牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit2 Grammar课时测评卷

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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit2 Grammar课时测评卷_第1页
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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit2 Grammar课时测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Millie is not in the classroom now. She _ to the playground with Amy.AwentBhas beenChas goneDgoes2 . How can _ man like him be recommended as _ leader of our hospital?Athe, /Ba, aCthe, theDa, /3 . My father doesnt like shopping much. He would rather_ TV at home than_ around for hours in shops.Awatch; walkBwatch; to walkCto watch; to walkDto watch; walk4 . I dont know if it (rain) tomorrow. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, I wont climb the hills.Arains, rainsBwill rain, rainsCwill rain, will rainDrains, will rain5 . - _you _my cake? -Yes, Ive _finished it.AHave; eaten out; justBHave; eaten up; yetCDid; eat up; alreadyDDid; eat out; yet二、完型填空Mike didnt do his English homework. The teacher asked him_“Im sorry, I_” “But why did you forget?” “It didnt seem_or important,” said Mike. “Are you going to punish (惩罚)me?” asked Mike. “_The punishment is for me. I didnt teach you well,” said the teacher.“Thank you,” said Mike. “You are the best_in the world. I can never know as much as you , but you taught me a lot.” “How can I be a good teacher if the students do not know more than me? I will not succeed until that happens,”_the teacher.Mikes_teacher was a strict(严厉的) man. Every day Mike played the same piece of music,and the teacher said it was not good and he must practise_After two years of hard work, Mike left and felt sad_when he played it in public, everyone said it was perfect, and he found he could play other pieces of music easily.What do you think of these two_?6 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhen7 . AforgotBforgetsCforgetDwas forgetting8 . AinterestBto interestCinterestedDinteresting9 . AYesBNoCOf courseDOK10 . AstudentBdoctorCscientistDteacher11 . AaskedBsaidCcriedDlaughed12 . AMathsBmusicCChineseDPE13 . AmoreBa littleCmanyDa lot of14 . AAndBSoCOrDBut15 . AstudentsBdoctorsCteachersDartistst三、阅读单选In our life, sometimes we feel embarrassed(尴尬). Have you ever had any embarrassing moments like these students?Lin WeiMy shoes were worn out so I went shopping for a new pair last Wednesday. I showed great interest in a pair of black shoes which cost 120 yuan. I bargained(讨价还价) with the shop assistant and finally we reached a deal at the price of 88 yuan. But when I put my hand into the pocketOh, God! Where was my purse?Zhang HuiAfter class, I walked to the playground with my friend. I found everyone pointed to me and said something when I passed by. I thought they might be talking about my nice clothes. However, I heard them laughing. My friend was surprised and looked at my back. What did she find? A tortoise(乌龟) on the paper sticking on my back.Yang LiI went out for dinner with my parents, and started complaining about how terrible and strict my math teacher was. When I turned around, I saw her sitting at the table right behind me.Chen QianLast month there was a talent show in our school. I was in that show. However, I forgot the words of the song while singing! What a bad feeling I had!16 . thought the math teacher was terrible.AZhang HuiBYang LiCChen QianDLin Wei17 . Maybe Lin Wei, so he felt embarrassed at that time.Aleft his purse at homeBforgot the words of the songCcomplained about his teacherDdidnt know how to make a bargain18 . Students laughed at Zhang Hui because on her back there was.Aa pair of black shoesBa purseCa piece of paper with a tortoise on itDa tortoise19 . Chen Qian couldnt remember the whole song, he felt.AhappyBexcitedCinterestedDsorry20 . The best title of this passage is.AHow Hard Our Life IsBHow Embarrassed We AreCTry Not To Be EmbarrassedDNever Forget Things四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。21 . His father is an _(专家).22 . Our parents have more _(经验)than us.23 . In the new _(正常的)situation,every Chinese has to follow the new rules.24 . Ball games are more and more popular among _(青少年).25 . He is a careless boy. He often makes _(错误)in spelling.五、完成句子汉译英。Translation.26 . 这些疲惫的孩子直到晚上9点钟才能回家。The tired children_get home_9:00 p.m.27 . 你曾经去过游乐园吗?_ you ever _to an amusement park?28 . 现在很少有学生能自学英语。Now few students can_English by_.29 . 我们得尽力使他振作起来。We should try to_him_.30 . 为什么不参加英语小组来练习说英语呢?Why dont you join an English club to_English?31 . 大连有多少人口?_32 . 杰克不在家,他在图书馆看书。_33 . 我们的教室一天打扫两次。_34 . 现在很多人喜欢乘坐高铁(high-speed train),因为它更快。_35 . 尽管山很高,但我相信我最终一定能到达山顶。_六、填空The world we live is full of amazing things. Do you know the following things?Chocolate tastes nice but it may make the little dog die.We may sleep for eight hours at a time but a snail (蜗牛) may sleep for three years.Our ears and nose become bigger when we grow up but eyes keep the same after a person is born.Food usually goes bad easily in summer but you dont need to worry about how to keep honey (蜂蜜) because honey doesnt go bad.Most animals will die soon without the head. But a cockroach (蟑螂) can live for nine or ten days without the head.Not all birds can fly. About forty kinds of birds cant fly, like the penguin (企鹅) and the ostrich (鸵鸟).36 . ThingsLittle dogs37 . is bad for them and they cant eat it.A snailIt may sleep for38 . years, but we sleep39 . hours at a time.Our eyesThe size of the eyes doesnt40 . .HoneyIt doesnt go41 . at any time.42 . It can live for nine or ten43 . without the44 . .BirdsMost birds are good at45 . but some cant.七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英文46 . 到我们做出决定的时候了。_.47 . 请提醒我周五开会的事,如果我忘记的话。_.48 . 他向我解释这台机器的作用。_.49 . 我们周围的环境可以改变我们的心情。_.50 . 你必须行动起来,否则你将会落后于他人。_.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、


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