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人教版九年级中考考前预测试题(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _honest the boy was! All the students told a lie_him.AHow; expectBWhat an; exceptCHow; exceptDWhat an; besides2 . I often warn children _ in the deep river.Ato not swimBnot to swimCnot swimmingDnot swam3 . I could hardly find _I knew in the lecture hall.AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDno one4 . Thats anquestion.AinterestingBboringCdifficultDrelaxing5 . Every student takes part in _ activity after school.AaBanCtheD/6 . Jane,please turn off the lights_ you leave the classroom.AafterBbeforeCuntilDbut7 . John, can you _us a story in English?AtellBtalkCsayDspeak8 . Remember this, children. _careful you are, _mistakes you will make. -We know, Mr. Li.AThe more; the moreBThe more; the lessCThe more; the fewer9 . The triptwo hours.AgaveBtookCcostedDspent10 . Chinas 23rd Beidou Satellite _ into space on June 12, 2016.As Chinese, we are proud of it.Ahas sentBis sentCwill sendDwas sent11 . Who runs the of the three?AfastBfasterCfastestDmore fast12 . (2014连云港市) -Yan Jiashuo, a _ girl, has won the prize of International Master of Memory. -Wow, shes great, isnt she?Aten-year-oldBten-years-oldCten year oldDten years old13 . Forty-five percent _ the teachers _ women in our school.Aof; isBof; areC不填; areD不填; is14 . Look, someone left a book.Oh, yeah This book _be Kittys. Only she likes to read this kind of books.AcanBmustCmayDmight二、补全短文5选5If you want to be a volunteer, the following may help you enjoy and get the most out of it.Ask questions. You have to know what volunteer work is right for your skills, your goals (目标), and the time you want to spend. 15 . Make sure you know what they want from you. Before starting, make sure you are comfortable with the group. 16 . Dont be afraid to make a change. Speak up if your experience isnt what you expected. 17 . Enjoy yourself. Most importantly, make sure youre having fun!18 . If youre not enjoying yourself, ask yourself why. Is it the tasks youre doing? The people youre working with? Or are you uncomfortable because the situation is new? 19 . If you can do as the above while volunteering, your life in volunteering will be full and interesting.ATalk to the group about your possible change.BThe best volunteering activities do good to the volunteers.CFinding out whats troubling you can help you decide how to go on with your work.DYou should make sure what they want you to do.EYou also have to know who you will be working with and what to do if you have difficulties.三、完型填空“If you could have any three things, what would you want?” Eleven-year-old Ruby _ asking old people the question. And also, she tries _ best to make their wishes come true.Rubys mother, Amanda, is a nurse and she works at the nursing house. Ruby _ stays there. Last May, Ruby found that a resident named Pearl at the nursing house looked very _.“Why do you look so unhappy?” Ruby asked.“My _ is going to leave with his new owner. I dont know _ I could see him again,” Pearl said.Ruby learnt that the nursing house didnt let residents keep dogs. And Pearl didnt have money to hire(雇佣)anyone to _ her dog. Most residents were as poor as Pearl. Ruby wanted to do _ for them.She started by asking residents what three things they wanted most in the world. At first, Amanda _ that people would ask for cars and other expensive things. _ in fact, they only asked for things like chocolate bars and McDonalds fries.Ruby made the wishes of about 100 people come true in three months. She felt quite happy.20 . ApracticesBlovesCstops21 . AherBhisCits22 . AseldomBoftenCnever23 . AangryBhappyCsad24 . AsonBcatCdog25 . AthatBwhenCwhy26 . Alook afterBlook forCplay with27 . AnothingBanythingCsomething28 . AbelievedBworriedChoped29 . AButBAndCSo四、阅读单选Brandy was an old dog. When her owner died, the dog stayed near the house and waited for her owner to return. Some of the neighbors left food out for Brandy. One day, Brandy walked into the neighbors yard and began playing with the 18-month-old Adam. The young mother didnt like the dirty dog at first. But seeing her son having fun playing with her, she decided to give Brandy a bath and let her stay.One afternoon, the boys mother left Adam in the yard to play while she answered the phone. When she returned, Adam and Brandy were both gone. It was five pm then and it was getting dark. The mother was scared and called the police. They looked for Adam for a long time, but were unsuccessful. When the clock stroke nine, someone said he heard barking coming from the