 Ishouldbeabletotellwhoare 明智的 andwhoarefoolish 5 Thebookreceivedafavorable 评论 thinker wise review 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 TheforeignercametoChinain nineteen century 2 Shakespeare splays read bymillionsofpeople 3 Whydon tyou write thefirstarticleon GreatBooks nineteenth areread write 4 Thechildrenarethinkingabout start theschoolmagazine 5 Whendidyoureadthearticle call GreatBooks starting called 单项选择 1 2017 池州模拟 LuXun agreatwriter 高频考点 A knownasB isknownasC knownforD isknownfor B 2 Hi Tom Whyareyoucrying Ihurtmyleftleg 导学号 34094054 A WhatareyoudoingB WhatareyouuptoC HowareyouD What sup 3 Iheardyoureceivedapresentfromyourfriend Yes butIdidn t it A reachB acceptC controlD buy D B 4 IamsureCindywillbeabletofindthehotel shehasaprettygood ofdirection A ideaB feelingC experienceD sense 5 It ssoboring Iwantto theguessinggame 高频考点 A joinB joininC takepartD e D B 6 2016 长沙中考 Nowsmartphones inmanywaysinourdailylife A areusedB isusedC areusing 7 2016 成都中考 Youarenotsupposedtogotoafamilypartyunlessyou tointheUS 高频考点 A arenotinvitedB areinvitedC willbeinvited A B 8 HowmanypeoplewilletoBeijingnextyear 导学号 34094055 It shardtosay people Ithink A MillionofB MillionsofC ThreemillionsD Threemillionsof B 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 莉莎在哭 她怎么了 Lisaiscrying withher 2 我非常高兴地接受你的邀请 Iamglad yourkindinvitation 3 每家电影院都上映不同的电影 thetheatershasdifferentmovies What s up to accept Each of 4 我猜他大概是病了 hewassick 5 顺便问一下 现在几点了 whattimeisit 6 每个人都愿意参加这一活动 Everybodylikesto thisactivity I suppose By the way join in 7 我们应该站起来和他们握手 We tostandupandshakehandswiththem 8 她不同意我们的意见这很自然 Itisnaturalthatshedoesnot us are supposed agree with 同义句转换 1 Theradiohasachatshowintheeveningnamed YanshanEveningTalk Theradiohasachatshowintheevening YanshanEveningTalk 2 What sup called What s happening wrong 3 LiuHuanhasalwaysbeenmyfavoritesinger Amongallthesingers Ihavealways LiuHuan 4 Whydon tyougoforawalkafterdinner goforawalkafterdinner liked best Why not 5 We resurethatyou llbeafamouswriter We resurethatyou ll awriter 6 TogetalongwithMissLeeisreallyeasy reallyeasy alongwithMissLee be famous known as It s to get 完形填空 导学号 34094056 RecentlyIhavereadanothergreatbookbyMarkTwain 1 nameisTheAdventuresofHuckleberryFinn HuckFinnandTomSawyerarebestfriends Theyhavehadsomanyadventures 2 thisbooktellsaboutHuckandanotherfriendofhis Jim Huckliveswitharich 3 afterhefindsaboxofgoldwithTomSawyerinacave 4 Huck srealdadesandtakeshimawayfromthefamily Huck slifeinhisdad ssmallcabin 小木屋 is 5 sohecutsaholeinthecabin Thenhemanagestomakepeople 6 thatsomeonehaskilledhim Hunkrunsawaytoasmall 7 HisfriendJimisonthatisland HeisverysadbecausehethinksthatHuckhas 8 Thentheygoonadventurestogether They 9 dieinthewheelsofahugepaddleboatandtheyliveonaraft 木筏 withtwofrauds 骗子 Well that s 10 Iwanttotellyouhere It sreallyagoodbook IthaslotsofadventuresandTomSawyerwillshowup 1 A HisB ItsC MyD Your 2 A AndB ButC OrD Then 3 A friendB teacherC familyD relation 4 A SometimesB SomedayC UsuallyD Oneday 5 A awfulB happyC easyD free BBCDA 6 A rememberB forgetC hopeD believe 7 A cabinB caveC islandD house 8 A diedB runawayC eD gotlost 9 A actuallyB mainlyC hardlyD almost 10 A bothB noneC allD any DCADC 阅读理解 导学号 34094057 Hemingwaywasoneofthefamouswriters HewasborninAmericain1899 Hisfatherwasadoctorandlovedsportsverymuch andhismothertaughtmusic Amongsixchildreninthefamily Hemingwaywasthesecondoldest Hemingwayhadwrittenmanybooksinhislife TheOldManandtheSeaisoneofthemostfamousandalsomyfavourite Itcameoutin1952 Themaincharacterinthebookisafisherman Heisanoldmanandfishesalone Peoplethinkheisamanwithbadluck becausehedoesn tgetafishineighty fourdays Everyevening heeshomewithhisemptyboat Buttheoldmanbelieveshimself Thenontheeighty fifthdaythemantakesabigfish Althoughhemeetsalotoftrouble theoldmannevergivesup 1 Hemingway sfatherwasafanof A booksB sportsC musicD art 2 TheOldManandtheSeawaspublished 出版 in A 1852B 1899C 1952D 1989 B C 3 Theoldmandoesn tgetafishuntilthe day A fifteenthB eightiethC eighty fourthD eighty fifth 4 Whatdoestheoldmandowhenhecan tgetafish A Hehastolookforfoodsomewhereelse B Hedoesn tgiveupfishing C Hedoesn tfishanymore D Hehasnothingtodo D B 5 Whatcanwelearnfromtheoldman A Whenweareintrouble weshouldnotgiveup B Whenwewanttofish wecangetabigfish C Wecandoeverythingwellbecauseweareyoung D Wecanliveabetterlifeifwelikefishing A


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