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人教版2020年(春秋版)九年级第一学期学业水平抽测(B卷)英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He didnt work hard. _ he failed the final exam.ASo thatBAfter allCIn a wordDAs a result2 . Tom wants to find a new _.AworkBworksCjobDjobs3 . In my opinion, it would be better to _ oneself than on others.Aput onBdepend onCgo onDget on4 . _ watching a movie in an IMAX cinema costs over 100 yuan, the IMAX cinemas are always full of audience.AAsBWhenCAlthoughDSince5 . I wont be angry _ you fail the exam.AuntilBandCbecauseDeven if6 . -Do you still remember _?- It was a Monday afternoon at the library. Take ni hao out and he was helpless.Awhen we first met TommyBwhat was Tommy likeChow long weve known TommyDwhere did we meet Tommy7 . As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _ in more and more schools out of our countryThats trueAs a Chinese,I feel very proudAhas taughtBis taughtCteaches8 . We went to the train station and saw our friend_.AoutBonCoffDover9 . -_ girl May is! - Yes, she is! She never _ lies.AWhat a honest; tellBWhat an honest; tellsCHow honest; tellDHow an honest; tells10 . Why notan English club to practiceEnglish?Ajoin; to speakBjoin; speakingCjoin in; speakingDjoin in; to speak11 . Its _ that everyone _ the same clothes.Atrue, likesBimpossible, likeCimpossible, likesDright, like12 . Hurry up, Mum. The lights are turned on. Dad has been back.It _ be him. He has gone to Shanghai.AmustBcantCmustntDmay13 . Lucy is _ university student. She likes playing _ piano.Aa; /Ba; theCan; theDan; /14 . Do you speak English _?Yes, I do. I can speak very _ English.Agood;wellBwell; goodCwell;wellDgood;good二、补全对话7选5A: YangYang, you look pale.15 . B: I have a stomachache.A:16 . B: I have been like this for two hours.A: Do you have a fever?B: 17 . Ive just taken my temperature. Its 36.7.A:18 . B:I had some bread and milk for breakfast.A: Youd better go to see a doctor. I will go to the hospital with you.B: 19 . A: Youre welcome.AWhen did you have a stomachache?BThank you so much.CWhats wrong?DYou should have a good rest.E. What did you have for breakfast?F. How long have you been like this?G. No, I dont.三、完型填空完形填空How many _ of Chinese food do you know? Id like _you some specials._ 1 is noodles. There are many kinds of noodles in China, like rolled noodles, pulled noodles, knife-cut noodles and fried noodles. All of them _great.Special 2 is _. Dumplings, yes, I think you must know _. Do you know the famous Kung Fu Panda cartoon movie? There are _kinds of Chinese specials in the movie: noodles and fried dumplings. _we also have another kind of dumplingsboiled(水煮的) dumplings. We often eat boiled dumplings _our Spring Festival. I like Chinese food very much. I hope you _ like it.20 . AkindBkindsCsizeDsizes21 . AtellBtellsCto tellDtelling22 . AFoodBDrinkCFruitDSpecial23 . AisBamCbeDare24 . AeggsBdumplingsChamburgers Dcakes25 . AthemBtheyCitDme26 . AsomeBmanyCtwoDsecond27 . AAsBOr CSoDBut28 . AduringBinConDof29 . AtooBalsoCeitherDvery四、阅读单选Millions of Chinese have been playing a mobile game called Travel Frog recently. You play as the “mother” of a frog who lives alone and enjoys traveling. You need to prepare food and tools for his trips. The frog will send you postcards while he is away.The games popularity may have something to do with how lonely people are these days, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Many players have said that the lonely frog is just like them. But playing with the frog helps them forget their loneliness for a short time.Loneliness seems to be a common problem today. According to the Guardian, about 40 percent of American adults say theyre lonely. And in the UK, about one in five people in the country are “always or often lonely”, The Telegraph reported.This might be why the UK government declared (宣布) the countrys very first “Minister of Loneliness” (孤独大臣) in January. The ministers job is to find ways to help UK citizens feel less lonely. The ministers office will provide more money for activities that connect people together.This loneliness problem may be partly due to social media. When we see pictures of friends having fun or posting selfies (自拍) without us, we may compare their “perfect” lives with our own and feel inferior (较差的) and lonely.But we should remember that no one is destined (注定) to be lonely. As UK poet John Donne once wrote, “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent (陆地), a part of the main.”Tips to get rid of lonelinessSing your favorite songs.Connect with a friend.Do something creative, such as drawing a picture.Imagine some place youd like to visit, like a fun gathering or a sporting event.30 . What do players do while playing Travel Frog?ABuild houses for their frogs.BPrepare food and tools for their frogs trips.CChoose places for their frogs to travel.DWrite postcards to their frogs.31 . To deal with