woods. So they all rushed to the woods. Adam was fast asleep against a tree. Brandy was keeping Adam there while one of her own legs dangled over (悬垂) a deep hole.Brandy had followed Adam when he walked away. Seeing him in danger, she held him safely for all those hours. Adams mother was so grateful that Brandy spent the rest of her days with them. In Brandys honor, Adams mother founded Pets Alive, a pet rescue center in New York.30 . When Brandy was waiting for her owner to return, some of the neighbors _.Awanted to kill BrandyBtried to raise BrandyCstayed with BrandyDleft food out for Brandy31 . Why did the mother leave Adam and Brandy in the yard?ABecause she was busy cooking in the kitchen.BBecause she was answering the phone in the house.CBecause she had given Brandy a bath.DBecause she often did that and nothing dangerous had happened.32 . How long did it take the mother to find her son Adam?ATwo hours.BThree hours.CFour hours.DFive hours.33 . We know that Brandy _ from the passage.Amissed her owner a lot after her owner diedBtook the little boy away to the woodsCalmost starved to death before she met AdamDfounded a pet rescue center in New YorkWant to know what we can do to help make our city a better place to live in? Why not take part in Clean and Green Weekend? Join us, and you can make new friends and help protect the environment at the same time.ParkLifeDoyoulikehangingoutintheparkwithyourfriends?Ifso,whynottakethechancetocomewithusandtidyuptheparkasyougo?Toaddsomefun,thereisagiftforthepersonwhocollectsthemostrubbish!MeetusatthesouthentrancetoTaoheParkat9a.m.nextSaturdayifyouwanttojoinin.TheAirYouBreatheAgreatwaytomaketheairwebreathecleanerisbyplantinglotsoftrees!Itisafactthattreesslowlyfilter(过滤) alotofpollutantsfromtheair.SocomeandhelpusplantsomenewonesinFenheParkat2p.m.nextSunday.WaronGraffiti(涂鸦)Somepeoplethinkgraffitiiscool.Well,itisnot!Thebestwaytostopbuildingsfrombecomingtotallycoveredinuglygraffitiistogetridofitassoonaspossible.Andthatisexactlywhatwearegoingtodo.Wearerepaintingtheschoolwallsfrom1p.m.onSaturday.Youdonthavetobringanytools,justremembertowearsomeoldclothes!34 . The main purpose of Clean and Green Weekend is to_.Amake our city more beautifulBoffer the chance to have funChelp students meet old friendsDhave a nice weekend35 . The students who want to join in the rubbish collecting activity must meet_ .Aat 1 p.m. on SaturdayBat 2 p.m. next SundayCat 9 a.m. next SaturdayDat 3 a.m. on Sunday36 . If were going to repaint the schoolwalls, we need to_.Adraw pictures wellBwear some old clothesCbring some tools with usDwear some new clothes37 . According to the passage, we know_ .Agraffiti can make the buildings look coolBthe person who collects rubbish can get a giftCwe can plant trees to improve the environmentDwe can draw pictures on the wall38 . We might read the above passage_ .Ain a fashion magazineBon a school notice boardCin a newspaper advertisementDon a hospital notice board五、完成句子完成句子39 . 我们还堆了雪人并用胡萝卜当它们的鼻子。We also make _ and use carrots_their noses.40 . 到处都是漂亮的冰灯。There are beautiful_ everywhere.41 . 温度通常在零度以下。_is usually_.42 . 打雪仗很激动人心。It is _ to have big snowball_.43 . 我们尖叫着,欢笑着,互相朝对方扔雪球。We_ snowballs at each other,_and laughing.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. AalwaysBexerciseCsoDhelpfulEearlyForI like Saturday and Sunday, because I dont have to go to school. 44 . do my mum and dad. They dont have to go to work. On Saturday and Sunday I dont need to get up 45 . . Then I eat a light breakfast at about 8:30. I46 . finish my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I do some housework, and I also clean my own room and wash my own clothes. I think doing some housework is 47 . . In the evening, my family usually watches TV together and we talk a lot about the TV programmes. On Sunday, my parents and I go to see my grandparents. We go there by bike. Its good48 . . Sometimes we go to the cinema or parties. We have a wonderful time there.七、话题作文49 . 书面表达。(16分)每个人在学习和生活中都会遇到挫折和压力,有的同学能够积极面对,而有的却选择逃避。假如你是阳光俱乐部的一员,请你以“如何面对压力”为题给同学们做一个报告。内容包括:1.不要太严肃(经常跟同学讲讲笑话);1. 说出或写出你的烦恼(可以释放压力);2. 无论你有多忙,都要抽时间运动(散步、慢跑、溜冰、骑车等);3. 至少记住今天所发生的一件愉快的事(与同学或家人分享)4. .要求:1.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内;2.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;3.文中不得使用真实的校名与姓名提示:释放压力release pressure;严肃be serious; 慢跑go joggingDear friends,Its a great honor to speak here. My topic is “How to face the pressure”. _Thats all. Thanks for listening!第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、话题作文1、


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