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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期初考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Can you come to my house on Wednesday afternoon ?._ASure .Id love toBSorry , I dontCSure . I cantDYes, I can not2 . I think The Wandering Earth is _ most popular film in spring in 2019. I quite agree with you. Its really _ exciting one.Aa; theBthe; anCa; aDthe; the3 . There _ a concert this evening.Yeah. Exciting news!Aare going to beBis going to beCis going to haveDwill have4 . If you want to join the art club, you can _ Mr. Zhou after class.Atalk aboutBtell toCtell withDtalk to5 . Nowadays many animals are in danger. Such situation wont be changed_ humans help to protect them.AalthoughBwhenCunlessDsince6 . I hear youve had a few new football players.Yes. But one or two had no strictuntil they joined our club.ApracticeBtrainingCeducationDexercise7 . The pool is to swim in.Adeep enoughBenough deepCenough deeplyDdeeply enough8 . The weather has been dry for a month. Yes. If it still _, the plants will die.Adoesnt rainBrainsCwont rainDis raining9 . -_ the afternoon of March 5th, I saw Amazing China in the cinema. - I did, too. I felt very excited.AOnBInCWithDAt10 . -What do you think of the show? -_.AVery wellBVery muchCThats okDGreat11 . I cant say _ I want to visit my grandma. I havent met her for a long time.Ahow muchBhow farChow longDhow often12 . I dont know _ to learn English well. Can you give me some _?Awhy; adviceBwhy; advicesChow; adviceDhow; advices二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项多余。A: Have you ever heard of e-books?B: Yes, but I know little about it. 13 . A: OK. An e-book has a screen and is smaller than a book.B: 14 . A: You have to download (下载) new books from the Internet. 15 . B: Do you mean that I can get new books any time? 16 . A: No, you can download a certain number of books every time.B:17 . I can carry it everywhere.AWhat is it made of?BThen how does it work?CThats enough.DAnd as many as I like?ECan you tell me more?FPaper books are cheaper.GThen you can read them on the screen.三、补全短文5选5Have you ever thrown an old mobile phone? And do you know that theres a mobile phone throwing competition in Finland every year? 18 . This sport has been around since 2000 though the first national championships took place in Norway in 2004.In order to recycle old mobile phones, the town of Savonlinna in southeast Finland holds a Mobile Phone Throwing Competition every year. 19 . While competitors cannot throw their own phones, the competition organizers provide hundreds of mobiles to choose from. 20 . Last years winner Ere Karjalainen set a world record with his 101.46m throw. As a prize, he got a chance of drinking and practiced again as his preferred training methods.Those without a strong throwing arm can enter the freestyle competition. 21 . A three-person jury (评委) gives scores from one to six, and the thrower with the highest number of points wins.Once all the days phones have been thrown, they are taken to a recycling center. They will not be wasted as rubbish. 22 . Anyone who offers his phone will have a free chance to take part in the competition while those who dont need to pay eleven dollars per person or five dollars for children of 12 and under.阅读短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。A. So the organizers encourage people to give away their phones that cant work at all.B. Then people throw as far as possible from the throwing area.C. During the competition, the style of the throw are judged(判断) rather than the distance. D. It may sound crazy to you, but its actually been developed into a sport.E. And people can have a little fun from the games.A. So the organizers encourage people to give away their phones that cant work at all.B. Then people throw as far as possible from the throwing area.C. During the competition, the style of the throw are judged(判断) rather than the distance. D. It may sound crazy to you, but its actually been developed into a sport.E. And people can have a little fun from the games.四、完型填空完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。When Susan got up this morning, it was a beautiful spring day. She saw _ clouds far away, but she didnt think about them. She _ her dog, Spot, and put him in the car. Then she drove out into the country for a picnic with her dog.An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned_. Susan and Spot were warm from running, so they werent cold. Then when Spot was playing with the ball, Susan saw snow-flakes (雪花)in the sky. She called to Spot, _ the picnic things and got back in the car. As she was driving home, the snow became _. Soon all Susan could see was white all around her. The road became slippery(滑)and she had to drive very _. Then, the car hit ice and it went around in circles. It went down a hill and finally stopped.Susan reached over for Spot. He was shaking, _ he was OK. She got her mobile phone and _ help. At last, the police _ them. Next time Susan will _ the weather report before going on a picnic.23 . Aa littleBa fewClittleDfew24 . AsendsBgetsCsentDgot25 . AwarmBhot CcoldDfoggy26 . Apicked upBpick upCpickedDpick27 . Abigger and bigger Bthinner and thinner Csmaller and smaller Dheavier and heavier28 . AslowlyBeasilyCcarelesslyDhappily29 . AandBorCbutDso30 . Asent forBasked forClooked forDanswered for31 . AsavedBsaveCare savedDwere saved32 . Ahear fromBlistenClisten toDhear五、阅读单选Mr Black and Mrs. Black live at 15King Road. They have two children. One is seven and the other is nine. In the morning Mr Black goes to work and the children go to school. Their father takes them to school everyday by car. Mrs. Black stays at home. She does a lot of housework in the morning. And in the afternoon, sometimes she goes to see her friends, sometimes she goes shopping. They have dinner at a 6:15. After that they play games, or go for a walk, or watch TV.33 . There are _ people in the Black family.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive34 . Mr. Black takes his children to school every_?AafternoonBeveningCdayDweek35 . Mrs. Black sometimes_ in the afternoon.Atakes a walk in the parkBwatches TVCreads a bookDgoes to see her friends36 . How do the children go to school?