loneliness, the UK government _.Adesigned the game Travel FrogBcreated the “Minister of Loneliness”Cholds parties for people to get togetherDstopped peoples use of social media32 . What can we infer from the last paragraph?AEveryone is connected with others.BWe should not compare ourselves to others.CIts not fun to feel lonely.DNo one should live alone.Making sense of how the US shows humorLiving in a new country gives me many surprises. The first surprise was the way that the US people speakOne day I saw someone was having a public speech in a square. I thought it would be a serious speech. But I soon found it became a kind of entertainment show.The speaker told the audience to protect the environment with humorous words. Later he said some peoples behavior didnt go with their words. He took the example of Taylor Swifts song We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.He said that since Swift doesnt want to be with the boy any more, she doesnt need to speak it aloud, she doesnt need to sing unless she still keeps in touch with that guy. It sounds like she is ahypocrite.Then he sang the song in a funny way. The audience laughed out loudly. I felt a little angry because Swift is my favourite star. I couldnt understand why they laughed at Swift. As time goes on, I find many US people make fun of others. But they dont mean to hurt them. They do that to show closeness and humour. And people who are laughed at seldom get angry. Now I understand the speaker at the square. Now Ive got used to the way the US people speak. Its easy to find culture shock when youre in a new place. But everyone should learn to understand different cultures and customs.33 . The man in the square was _.Ateaching people how to give a speechBcalling on people to protect the environmentCgiving a singing show in publicDcriticizing the US government34 . What does the underlined word “hypocrite” in Paragraph 4 mean?A会唱歌的人B真诚的人C虚伪的人D爱护环境的人35 . From Paragraph 6, we learn that_.Amany US people like to laugh at othersBmany US people are friendly and humorousCthe US people get angry at others easilyDthe writer doesnt like the way the US people speak36 . Which is Not suitable for the passage?AThe writer went to America and protect the environment.BAmericans show humour in a different way from China.CIts easy to find culture shock when you are in a new place.DTailor Swift is an American famous singer.37 . What does the article mainly talk about?ADifferences between the Chinese and the US people.BIn what way the US people speak in public.CHow to get used to life in the US.DA Chinese girls culture shock experience in the US.Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):“Mother, may I go down to the river? It has stopped raining now!”“Very well, Tom,” replied his mother, “only, be careful, and dont stay away long!”So, Tom ran off down the field to the river which flowed past his fathers farm in far north Queensland in Australia. It had been raining for ten days. Sometimes the rain fell fast and hard, then light showers would follow. The ground was all wet.“All hot countries, such as where we live,” Toms father had once told him, “may flood at times. The sun has great power in the tropics to draw up the water from the sea. You know how the vapour rises into the air. The higher the temperature of the air, the greater the amount of moisture(水分) the air can hold. When the air cools, the vapour becomes clouds, or if it is near the earths surface, as mist(薄雾). When the air cools gradually(逐渐地), the rain drops are small and the rain is light. However, when the vapour drops suddenly in temperature, the drops are large and the rain is heavy.”“In some tropical countries, where the sun is always at work on large bodies of water, a very large amount of vapour collects in the air, and it may take days, or even weeks, to form rain drops and fall. It may then rain for days continually. When this happens, after two or three days, the water falls does not have the time to soak(浸泡) through the soil or be carried off in the streams; so it gathers on the surface, and then we have a flood.”When Tom got to the river, where the crossing was, he found the water rising rapidly. He thought about what his father had taught him about the floods, and decided to go back home at once and tell him the news.38 . What did Toms father probably do?AA geography teacher.BA scientist.CA farmer.DA doctor.39 . How long had Tom probably stayed at home?ATen days.BTwo days.CThree days.DSeveral weeks.40 . The air can hold a lot of moisture when _.Athe air cools down suddenlyBthe air cools down graduallyCthe temperature is highDthe temperature is low41 . Which order is RIGHT according to the passage?(1) The water from the sea rises into the air and became vapour.(2) When the air cools down, it begins to rain.(3) The vapour became clouds or mist.