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Unit5 Doyouwanttowatchagameshow SectionAPeriod1 1a 1c DoyoulikewatchingTV Lead in What syourfavoriteprogramme Lookatthepictureandanswer WhatkindofTVshowisit soapoperan 肥皂剧 sportsshown 体育节目 sitcomn 情景喜剧 gameshown 知识类竞赛节目 talentshown 才艺表演 newsn 新闻节目 新闻 talkshow 2 soapopera 3 sportsshow 4 sitcom 5 gameshow 6 Talentedshow 7 News gameshow MatchtheTVshowswiththepictures a g 1a e d b c a g f soapopera gameshow sportsshow sitcom talkshow talentshow news Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows 谈论对某事物的喜好程度 可选择的回答有 你认为 怎么样 Ilovethem Ilikethem Idon tmindthem Idon tlikethem Ican tstandthem 不介意 不反对 无法忍受 They refantastic Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows Idon tliketalkshow Ican tstandit 我不能忍受它们 Idon tlikethem Whatdoyouthinkoftalksoapoperas Whatdoyouthinkofsportsshows Ilikethem Ilikegameshows Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows Idon tmindthem 不介意 不反对 Whatdoyouthinkofsitcoms 我不怎么关注它们 Ilovetalentshows Whatdoyouthinkoftalentshows Whatdoyouthinkofnews Ilikeit A Whatdoyouthinkof s B I them love like don tmind don tlike can tstand gameshow talentshow cartoon sitcom actionmovie talkshow sportsgame soapopera Game Learntoknowothers A Whatdoeshe shethinkof s B He she them loves likes doesn tmind doesn tlike can tstand gameshow talentshow cartoon sitcom actionmovie talkshow sportsgame soapopera Game Learntoknowothers talentshow talkshow soccergame news Listening Listenandnumbertheshows 1 4 intheorderyouhearthem 1b 1 2 3 4 WhatdoesMarkthinkofTVshows Marklovesgameshows 1 loves2 likes3 doesn tmind4 doesn tlike5 can tstand b a c d e talkshow soapopera gameshow sitcom sportsshow Mark Hey Jack IplantowatchTVtonight Doyouwanttojoinme Jack Sure whatdoyouwanttowatch Mark Well Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows Jack Idon tmindthem butsometimestheycanbeabitboring Mark That strue Doyouwanttojustwatchthenews Jack Iguessso Maybewecanwatchthatnewtalentshowafterthenews Iusuallycan tstandtalentshows butthatoneisquitefunny Mark OK sure butthesoccergamestartsat5 00p m Jack Oh yeah Iwanttowatchthegame too Practicetheconversation Thenmakeyourownconversations A Whatdoyouwanttowatch B Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows A They reOk Idon tmindthem B Thenlet swatchatalkshow 1c Whatdoyouwanttowatch Whatdoyouthinkofsportsshow Oh Ican tstandit Well whataboutsitcom OK Ilikeit Pairwork A Whatdoyouthinkof S B I them Pairwork A Whatdoyouwanttowatch 1 Doyouwanttojoinme 你想要加入我吗 1 wantvt 意为 需要 想要 Iwantasweater 我需要一件毛衣 TheboywantstogotoBeijing 那个小男孩想去北京 want n想要 wanttodosth想要做某事 wantsbtodosth想让某人干某事 Iwanthertogotoamoviewithme 我想让她和我去看电影 Explanation thinkof 考虑 有 的看法 有时等同于thinkabout e g WhatdoeshethinkofBeijingOpera Mymotheralwaysthinksofeverything 他对京剧有什么看法 我妈妈总是想到所有的东西 2 Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows Whatdoyouthinkof 你认为 怎么样 Howdoyoulike WhatdoyouthinkofChinesefood HowdoyoulikeChinesefood Ilikeit 3 Idon tmindthem 我不介意他们 mind 介意 在乎 反对 其后接名词或v ing形式或从句作宾语 常用于疑问句 否定句 条件句中 表示请求或征求意见 e g Wouldyoumindopeningthedoor e g Doyoumindmydog Wouldyouminddoing Doyoumind 4 Ican tstandit 我不能忍受它 我受不了它 stand1 站 站立 e g Standup 起立2 顺利接受 忍耐 忍受 多用于否定句 疑问句 后可接动名词 e g Ican tstandthemovie Itistooboring Marycouldn tstandthehotweather Canyoustandthepain 你忍受得了疼吗 Ican tstandwaitinganylonger Wecan tstandstandingtoolong Ican tstandhimanymore Fillintheblanks 1 Mygrandfatherlikeswearingfashionclothes He whatyoungpeople 认为 him 2 Theoldmen rockmusic Theythinkit stoonoisy 3 Hersister soapopera That sherfavorite 4 I togoshoppingwithMother It scrowdedinthestore doesn tmind thinkof can tstand loves don tlike 5 What youthinkofsoapoperas I stand 6 What yourclassmatesthinkofsportsshows They mind 7 What shethinkofmynewshirt She like 8 What Tonythinkofthefood Helikes 9 What theythinkofthecat Theylove do can t them do don t them does doesn t it does it do it 汉译英 1 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样 我受不了 doyou I 2 他不喜欢情景喜剧 He 3 Tina对运动节目不在乎 Tina 4 Tony认为谈话节目怎么样 他很喜爱它 What Tonythinkof He it 5 我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧 Mybrother SportsWorld mysisterlikes What thinkofsoapoperas can tstandthem doesn tmindsportsshows doesn tlikesitcoms does talkshow loves likes but sitcom 句型转换 Shelovessoapoperas 变成一般疑问句 并作否定回答 2 Sallywenttobedearlylastnight 变成否定句 3 Dickdoesn tmindtalkshow 变成what问句 4 Rick smotherlovessitcoms 变成否定句 5 IwearcolorfulclothesbecauseIwanttobeyoungandbeautiful 就划线部分提问 Doesshelovesoapoperas No shedoesn t Sallydidn tgotobedearlylastnight WhatdoesDickthinkoftalkshow Rick smotherdoesn tlovesitcoms Whydoyouwearcolorfulclothes Don twatchTVtoomuch It sbadforyourhealthandstudy Thankyouforattending Homework 1 了解中央电视台有关的电视栏目名称 搜集自己喜欢的电视节目的相关资料 包括电视栏目名称 主持人以及播出时间 2 Writedownyourreport Goodbye


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