_Aby carBby busCon footDby bike.37 . What do they often do after dinner?Astay at home.Bgo to schoolCsee their friendsDplay games or watch TV.Lots of kids hate school, a new study found. Usually this kind of feeling doesnt last long. But what happens if you feel this way too much. School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want. So lets talk about school and what to do when you dont likeit.If you dont like school, the first step is to find out why. You might not like school because you dont have enough friends, or maybe you dont get along with your teacher. Sometimes its a big problem with your classes and school-work. You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem like youll never catch up.When you know why you dont like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. Its a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mum, dad, teacher or school counselor(顾问) will be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. Its a great way to let out emotions(情绪). Remember, you dont have to share what youve written with others.38 . Lots of kidsaccording to the writer.Alike school very muchBare good at reading and writingChave the thought of hating school39 . What does the underlined word “it” refer to(指的是) in the first paragraph?AA good education.BSchool.CFuture life.40 . If you dont like school, the first step is to.Afind out whyBgo to see a doctorCask your parents for help41 . How many reasons why you dont like school are given by the writer?ATwo.BThree.CFour.42 . When you start taking steps to make things better, one of the good idea is to.Akeep silent about your problemsBshare what youve written with othersCwrite down your feelings about school六、阅读判断Owls live in almost every country in the world. Most owls dont sleep at night. When they fly, you cant hear them. They are very quiet. Owls are good at hunting(捕猎). They eat a lot of things such as mice, snakes, small birds and even fish. Owls have very good hearing. That helps them to hunt well in dark places. Their eyes are special. Both of their eyes face front. They can see very far away. There are facial disks(面盘) around their eyes. These facial disks can help with their hearing. Owls can turn their heads 270. That helps them see whats going on all around them. Maybe because owls look a little different and have special life habits. There are a lot of stories about them. Some cultures believe that owls are very clever and some cultures think owls may bring bad luck to people. In fact, owls are really good friends of people. They eat lots of mice every year. That helps save a lot of food for people. But the number of owls in the world is becoming smaller and smaller because of peoples activities. Now owls are protected by law(法律) in many places of the world. For example, in some places, people cant keep an owl as a pet at home.根据短文内容,判断正(T)、误(F)。43 . Owls can fly quietly.44 . Good hearing helps owls hunt well in dark places.45 . Facial disks help owls see whats going on all around them.46 . All the people around the world like owls.47 . In fact, owls are peoples good friends.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空词汇48 . The general manager always thinks twice before _ to the customers(回复)A49 . Mary is a polite girl. She will say hello to me whenever she _(经过).50 . Mother gives _ to youAWhat do you usually do on your birthday(出生)?51 . I dont like the colour of these toy carsADo you have any _ ones(其它的)?52 . Do you know any _ names in Chinese history(英雄)?53 . Yesterday her brother had his _birthday at home(twenty)A54 . You can try these kinds of _food. They are great(France).55 . They didnt stop talking _ until the teacher came inA(noise)56 . The singers in the CCTV talent show Sing My Song have _ to write songsA(able)57 . Im busy. I have much homework to do. Have you had yours _? (do)八、完成句子. 完成句子58 . 请脱下你的外套。Please _ your coat.59 . 我爸爸过去常常在早上散步。My father _ have a walk in the morning.60 . 我昨晚直到12点才入睡。I didnt _ until 12oclock last night.61 . 汤姆已经独自离开了。Tom has _ off _ his _.九、单词填空流浪地球是中国第一部科幻大片,也是春节期间最受欢迎的电影之一。该电影由郭帆导演,吴京主演,如果你想去看电影,这部科幻大片是不错的选择。Do you like watching movies? If you are interested 62 . movies, I think The Wandering Earth is the best choice. Its a very successful Chinese science fiction movie and is also one of the most 63 . movies during the Spring Festival. The movie is directed by Guo Fan. Wu Jing is the main 64 . and he acts as a great Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang. In the movie, people tried their best to 65 . the earth, or all the people on the earth would die. They finally came 66 . with a good idea. But at last, Liu Peiqiang died because he wanted more people to live. What a touching movie! 十、回答问题Im Carol. There is a park near my home. I often go to the park with my family. Usually, we play ball games, fly kites and do many other interesting things. There is a clean lake in the park. We went there last week and had a good time. This morning we went there again with my grandparents. My father taught me how to swim in the lake. My grandparents went boating in the lake. They had so much fun. After swimming, I went to take a shower. It was relaxing. My mother was a little surprised, because I didnt like taking a shower at home!We played in the park for three hours, and then we went to a restaurant for lunch. It was a great day!67 . Is the park far away from Carols home? _68 . Where did Carol go this morning? _69 . How many people went there with Carol? _70 . Who taught Carol to swim in the lake? _71 . What did Carol think of the day?_十一、材料作文72 . 书面表达与人交往中,做一个善于倾听的人,有利于建立良好的人际关系,请你根据以下所给内容要点,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener”的英文短文。内容要点:1善于倾听表示对人尊重,利于建立良好的关系;2父母与子女之间要善于倾听,利于彼此信任;3师生之间相要善于倾听,利于增强了解,改善关系;4朋友之间相互要善于倾听,增进友谊,互帮互助;5要求:1. 文中必须包括所给内容要点,可展开思路,适当发挥;2. 文中不能出现真实的校名、人名和其他真实信息;3. 词数不少于80个。Being a Good Listener第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、材料作文1、


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