(4) Too much water gathers on the surface and becomes flood.A(1)(2)(3)(4)B(2)(1)(3)(4)C(4)(1)(3)(2)D(1)(3)(2)(4)42 . What was the “news” in the last sentence?AMaybe a terrible flood was coming soon.BThey could start to work on the farm immediately.CThe rain had caused a great loss to their farm.DHe had learned how the flood came into being.43 . Tom was a _ boy according to the passage.AhardworkingBgenerousClazyDcleverNowadays, we use digital devices in many ways, such as waking us up in the morning, listening to music, communicating with friends and so on. But studies have found that overuse of electronics can affect our sleep, our study and work.To help people take a break from their always-on lifestyles, America set the National Day of Unplugging in 2010 to encourage people to put away their electronics for 24 hours, which is on the second Friday of March every year.Without any doubt, many people find that the unplugged day seems longer than a typical day. “Without my phone, my breakfast was too short and I did not know what to do next,” one participant of last years unplugging experiment wrote. Another shared his grief at not being able to look at his phone during bus and train rides, calling the day”the longest time of my life”.But others see the experiment as a way to experience what life was like before the rise of electronics. “My friend and I has dinner in the evening, and we both discussed about how much more present we felthow we could hear what each other was saying,” one participant wrote.Although living without electronics seems impossible in todays world, unplugging from time to time allows people to slow down and reflect on life. “At the end of the day, I was missing neither social media nor having a digital connection,” one participant noted. “I note. “I was happy for the opportunity to challenge my unhealthy daily habits, because this gave me the chance to discover a slower, clearer way of life.”44 . Using digital devices too often might .A. help us study betterB. keep us away from musicC. have an effect on our sleep, our study and work45 . The National Day of Unplugging was set to .A. encourage people to get rid of electronicsB. help people take a break from busy workC. to make people away from their electronics for a day46 . The underlined word “grief” means _.A. rudeness B. sadness C. happiness47 . Some participants of the experiment .A. thought that it was impossible for them to slow downB. didnt know what to eat for breakfast without phonesC. enjoyed hearing each other by discussing face to face48 . What is the best title for this passage?A. Get Back to Real Life.B. Unhealthy Daily HabitsC. The Digital Connection五、句型转换句型转换(每题1分,共5分)49 . There was a heavy rain last night.(保持意思基本不变)It _ last night.50 . This bridge is 200 met res wide, and that bridge is 350 metres wide.(同义句)This bridge isnt _as that bridge.51 . Youd better buy a new computer. (改为否定句)Youd better _a new computer.52 . Her brother is very generous and helpful. (对划线部分提问)_ her brother_?53 . We didnt go home. We played football instead. (合并为一句)We played football _ going home.六、单词填空Dear David,At the weekend, I get up late. In the morning, I often listen to music. It makes me feel g54 . . Then I do my homework. In the afternoon, I often play basketball w55 . my friends. My father and I like s56 . . Sometimes, my father and I go s57 . . My father swims very w58 . . My mother e59 . reading. She reads a lot of i60 . books. Reading is f61 . for her. In the evening, we often have dinner at h62 . . After dinner, we often w63 . TV. We have a happy life.Write to me soon!Simon七、回答问题Where is my pen?Tommy is in the classroom, and cannot find his pen- he needs to write down his homework! The teacher helps him to look for(寻找) it.“Whats the matter, Tommy?” says the teacher.“I cant find my pen,” says Tommy.It is Tommys favourite pen. But it is not in Tommys bag. Tommy looks in the computer room, but the pen is not there. He goes to the library. He can look if it is open, but it is closed! Tommys teacher asks if it is in the dining hall, but Tommy doesnt write in the dining hall. He doesnt write in the gym, either. He goes to the science lab, but it is closed too.“Is it in the classroom?” says Tommys teacher.“No, its not there” says Tommy.“Whats that on your desk?” says his teacher.“Its my pen!” says Tommy.64 . What cant Tommy find?_65 . Is it in his bag?_66 . Does Tommy write in the classroom?_67 . Where is Tommys pen?_八、材料作文68 . 塑料袋被称为“白色垃圾”,请根据下表中的提示,用英语写一篇短文,说明塑料袋的危害并提出建议。项目内容塑料袋的危害1刮风时四处飘落,影响环境的美观;2易被野生动物、家畜等误食导致死亡;3混杂在农田里影响农作物生长;4燃烧时污染空气,等等。你的建议1商家应遵守政府的规定有偿提供塑料袋;2我们应(提出至少2条建议)注意:1短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥。2词数为90左右,短文开头已给出,不计人总词数。3参考词汇:塑料袋plastic bags;农作物cropsAs we all know,plastic bags may fly with the wind and make the environment ugly第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、


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